Upload multiple laravel web files in hostinger - laravel

I have created a sub-directory and i uploaded new files public_html files and then its' showing 500 and some times access denied
Need to upload multiple laravel file in one shared hosting


How to access public_html in live server?

I store all the images in laravel public/settings folder while uploading images in local.
I have now uploaded my project in live where all the public folder files are moved into the public_html.
Because of this i am facing a problem because i don't know to access the public_html in the cpanel
Store your images in storage or resources directory.
Where it's easy to access.
Try to change the directory and store them into resources/images. Your problem will be gone,

how to upload laravel project to subdomain with database

I try to upload laravel project on subdomain, upload whole folder on subdomain and move public folder to main directory and change in index file but show directory of laravel folder.

Storing images in storage folder of laravel, and fetching it by a http request is not working

I have deployed laravel application in heroku. I am storing images in storage folder of laravel and trying to fetch it by defining a route. It was working well on local, but when i trying to do the same on server, then its not showing the images. I thought that storage folder is inside the laravel, so it should work fine, but its not working.
Can i store images in public folder by creating a named folder "gallery" inside that and put that gallery folder in gitignore. so will the gitignore folder be vanished when i will push the laravel project again?
Other options are using another file system. Most of them are paid, so i was thinking to save the images in database, is that the good idea or i should move to files only.
First of all, the storage directory should have right permission.
You should create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public.
Create the symbolic link:
php artisan storage:link
You cannot save images in database, only their names or links etc. I implemented the same thing you did by naming the files to their path and storing that to the database and then using it to fetch the data from folder on sever

Limit user on ftp

I got this 1tera web host but I only use 10mb.
I'm planning to rent out a folder on my public_html to others where they can use FTP to upload their web files. The problem is I don't know how to limit them from accessing my own public html.
When you create a FTP account using Cpanel, you can create a folder inside public_html and this FTP account will be able to access this folder only, no other folder inside public_html. You can set a folder outside public_html too

Laravel 5.1 upload on host

I have used the Laravel 5.1 php framework to build a web application on my local XAMPP server.
Which files or folders should be uploaded on my shared host server?
Should the .env file at root be uploaded?
In this case, if sensitive information such as database connection passwords are in this file, is there a security risk?
All project files should be uploaded under project root \var\www\project (project = all laravel project folder and files and \var\www\project\public is where your domain pointing.
Storage should have write permission.
.env will be under project root and it is not available for public access.
.env won't be accessible for public, if it is then you have a configuration problem with you web server.
Move All the files on xyz(your folder name for which domain/subdomain is mapped) folder
Then follow these steps
Go to public folder
Copy .htacsses file
Paste it in xyz folder
Change server.php to index.php
Enjoy and happy coding
This is working fine with hostgator.in shared hosting.
