Bot Framework Composer - Orchestrator - Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘modelFolder’) - botframework

I'm trying to make Orchestrator work inside Bot Framework Composer. I'm able to install the Orchestrator extension from packages. When I try to run the bot from inside the composer, I'm getting a self signed certificate in certificate chain error.
However, when I run the bot as a solution from Visual Studio it runs well and the bot starts well in Emulator. When I try to trigger an intent that is using Orchestrator, I'm getting the below error.
Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘modelFolder’)
Are we supposed to manually download the NLP model that orchestrator uses and place it somewhere ? I'm facing similar issue when I deploy this to Azure. Am stuck at this for a while now. Any help is deeply appreciated.
I've tried a similar setup on my personal machine and don't see the certificate error. The error seems to be because of Firewall/VPN issues at work. Locally, the model gets downloaded to AppData under Users folder and the model path is pointed to that location. Local execution works. I've copied the model data to the project folder and provided a relative path to publish on Azure. While even this setup works locally, however when I publish to Azure I receive failed to load or find model error. Below is a screenshot of the same from Test Web Chat
The catch is that the model exists at the exact place being pointed out by the bot. However, its not able to locate it. I've seen couple of Github issues discussing about the x64 and x86 bit app service regarding Orchestrator. I've deployed this to a x64 App Service with 3.5 GB memory.


Getting error while publishing UWP-Xamarin based app on Windows Store

When I try to pubish my UWP Xamarin.Forms based application than it works fine on local machine but when I try to publish it on Microsoft store it gives me below error.
You must upload at least one package. If you are using market groups, then each market group must have at least one package.
I try with bundle package(.appxbundle) and also try with (.appx) file but in both time it gives me same error that I mentioned above.
I also try to pubish directly from the visual studio 2017 but when I check browser after update it shows me same error.
I also mention screenshot for better understanding.
Can anyone have idea about this? Please guide.

AADSTS50059 error in Visual Studio

For some time, I get an error when I try to log into my Microsoft account from Visual Studio for my Azure subscription.
My Microsoft account is associated to : (obviously), Office 365, Azure and a Windows Developer.
I ignored this message until now, because I could connect to my database, my websites functioning, etc.
But now I need to publish an application in the Windows Store. When I try to generate my Windows app packages, I found the same error:
We could not refresh the credentials for the account
AADSTS50059: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
Trace ID: eaf34263-377e-41d3-8f72-177827315914
Correlation ID: 15bbcfe8-8bc9-4a83-aa02-288a54e50dd5
Timestamp: 2016-09-19 11:27:20Z
I have already try to clean up cookies, temporary files, another Windows developer account, ...
I have try to download Azure AD Application Proxy Connector.
I had this same problem again on Visual Studio 2017 (15.1).
Solution found:
You have to go to REGEDIT.
Navigate to "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSCommon\ConnectedUser"
And empty all the values, except EnableAzureRMIdentity (change to true if isn't) :
To :
It seems that you’re trying to sign in through a Microsoft account and not a domain that is part of the organization ID of the directory you are trying to access.
So please make sure that the admin is part of the same domain name as the tenant domain.
For example, if your Azure AD domain is, the admin should be
You could refer to Troubleshoot Application Proxy.
Moreover, this thread might be helpful to you. Please also try the answer provided by Rich.
I followed some of the advice for this error, including modifying my registry key, however the error changed. And it seems that the #Andrés Talavera is also using a sovereign cloud like I am.
I deleted my Environment Picker JSON file and that is when I got this error when I restart Visual Studio.
After deleting the JSON file, located here: %localappdata%\.IdentityService\AadConfigurations\AadProvider.Configuration.json, I restarted VS17 and I got this error. The JSON file seemed to reappear after the restart. The next time, after I deleted the Registry Key, and removed the JSON file again, SSO worked great.
Note: It seems to be associated to the Environment Picker and pointing to the Sovereign cloud AAD.

Visual Studio Team Services Azure Deployment task fails to deploy web app

We recently stood up a new Azure account and are in the process of developing a new application to be deployed to it as a web app. While we are able to deploy to our staging slot from Visual Studio 2015, when attempting to deploy an automated build from Visual Studio Team Services (hosted by Microsoft) we are getting the following error:
Get-AzureWebSite -Name $APPLICATION -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable azureWebSiteError -Slot staging
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Websites.GetAzureWebsiteCommand.Do(Action call) in d:\workspace\powershell-publish\src\ServiceManagement\Services\Commands\Websites\GetAzureWebSite.cs:line 138
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.AzureSMCmdlet.ProcessRecord() in d:\workspace\powershell-publish\src\ServiceManagement\Common\Commands.ServiceManagement.Common\AzureSMCmdlet.cs:line 174
New-AzureWebSite -Name $APPLICATION -Location North Central US -Slot staging
Conflict: Website with given name $APPLICATION already exists.
Publish-AzureWebsiteProject -Name "$APPLICATION" -Package "C:\a\1\a\$" -Slot "staging" -ErrorVariable publishAzureWebsiteError
The website $APPLICATION was not found. Please specify a valid website name.
Cannot get website, deployment status is not updated
This is a fairly significant issue since it is preventing us from using continuous deployment at this time. Are there any work around or configuration settings that we should look at to fix this?
There is a known issue that causes publishing from VSTS to fail if the Web App has VS 2015 Debugging enabled. Can you check whether it is the case for you, and try again after turning off debugging in the Azure portal?
That issue will be fixed soon, so treat this as a temporary workaround.
This was eventually traced back to two problems.
The first problem was that we needed to load up a different management certificate since the one we were using was defaulting to a different account. This goes back to the issue of having one account associated with more than one subscription. At the time of this writing, there doesn't appear to be a way of specifying which subscription to download.
The second problem appears to have been associated with the known bug mentioned by David Ebbo in their answer.
A couple things you can try:
Since you mentioned you have 2 subscriptions, make sure that script you have above is running against the correct subscription, if it's not, it would give the exact error you're seeing. Put a:
Get-AzureSubscription -Current
command at the top of your script and see if that's what you'd expect.
VSTS has a build task for deploying to a web app, can you deploy the package using that task?

How To Move Sharepoint App From Development Site To Production Site

I have created a SharePoint app in SharePoint online in visual studio. This consists of a client web part and a web app hosted in Azure. I have set up a development site and successfully managed to get the app to run. it's just basic at this point because I am more interested in determining how to get it into sharepoint.
But now I am trying to get that app into another site I am having major hurdles. Here are the steps I have taken.
I have deployed the web project. I am assuming this is successful since it shows the changes I make in the development site. I can't imagine that any settings need to be changed for deployment to another site since this deploys to the web app in Azure (I think)?
So the next step I do is Package the App to send to sharepoint online. The potential problems here are that I use the same ClientID and Client Secret I used for my development site. From what I have read this should be handled in the packaging process and no changes need to be made as I try to push the app into the new site. So I am assuming the clientID is not site specific?
So once I have that as a .app file I go to the newly created AppCatalog Site and upload the file.
Once uploaded I can see it in the product ID list as below.
Then I go to our test site and try to pull the app. As you can see it has a message under the app 'You can't add this app here'.
When I click on 'find out why' I get the below message.
I have been unable to find an answer on the web that explains what to do. It's very frustrating and have spent about 8 hours trying to figure this out. I'm sure it's some setting somewhere that needs changing, but don't know what that setting is. Can anyone help?
I am going to go ahead an answer this to save some poor soul in the future. The problem was with the App Manifest file. I had the Permissions => Scope set to Site Collection. This needs to be changed to 'Web'.

Error: Registration of the app failed

While trying to deploy an app from Visual Studio, I'm getting an error. I have already set developer mode and also deleted the app package from the packages folder, but it still won't work.
Here's the error message:
Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. Deployment Register
operation with target volume C: on Package
App_1.0.0.2_x64__m0fsgersa29a0 from: (AppxManifest.xml) failed with
error 0x80070002. See
for help diagnosing app deployment issues. (0x80073cf9)
Do I need to set anything else?
I got this when attempting to debug a project from a shared folder.
Opening the project from a local folder first resolved the issue.
I know there is already an accepted answer, but I had a totally different problem with the same excact error message. When th app was running I took a look in the SQLite database with a program that I didn't close when I uninstalled the app and re-run it from Visual Studio. I think that Visual Studio couldn't overwrite the database as I was 'using' it.
Closed the program and voila the app run smoothly.
Hope this helpes anybody else as I was stuck for precious hours!
In Windows 10 there are two possible cause of this problem are as follows,
Previously installed app is locked and preventing VS to delete while deploying the application. Goto C:\Users\{you user}\AppData\Local\Packages and delete the folder of your application. Now rebuild and deploy your application.(this was the solution in Windows 8 devices as well)
If it is still not working, double check if you have removed the below entry from appxmanifest file. If you are targeting Desktop Name="Windows.Desktop" entry should be there in the file. If it is Phone, Name="Windows.Mobile" should be there in the TargetDeviceFamily. You can have both in the configuration but sometimes Microsoft will suggest to keep separate configuration when you submit the application for STARTS testing.
< Dependencies>
< TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="" MaxVersionTested="" />
< /Dependencies>
Hope this help in figuring out the reason and solution for "Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed" error.
Don’t worry, the solution is actually very simple.
Error: DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. An internal error occurred.
So you’ve started your Windows 8 app development journey. All things are going smooth until one day you hit this error when trying to run/debug your app. The error says “Error: DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. An internal error occurred with error 0x80073D05. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues. (0x80073cf6)”
This is a very cryptic error and does not give you any info about what the problem actually is. The problem is that Visual Studio is not able to delete the application data in your local packages folder.
Don’t worry, the solution is actually very simple. On your Windows 8 machine, go to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Packages\ folder. There you will find a folder that has your application’s Package Family Name in it – you just need to delete that folder. The issue is that while your app is in development, it might have a random GUID as its Package Family Name, so the folder will also have that random GUID as its name which makes it hard to know which folder belongs to your app. Again, that is easy to find as well. Right click your project in Visual Studio and click properties. The value you see in the “Package Family Name” field is the name you should look for in the folder. Simply delete it and build your solution again and it will run like a charm.
Read more details at
For me this was caused by being signed in with my Microsoft account in windows instead of the local user account. Logging in as a local user fixed this.
DEP0700: Registration of the app failed
For me the error DEP0700: Registration of the app failed, was raised because my Store App was installed from the actual Microsoft Store. I had to uninstall it and then I could debug my app smoothly.
I got this when I tried to run the project from a ReFS filesystem. Running from NTFS worked. My error code was 0x80073cfd.
I stumbled over the same issue today and after a few hours I found out, that the problem was because I moved the AppIcon files into a subfolder and forgot to adjust the references inside my package.appxmanifest. Unfortunatly the corresponding error message didn't point into this direction and all the above mentioned solutions didn't help for me, so hopefully this helps someone else!
In my case, I was opening one of the App files (Log Files). When deploying, Visual Studio attempts to remove all the files and packages (if uninstall is on in the properties). It was unable to remove the Log file as it was opened. When I closed all files, and tried again, it worked.
I ran into this error when testing some code in domain-bound and non-domain-bound scenarios (which requires me to have a domain account and a non-domain account on the same machine).
I found that I had to uninstall the application from the account I originally deployed it from before I could deploy it again on the other account.
My problem is that there is another Microsoft account in my computer that installed the app from Microsoft Store.
Nothing from the provided solution helped.
The only thing that solved my problem is to delete that account that I installed the app there.
SQLlite database might be opened. Just close the sqllite and try to deploy again.
