Filterable: true is not available in angular version of Kendo UI Pivot Grid - kendo-ui

I'm trying to add filters to the pivot grid as below. Please help me to implement filter option as below by using Kendo UI Angular.
This is the code I'm using for pivot grid and don't know where to add the property to enable the filter.
<kendo-pivotgrid [kendoPivotLocalBinding]="timingTableData" [dimensions]="dimensions" [measures]="measures"
[rowAxes]="rows" [columnAxes]="columns" [measureAxes]="defaultMeasureAxes">
enter image description here
I'm trying to add filters for kendo UI pivot grid in angular 14.

You will need to define the filter property and provide a FilterDescriptor for the filtering to work. For more details you can refer to our documentation:
Setting the filter property to true isn't a valid option in the case of the PivotGrid, but other components like the Grid will work.


Radzen DataGrid Custom Filtering

I am moving to Blazor and attempting to work out how to use custom filtering in Radzen's DataGrid. Here is an example of what I am looking to do (from the old app I need to migrate):
As you can see, there is a filtering section above the grid. Of course I know that Radzen has built-in filtering in the grid itself, but that doesn't help when the filter you want to apply is to a column that is not visible on the grid..
So basically: how do you filter on columns that are not in the grid? I am using OData.. if there is a way I can modify the OData filter when the search button is clicked and reload the grid, that would be helpful.
Sorry if I misunderstood you. As you said, when search button clicked you can load data from the DB by using oData filter and reload the Radzen data grid.
then just call StateHasChanged();
I worked out a solution. You can see it here:
Basically I copied their code from /Radzen.Blazor/QueryableExtension.cs and modified the ToODataFilterString() method to use a collection of FilterDescriptor instead of RadzenGridColumn<T>.. As the name implies, it returns an OData query string.. which I use to filter the grid's data. A working example, with full source code can be found here:

Add Searchable dropdown in jqgrid for inline edit and add features?

I am new to JQgrid and want to implement a searchable dropdown in jqgrid column. I have used simple dropdown but cannot find any help for searchable dropdown.
Please Use this Example...
Here is an Auto Populated List with Grid...
get your code from Here...

In Kendo Ui how to reflect the changes occurred in grid view on to the chart ?

I have a grid view, when i change some nodes or label or parameter it should be reflected in chart. How to make this possible in Kendo UI using mvvm ?
This should be done automatically if you are using a Shared dataSource like shown here.

in kendo grid column how to use autocomplete

In a Kendo grid, how to bound the column with auto complete option in MVC web application. Want to display grid product name in autocomplete option. In that option need to bound Product item code and Product Item Name. Have any custom editor in a Kendo grid?
You can find one way on how to do it at How to have an autocomplete field inside kendoUI grid using mvc wrapper. Basically you will have to create EditorTemplate and reference it from grid.
Hope this helps.

DropDownList in custom Grid popup editor - filter datasource

I'm using a custom popup editor in a detail grid (several fields are using data attribute initialization).
One of the fields is a Kendo DropDownList, but I need the options in the list to be filtered based on the value of one of the fields in the currently expanded master row.
I've managed a buggy workaround by setting a global variable when a master row is expanded and then filtering the dropdownlist's datasource using a function call on the open event.
I'm sure there must be a better way to do this. Is it possible to specify a datasource filter using data attribute initialization -- I can't see anything in the docs for this.
Missed the obvious...
I just needed to filter the datasource for the drop down list in the grid's edit event.
