dandellion datatable dialect not working with thymeleaf3 - datatable

i am using dandelion datatable 1.0.1 with spring5 and thymeleaf 3 but unable to add dandelion datatable dialect as it useselementmatchprocssor class which is avaiable in thymelaf 2.1.6 not in 3 and thymeleaf2.1.6 doesn nto work with spring 5 how to resolve this issue


Upgrading to Springboot 3: 'org.springframework.hateoas.server.LinkRelationProvider' that could not be found

I am upgrading my springboot app from 2.7.x to 3.0.0, I have made required changes for jakartaEE. When starting my app I am getting the below error
1 of method collectionModelContentConverter in
required a bean of type
'org.springframework.hateoas.server.LinkRelationProvider' that could
not be found.\r\n\r\n\r\nAction:\r\n\r\nConsider defining a bean of
type 'org.springframework.hateoas.server.LinkRelationProvider' in your
I am using hateos lib for representation in my app, Also I am using springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui for swagger UI.
When I disable configuration for api-docs springdoc.api-docs.enabled=false the above error go away but my swagger page is also gone, which definitely means this is not the solution.
Could someone please guide me why this bean is not getting found with springboot 3 while it was all working before with springboot2.7.x and java-11.
here is my pom.xml https://gist.github.com/bruce2019/c93a16dc20f7edb7d922b1e284f39d15
Thanks in advance
You can use springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui with 2.0.2 version
Add "/v3/api-docs/**" to mvcMatchers in WebSecurityCustomizer

Thymeleaf don't expand data-<name> attribute on body tag

I have to downgraded a project with Spring Boot + Thymeleaf to make it work on Tomcat 7 for reasons of the production environment.
I have a Thymelead template where I collect some variables on HTML body tag:
<body th:title="${key}" th:data-key="${key}" th:data-rol="${rol}" th:data-iden="${iden}">
The title attribute was introduced to see that the variable 'key' is collected.
In the original project with Thymeleaf 3.0 (running on Tomcat 8.5) all the variables was collected but with the downgrade to Thymeleaf 2.1.6 only the attribute title is initialized.
Is there any possibility to make the template works with this approach?
I doubt there is a way to turn on that functionality in Thymeleaf 2, that being said the alternative syntax would be this (should work in all versions):
<body th:title="${key}" th:attr="data-key=${key},data-rol=${rol},data-iden=${iden}">

Using Vaadin Error View instead of Spring Boot's Whitelabel error page

I'm using Spring Boot with Vaadin and. By using the #Autowired SpringNavigator, I have also set the error view:
But when I type wrong URL like http://localhost:8080/asdf .
I always get the Spring Boot's Whitelabel error page. I know that I can set custom HTML page for the error like
but this is HTML way, I would like to use Vaadin with components,
the best solution would be the mentioned error view.

ActionMessages error header and footer equivalent in Spring4

I am working on Struts 1.1 to Spring 4 mvc migration project. In struts code action errors are getting displayed in JSP using the action messages are getting from applicationresources.properties file. This property file has errors.header and errors.footer which will be added for every error message. What is the equivalent solution in spring mvc to add header and footer for errors.

Named object resource include not found - Omnifaces + JSF 2.2.12

I have an issue with my JSF page since I've installed Mojorra version 2.2.12 (from 2.2.8): it throws an exception when the page is loaded. The exception is: Named object: org.omnifaces.component.output.ResourceInclude not found.
I have the exact same issue with the Mojorra version 2.2.11. I don't have any problem with the version 2.2.8, 2.2.9, and 2.2.10.
Environment: Tomcat 8 + omnifaces 1.11 + jsf 2.2.12 + richfaces 4.5.4.final.
My JSF page includes a JSP fragment through the o:resourceInclude tag (it's not a design choice but rather a technical constraint I have to bear with).
Did I miss something in the configuration of omnifaces so the resourceInclude faces component can be found?
The following problems arise when I switch to JSF 2.2.12:
The named object resourceInclude cannot be found
The omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter converter cannot be found
When a binding attribute refers to a java bean with a view scope, the said java bean cannot been found
I have removed omnifaces from the WEB-INF/lib directory, but I still have the issue #3
