Using Tailwind Elements on Laravel 9 - laravel

I built a website using Laravel 9 and Tailwind CSS. Right now I want to use the Tailwind Elements library and have followed the instructions on the website, but I'm confused about which file to import tw-elements from.
Source (step 4)
How to install Tailwind Elements in Laravel 9 (specifically the file where to import tw-elements)?


Laravel 7 amd Babel

I am using laravel 7. How can I use Babel with mix.combine ?
I can find something in the docs but only mentions vue and react automatically using Babel?
I am used tot Gulp and not Webpack. With Gulp I just use it for converting es6 to es5.
Laravel mix is a wrapper around webpack, so using gulp isn't configureable
Seeing as your setup isn't doing much, I would swap to using webpack

Can I use Laravel Mix on a project that already uses Gulp?

Bit of a "first steps" question this one.
I am working on a project that uses gulp, and have found a nice vue component that I would like to incorporate.
I have been recommended to use Laravel mix, but will installing mix mess up the current installation ?
Is there a good way to use vue with gulp ? is doing this "safer" than running gulp and laravel mix ?

Use Config.json to customize Bootstrap 4 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Customizing Bootstrap 4 css
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Does anyone know about an alpha/beta bootstrap 4 custom generator, same that is available for bootstrap 3 at Customize and download? still unavailable
As discussed here on Stack Overflow, there will not be a customizer for Bootstrap 4. This means that you'll have to build the Sass files manually. This can be achieved with the sass npm package, for example.
I've also created a tool that handles compiling the Sass and vendor prefixing, which I've been using to compile Bootstrap. This is a simple setup to get started with:
npm i bootstrap#4 sass-plus -D
Create a file called app.scss and import Bootstrap in there:
#import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
Compile it:
npx sass-plus -i app.scss -o compiled.css
You should now find all of the Bootstrap-classes in compiled.css. You can make changes to the app.scss file and recompile and the changes will be reflected in the CSS, that can be referenced normally in HTML.
By importing Bootstrap components individually and changing Bootstrap's variables you can change the look of your site and the size of the compiled CSS.
All Bootstrap components imported individually
sass-plus docs
Great question! Bootstrap 3 had a customize page as you noted.
You could use this build tool: I'm not sure if it is the replacement for the BS3 customize page or something new. It looks like a nice editor.
Or you could build a custom version of Bootstrap 4 with SASS.
This link provides more information about making a theme:
It doesn't look like the Bootstrap team are going to offer a customizer like in v3.
As mentioned in other answers, exists and has a very nice UI and gives access to most of the variables and options. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to being updated as quick as the Bootstrap team are releasing updates. is another option but doesn't give any indication as to which v4 version is being used. It has only limited access to variables and options. provides full access to all variables and options and is kept up-to-date with v4 releases. It's not as nice a UI as but works.
(Disclosure: I created

Laravel 5.6 - Vue.js installing third party UI Kit and fonts

I am trying to install Now-UI-Kit in Laravel 5.6 with vue.js implementation but not having any success.
URL to Now-UI-Kit:
I was able to install the plain UI Kit by following some very simple steps documented here:
UI Kit Here:
Laravel Steps:
But I couldn't do similar steps for the now-ui-kit.
Both UI KIt and Now-UI-KIt are installed with NPM in node_modules.
Can someone please guide?
Alright - turned out to be a simple task. Put all the css files in a sub directory under your assets folder and point to them in app.scss. laravel-mix will take care of them automatically.

How to add Foundation framework to Laravel 5.5

How can I add lattest Zurb Foundation framework to Laravel 5.5? I want to change default Bootstrap framework to Foundation.
This is how I add the lattest Zurb Foundation framework to Laravel 5.5.
Hope it will help somebody.
Open package.json and remove bootstrap entry and then install lattest foundation-site version using npm:
npm install foundation-sites#latest --save-dev
Then go to resources/assets/sass/app.scss
You can import settings here if you have your own, if not you just need to import foundation.scss with default foundation settings:
#import "~foundation-sites/scss/foundation.scss";
#include foundation-everything(true);
Next step you need to go to node_modules/foundation-sites/sass/foundation.scss and do that steps:
Uncomment there a default settings import block which can be found at row number 18 or 20.
Then swap that settings import block with util import block placed right below the first one, because settings.scss needs util therefore it should be placed before.
Then go to node_modules/foundation-sites/sass/settings/_settings.scss, find there a default util import block at row number 63 and comment it. You do this because util imported before, so you aint need to duplicate that import.
Then go to resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js and change
You don't need to change anything in webpack.mix.js
