Xamarin Forms Hot Reload is Not Functioning - visual-studio

I have searched multiple times about this issue and saw thousands of posts here but unfortunately I am still have trouble with the Xamarin Forms Hot Reload while using it on VS.
Any help please??
I have tried every solution but with no success and here are my selections as in the image attached. I have tried also both Changes only & Full Page options but nothing is working. Additionally, I have rebuild my solution many times and my emulator but nothing is functioning. Here are my Hot-reload options.

First of all, update all of your nuget package project to the latest, then close your VS, then delete the 'bin' and 'obj' folders, rebuild and run your project, if it worked as normal.


Xamarin.Forms (VS): Properties from XAML shown as missing. Builds successful

Just about a few hours ago I got here:
InitializeComponent(); and label_link both are properties that either come from XAML behind or init this.
Intellisense shows them as non existing.
Builds however are successful. This issue just appeared out of the blue.
I tried:
Restarting VS
Restarting MAC
cleared BIN and OBJ folder
Cleaned and rebuilded
Unloaded and reloaded everything
deleted .VS (hidden folder)
Other solutions are working fine, it is only this specific problem.
However, this exists in every class of my project now.
Since this is VS for MAC there is no way to reinstall this.
Can anyone help me out here?
So after trying out everything over and over again,
i retraced my steps to what I did prior which was installing
mobile.buildtools and try and set up the sercrets.json file. I removed both cleaned and resetted everything again and finally intellisense was working again and there are no more red lines underneath my code.

Intellisense and Xamarin.Forms problems

I have a problem on a Xamarin.Forms solution on Visual Studio 2019 (and 2017):
I seem to have lost any Intellisense on the solution. If I try to navigate to an object, i get the message "cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret", even for something declared in the same project. I don't have any colors, nr autocompletion.
I've tried to clean, delete obj and bin folder, rebuild, remove .vs folder, reset user data, reinstall VS.... no change...
BUT, If I remove the package Xamarin.Forms, it fixes it ! The problem is that if I reinstall it and restart VS, it comes back...
For information, the solution build and works without any problem.
That solution didn't have any problem previously, it appeared lately, and I can't figure out what caused it.
The version of Forms used is, but I tried to update without succes.
I don't know what to do anymore...
Edit : I'm adding 2 captures on the same code, one with Forms added as a nuget package, and one without.
The various objects are all declared in the same project, same namespace as AffaireSync.
Without Forms, they are recognised (and DependencyService isn't, but that's normal as it's in Forms).
And With Forms, everything is white, nothing is recognise, nothing is colored, nothing is underlined red...
Without Android Forms
With Android Forms
Ok, I deleted tried a few revert on my solution sources and it didn't fix my problem.
So I deleted my local solutions, checked it out again, and it's all fixed... I can't figured out what happen, but it works, so I'm not touching anything...

Xamarin displaying wrong images

I have a xamarin forms project that started behaving strangely... It started randomly replacing images with different images from the resource folder. It seems to only be happening in the Android project, iOS is behaving correctly. I've removed the recently added images and readded them, clean, rebuild, nothing sees to be helping. The images that are getting changed are not being overwritten, and the code references the correct file.
Has anyone run into a similar issue before? Thoughts on how to possibly fix this?
It is a common behaviour, What I usually do is:
Restart Xamarin Studio
Go to your project Android location and Delete the bin/Obj folders.
Do a full clean, rebuild of your project
Delete the Android app from the device
This is the my day to day script. Hope it helps!

XCode 4.5.2: Cannot run on the selected destination - Facebook SDK

Cannot run on the selected destination
The selected destination does not support the architecture for which the selected software is built. Switch to a destination that supports that architecture in order to run the selected software.
I am using the Facebook-iOS-SDK from GitHub: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk
tested latest commit (2a030e795aed343e7614e149a5ebdfa78b223a72) and sdk-version-3.0.8 tag, both having the same problem. Tested the Hackbook, Scrumptious, FriendPickerSample on both iDevices and iSimulator.
It was working before (on older version of XCode), so it could be the xcode upgrade, but my other projects work fine. I've tried multiple solutions on this site which works for others but not on mine, does anyone encounter this before with Facebook-SDK specifically? Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I have found the issue, if you install the FacebookSDK and you add the resources folder to get the facebook image buttons there is a Info.plist file. XCodes goes weird with this info.plist file. I have deleted it, made a clean and now it works perfect :)
The same behavior here. On another projects it runs perfectly but in this one I have always the same problem. After some XCode restarts sometimes it runs ok, sometimes I "click" on run and then nothings happens, sometimes it runs...
The best option is to move the project to other path. Adding and removing the libsql3.0 from lib dependencies sometimes works too.
Sadly, it seems like this is a bug on XCode, it will build and run fine for once every couple of restarts and with the entire project directory moved to other path. This is very sad because apple always make good products for consumer but all their developer software are crappy compared to big M's
I ran into this problem. It seemed to start right after XCode hung and I had to force quit. This was a day before the 4.6 update. I hoped that that update might fix the problem. And I did get one successful build before I started getting that message (actually in 4.6 there are two different but similar messages that seem to alternate.
I solve the problem by letting XCode update the project settings. I first noticed this possibility when I made a duplicate copy of my project and open that, but it is clear that this option is also available in the original. Here is what I did
In the Issues Navigator just under my project "MyProject project" I had a message MyProject.xcode
Validate Project Settings
Update to recommended settings.
I click on that and I was presented with a dialog box with 4 checkboxes some explanatory text and the option to perform changes. I just let Xcode make those changes and everything has been fine since.
Remove info.plist from Facebook Resources folder. Changed the location of XCode project and Reset the iPhone simulator...now it is working :) Buggy XCode !!

How do you change the PROJECT_LOC in Zend Studio

Issue : I setup Zend Studio before I installed Zend server and start a important project. Now the PROJECT_LOC for this one project is in C:\Users\Username\Zend\workspaces\proejctname\projectname.
So it's not the end of the world, BUT it is slowing down progress when I have to move the files to the htdocs to test.
I searched online with no luck no how to change it.
If I right click on the project and go to proprieties, then click Resources/linked Resources, I can see it. But if I highlight it the edit button is not clickable. I search for a config file, but was unable to locate the value for PROJECT_LOC.
I have searched all the config files and the internet to no avail. Can I setup another project and import these files thus doing what I need without finding out how to change PROJECT_LOC.
Thanks for any help guys!
I've had the same problem with Zend, several times in fact. I could never figure out how to fix it so I wood have to completely delete the project and re-add it. This would sometimes fix the issue and sometimes not so I just assumed it was an error in the install or on my computer.
