First excerpt of every next roll cycle file is being read as part of previous cycle - chronicle

This is related to the previous question I have posted. I think that while it is related, it might be different enough to warrant its own question.
The code used is:
public static void main(String[] args){
ChronicleQueue QUEUE = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder.single("./chronicle/roll")
ExcerptTailer TAILER = QUEUE.createTailer();
ArrayList<Long> seqNums = new ArrayList<>();
//this reads all roll cycles starting from first and carries on to next rollcycle.
//busy spinner that spins non-stop trying to read from queue
int currentCycle = TAILER.cycle();
//if it moves over to new cycle, start over the sequencing (fresh start for next day)
int cycleCheck = TAILER.cycle();
long indexCheck = TAILER.index();
System.out.println("idx: "+indexCheck);
if (currentCycle != cycleCheck){
LOGGER.warn("Changing to new roll cycle, from: "+currentCycle+" to: "+cycleCheck+". Clearing list of size "+seqNums.size());
seqNums.clear(); // this may cause a memory issue see:
currentCycle = cycleCheck;
cycleCheck = TAILER.cycle();
indexCheck = TAILER.index();
System.out.println("cycle: "+cycleCheck);
System.out.println("idx: "+indexCheck);
//TODO:2nd option, on starting the chronicle runner, always move to end, and wait for next day's cycle to start
if (TAILER.readDocument(w ->"packet").marshallable(
m -> {
long seqNum ="seqNum").readLong();
int size = seqNums.size();
if (size > 0){
int idx;
if ((idx = seqNums.indexOf(seqNum)) >= 0){
LOGGER.warn("Duplicate seqNum: "+seqNum+" at idx: "+idx);
long previous = seqNums.get(size-1);
long gap = seqNum - previous;
if (Math.abs(gap) > 1L){
LOGGER.error("sequence gap at seqNum: "+previous+" and "+seqNum+"! Gap of "+gap);
))){ ; }else { TAILER.close(); break; }
//breaks out from spinner if nothing to be read.
//a named tailer could be used to pick up from where is left off.
At this point, I have 2 roll cycle files, one ends in a sequence Number of 1001, then the next file starts with seqNum of 0. Using the while loop, it would read both files, but there is an if statement to check that the cycle has changed or not and reset accordingly.
The output is as follows:
The output when .moveToCycle() is commented:
As you can see, the first index of the next file is read as part of previous file, but when I use the TAILER.moveToCycle(currentCycle) it moves to start of the next file again, but it has a different index this time. If you comment this line of code out, it will not re-read the entry with seqNum of 0.

Alright, I tested the following and it works just fine. How it works is that it reads the value (I am assuming the internal workings would only shift the index and cycle after it reads an incoming value), then tests for cycle change (from testing before reading to testing after reading). This is probably how one should iterate over multiple roll cycle files, while keeping track of when it roll overs.
Also, note that previously it prints cycle and index before printing the object, now it prints object before printing cycle and index, so its likely that you may misread it and assume it doesn't work if you try to test the following code.
public static void main(String[] args){
ChronicleQueue QUEUE = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder.single("./chronicle/roll")
ExcerptTailer TAILER = QUEUE.createTailer();
ArrayList<Long> seqNums = new ArrayList<>();
//this reads all roll cycles starting from first and carries on to next roll cycle.
//busy spinner that spins non-stop trying to read from queue
int currentCycle = TAILER.cycle();
AtomicLong seqNum = new AtomicLong();
if (TAILER.readDocument(w ->"packet").marshallable(
m -> {
long val ="seqNum").readLong();
//if it moves over to new cycle, start over the sequencing (fresh start for next day)
int cycleCheck = TAILER.cycle();
long indexCheck = TAILER.index();
System.out.println("cycle: "+cycleCheck);
System.out.println("idx: "+indexCheck);
if (currentCycle != cycleCheck){
LOGGER.warn("Changing to new roll cycle, from: "+currentCycle+" to: "+cycleCheck+". Clearing list of size "+seqNums.size());
seqNums.clear(); // this may cause a memory issue see:
currentCycle = cycleCheck;
int size = seqNums.size();
long val = seqNum.get();
if (size > 0){
int idx;
if ((idx = seqNums.indexOf(seqNum)) >= 0){
LOGGER.warn("Duplicate seqNum: "+seqNum+" at idx: "+idx);
long previous = seqNums.get(size-1);
long gap = val - previous;
if (Math.abs(gap) > 1L){
LOGGER.error("sequence gap at seqNum: "+previous+" and "+seqNum+"! Gap of "+gap);
} else { TAILER.close(); break; }
//breaks out from spinner if nothing to be read.
//a named tailer could be used to pick up from where is left off.


kotlin, how dynamically change the for loop pace

sometime based on some condition it may want to jump (or move forward) a few steps inside the for loop,
how to do it is kolin?
a simplified use case:
val datArray = arrayOf(1, 2, 3......)
* start from the index to process some data, return how many data has been
fun processData_1(startIndex: Int) : Int {
// process dataArray starting from the index of startIndex
// return the data it has processed
fun processData_2(startIndex: Int) : Int {
// process dataArray starting from the index of startIndex
// return the data it has processed
in Java it could be:
for (int i=0; i<datArray.lenght-1; i++) {
int processed = processData_1(i);
i += processed; // jump a few steps for those have been processed, then start 2nd process
if (i<datArray.lenght-1) {
processed = processData_2(i);
i += processed;
How to do it in kotlin?
for(i in array.indices){
val processed = processData(i);
// todo
With while:
var i = 0
while (i < datArray.length - 1) {
var processed = processData_1(i)
i += processed // jump a few steps for those have been processed, then start 2nd process
if (i < datArray.length - 1) {
processed = processData_2(i)
i += processed
You can do that with continue as stated in the Kotlin docs here:
val names = arrayOf("james", "john", "jim", "jacob", "johan")
for (name in names) {
if(name.length <= 4) continue
This would only print names longer than 4 characters (as it skips names with a length of 4 and below)
Edit: this only skips one iteration at a time. So if you want to skip multiple, you could store the process state somewhere else and check the status for each iteration.

sum and max values in a single iteration

I have a List of a custom CallRecord objects
public class CallRecord {
private String callId;
private String aNum;
private String bNum;
private int seqNum;
private byte causeForOutput;
private int duration;
private RecordType recordType;
There are two logical conditions and the output of each is:
Highest seqNum, sum(duration)
Highest seqNum, sum(duration), highest causeForOutput
As per my understanding, Stream.max(), Collectors.summarizingInt() and so on will either require several iterations for the above result. I also came across a thread suggesting custom collector but I am unsure.
Below is the simple, pre-Java 8 code that is serving the purpose:
if (...) {
for (CallRecord currentRecord : completeCallRecords) {
highestSeqNum = currentRecord.getSeqNum() > highestSeqNum ? currentRecord.getSeqNum() : highestSeqNum;
sumOfDuration += currentRecord.getDuration();
} else {
byte highestCauseForOutput = 0;
for (CallRecord currentRecord : completeCallRecords) {
highestSeqNum = currentRecord.getSeqNum() > highestSeqNum ? currentRecord.getSeqNum() : highestSeqNum;
sumOfDuration += currentRecord.getDuration();
highestCauseForOutput = currentRecord.getCauseForOutput() > highestCauseForOutput ? currentRecord.getCauseForOutput() : highestCauseForOutput;
Your desire to do everything in a single iteration is irrational. You should strive for simplicity first, performance if necessary, but insisting on a single iteration is neither.
The performance depends on too many factors to make a prediction in advance. The process of iterating (over a plain collection) itself is not necessarily an expensive operation and may even benefit from a simpler loop body in a way that makes multiple traversals with a straight-forward operation more efficient than a single traversal trying to do everything at once. The only way to find out, is to measure using the actual operations.
Converting the operation to Stream operations may simplify the code, if you use it straight-forwardly, i.e.
int highestSeqNum=;
int sumOfDuration=;
if(!condition) {
byte highestCauseForOutput = (byte);
If you still feel uncomfortable with the fact that there are multiple iterations, you could try to write a custom collector performing all operations at once, but the result will not be better than your loop, neither in terms of readability nor efficiency.
Still, I’d prefer avoiding code duplication over trying to do everything in one loop, i.e.
for(CallRecord currentRecord : completeCallRecords) {
int nextSeqNum = currentRecord.getSeqNum();
highestSeqNum = nextSeqNum > highestSeqNum ? nextSeqNum : highestSeqNum;
sumOfDuration += currentRecord.getDuration();
if(!condition) {
byte highestCauseForOutput = 0;
for(CallRecord currentRecord : completeCallRecords) {
byte next = currentRecord.getCauseForOutput();
highestCauseForOutput = next > highestCauseForOutput? next: highestCauseForOutput;
With Java-8 you can resolved it with a Collector with no redudant iteration.
Normally, we can use the factory methods from Collectors, but in your case you need to implement a custom Collector, that reduces a Stream<CallRecord> to an instance of SummarizingCallRecord which cotains the attributes you require.
Mutable accumulation/result type:
class SummarizingCallRecord {
private int highestSeqNum = 0;
private int sumDuration = 0;
// getters/setters ...
Custom collector:
BiConsumer<SummarizingCallRecord, CallRecord> myAccumulator = (a, callRecord) -> {
a.setHighestSeqNum(Math.max(a.getHighestSeqNum(), callRecord.getSeqNum()));
a.setSumDuration(a.getSumDuration() + callRecord.getDuration());
BinaryOperator<SummarizingCallRecord> myCombiner = (a1, a2) -> {
a1.setHighestSeqNum(Math.max(a1.getHighestSeqNum(), a2.getHighestSeqNum()));
a1.setSumDuration(a1.getSumDuration() + a2.getSumDuration());
return a1;
Collector<CallRecord, SummarizingCallRecord, SummarizingCallRecord> myCollector =
() -> new SummarizinCallRecord(),
Execution example:
List<CallRecord> callRecords = new ArrayList<>();
callRecords.add(new CallRecord(1, 100));
callRecords.add(new CallRecord(5, 50));
callRecords.add(new CallRecord(3, 1000));
SummarizingCallRecord summarizingCallRecord =
// Result:
// summarizingCallRecord.highestSeqNum = 5
// summarizingCallRecord.sumDuration = 1150
You don't need and should not implement the logic by Stream API because the tradition for-loop is simple enough and the Java 8 Stream API can't make it simpler:
int highestSeqNum = 0;
long sumOfDuration = 0;
byte highestCauseForOutput = 0; // just get it even if it may not be used. there is no performance hurt.
for(CallRecord currentRecord : completeCallRecords) {
highestSeqNum = Math.max(highestSeqNum, currentRecord.getSeqNum());
sumOfDuration += currentRecord.getDuration();
highestCauseForOutput = Math.max(highestCauseForOutput, currentRecord.getCauseForOutput());
// Do something with or without highestCauseForOutput.

How to read last message in Chronicle long rolled over

I want to read the last message written to a SingleChronicleQueue instance.
While "chronicle.createTailer().direction(TailerDirection.BACKWARD).toEnd()" works while we are on the same cycle as the last written message, as soon as we are in one of the future cycles (compared to the last written message), tailer.readDocument(...) always returns "false".
I have implemented a test to reproduce the issue based on the SingleChronicleQueueTest.testForwardFollowedBackBackwardTailer test:
public void testForwardFollowedBackBackwardTailer() {
File tmpDir = getTmpDir();
// when "forwardToFuture" flag is set, go one day to the future
AtomicBoolean forwardToFuture = new AtomicBoolean(false);
TimeProvider timeProvider = () -> forwardToFuture.get()
? System.currentTimeMillis() + Duration.ofDays(1).toMillis()
: System.currentTimeMillis();
try (RollingChronicleQueue chronicle = SingleChronicleQueueBuilder.binary(tmpDir)
.build()) {
ExcerptAppender appender = chronicle.acquireAppender();
int entries = chronicle.rollCycle().defaultIndexSpacing() + 2;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
int finalI = i;
appender.writeDocument(w -> w.writeEventName("hello").text("world" + finalI));
// go to the future (and to the next roll cycle)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
readForward(chronicle, entries);
readBackward(chronicle, entries);
After these changes to the "testForwardFollowedBackBackwardTailer" method,
the test fails at assertTrue(documentContext.isPresent()) line in the "readBackward" method.
Is there any way to reliably read the last message from SingleChronicleQueue instance, no matter how far in the past the last message is? (without reading through the whole chronicle instance from the start)
Which version are you using as this should work. If you have the latest version, it is a bug.
Can you submit a pull request with this unit test?

How do I shuffle nodes in a linked list?

I just started a project for my Java2 class and I've come to a complete stop. I just can't get
my head around this method. Especially when the assignment does NOT let us use any other DATA STRUCTURE or shuffle methods from java at all.
So I have a Deck.class in which I've already created a linked list containing 52 nodes that hold 52 cards.
public class Deck {
private Node theDeck;
private int numCards;
public Deck ()
while(numCards < 52)
theDeck = new Node (new Card(numCards), theDeck);
public void shuffleDeck()
int rNum;
int count = 0;
Node current = theDeck;
Card tCard;
int range = 0;
while(count != 51)
// Store whatever is inside the current node in a temp variable
tCard = current.getItem();
// Generate a random number between 0 -51
rNum = (int)(Math.random()* 51);
// Send current on a loop a random amount of times
for (int i=0; i < rNum; i ++)
current = current.getNext(); ******<-- (Btw this is the line I'm getting my error, i sort of know why but idk how to stop it.)
// So wherever current landed get that item stored in that node and store it in the first on
// Now make use of the temp variable at the beginning and store it where current landed
// Send current back to the beginning of the deck
current = theDeck;
// I've created a counter for another loop i want to do
// Send current a "count" amount of times for a loop so that it doesn't shuffle the cards that have been already shuffled.
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
current = current.getNext(); ****<-- Not to sure about this last loop because if i don't shuffle the cards that i've already shuffled it will not count as a legitimate shuffle? i think? ****Also this is where i sometimes get a nullpointerexception****
Now I get different kinds of errors
When I call on this method:
it will sometimes shuffle just 2 cards but at times it will shuffle 3 - 5 cards then give me a NullPointerException.
I've pointed out where it gives me this error with asterisks in my code above
at one point I got it to shuffle 13 cards but then everytime it did that it didn't quite shuffle them the right way. one card kept always repeating.
at another point I got all 52 cards to go through the while loop but again it repeated one card various times.
So I really need some input in what I'm doing wrong. Towards the end of my code I think my logic is completely wrong but I can't seem to figure out a way around it.
Seems pretty long-winded.
I'd go with something like the following:
public void shuffleDeck() {
for(int i=0; i<52; i++) {
int card = (int) (Math.random() * (52-i));
So each card just gets moved to the back of the deck in a random order.
If you are authorized to use a secondary data structure, one way is simply to compute a random number within the number of remaining cards, select that card, move it to the end of the secondary structure until empty, then replace your list with the secondary list.
My implementation shuffles a linked list using a divide-and-conquer algorithm
public class LinkedListShuffle
public static DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> Shuffle<T>(DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> firstNode) where T : IComparable<T>
if (firstNode == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (firstNode.Next == null)
return firstNode;
var middle = GetMiddle(firstNode);
var rightNode = middle.Next;
middle.Next = null;
var mergedResult = ShuffledMerge(Shuffle(firstNode), Shuffle(rightNode));
return mergedResult;
private static DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> ShuffledMerge<T>(DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> leftNode, DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> rightNode) where T : IComparable<T>
var dummyHead = new DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T>();
DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> curNode = dummyHead;
var rnd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
while (leftNode != null || rightNode != null)
var rndRes = rnd.Next(0, 2);
if (rndRes == 0)
if (leftNode != null)
curNode.Next = leftNode;
leftNode = leftNode.Next;
curNode.Next = rightNode;
rightNode = rightNode.Next;
if (rightNode != null)
curNode.Next = rightNode;
rightNode = rightNode.Next;
curNode.Next = leftNode;
leftNode = leftNode.Next;
curNode = curNode.Next;
return dummyHead.Next;
private static DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> GetMiddle<T>(DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> firstNode) where T : IComparable<T>
if (firstNode.Next == null)
return firstNode;
DataStructures.Linear.LinkedListNode<T> fast, slow;
fast = slow = firstNode;
while (fast.Next != null && fast.Next.Next != null)
slow = slow.Next;
fast = fast.Next.Next;
return slow;
Just came across this and decided to post a more concise solution which allows you to specify how much shuffling you want to do.
For the purposes of the answer, you have a linked list containing PlayingCard objects;
LinkedList<PlayingCard> deck = new LinkedList<PlayingCard>();
And to shuffle them use something like this;
public void shuffle(Integer swaps) {
for (int i=0; i < swaps; i++) {
deck.add(deck.remove((int)(Math.random() * deck.size())));
The more swaps you do, the more randomised the list will be.

Creating a unique filename from a list of alphanumeric strings

I apologize for creating a similar thread to many that are out there now, but I mainly wanted to also get some insight on some methods.
I have a list of Strings (could be just 1 or over a 1000)
Format = XXX-XXXXX-XX where each one is alphanumeric
I am trying to generate a unique string (currently 18 in length but probably could be longer ensuring not to maximize file length or path length) that I could reproduce if I have that same list. Order doesn't matter; although I may be interested if its easier to restrict the order as well.
My current Java code is follows (which failed today, hence why I am here):
public String createOutputFileName(ArrayList alInput, EnumFPFunction efpf, boolean pHeaders) {
/* create file name based on input list */
String sFileName = "";
long partNum = 0;
for (String sGPN : alInput) {
sGPN = sGPN.replaceAll("-", ""); //remove dashes
partNum += Long.parseLong(sGPN, 36); //(base 36)
sFileName = Long.toString(partNum);
if (sFileName.length() > 19) {
sFileName.substring(0, 18); //Max length of 19
return alInput;
So obviously just adding them did not work out so well I found out (also think I should take last 18 digits and not first 18)
Are there any good methods out there (possibly CRC related) that would work?
To assist with my key creation:
The first 3 characters are almost always numeric and would probably have many duplicate (out of 100, there may only be 10 different starting numbers)
These characters are not allowed - I,O
There will never be a character then a number in the last two alphachar subset.
I would use the system time. Here's how you might do it in Java:
public String createOutputFileName() {
long mills = System.currentTimeMillis();
long nanos = System.nanoTime();
return mills + " " + nanos;
If you want to add some information about the items and their part numbers, you can, of course!
======== EDIT: "What do I mean by batch object" =========
class Batch {
ArrayList<Item> itemsToProcess;
String inputFilename; // input to external process
boolean processingFinished;
public Batch(ArrayList<Item> itemsToProcess) {
this.itemsToProcess = itemsToProcess;
inputFilename = null;
processingFinished = false;
public void processWithExternal() {
if(inputFilename != null || processingFinished) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot initiate process more than once!");
String base = System.currentTimeMillis() + " " + System.nanoTime();
this.inputFilename = base + "_input";
// however you build your process, do it here
Process p = new ProcessBuilder("myProcess","myargs", inputFilename);
processingFinished = true;
private void writeItemsToFile() {
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(inputFilename)));
int flushcount = 0;
for(Item item : itemsToProcess) {
String output = item.getFileRepresentation();
if(++flushcount % 10 == 0) out.flush();
In addition to GlowCoder's response, I have thought of another "decent one" that would work.
Instead of just adding the list in base 36, I would do two separate things to the same list.
In this case, since there is no way for negative or decimal numbers, adding every number and multiplying every number separately and concatenating these base36 number strings isn't a bad way either.
In my case, I would take the last nine digits of the added number and last nine of the multiplied number. This would eliminate my previous errors and make it quite robust. It obviously is still possible for errors once overflow starts occurring, but could also work in this case. Extending the allowable string length would make it more robust as well.
Sample code:
public String createOutputFileName(ArrayList alInput, EnumFPFunction efpf, boolean pHeaders) {
/* create file name based on input list */
String sFileName1 = "";
String sFileName2 = "";
long partNum1 = 0; // Starting point for addition
long partNum2 = 1; // Starting point for multiplication
for (String sGPN : alInput) {
//remove dashes
sGPN = sGPN.replaceAll("-", "");
partNum1 += Long.parseLong(sGPN, 36); //(base 36)
partNum2 *= Long.parseLong(sGPN, 36); //(base 36)
// Initial strings
sFileName1 = "000000000" + Long.toString(partNum1, 36); // base 36
sFileName2 = "000000000" + Long.toString(partNum2, 36); // base 36
// Cropped strings
sFileName1 = sFileName1.substring(sFileName1.length()-9, sFileName1.length());
sFileName2 = sFileName2.substring(sFileName2.length()-9, sFileName2.length());
return sFileName1 + sFileName2;
