Finite automata
Is this correct or not ?
I am trying to write an algorithm for presenting the below mathematical expression in a binary tree in order to present the post fixed and prefixed expression.
I know the precedence levels of common used operators, and i know how to deal with normal mathematical expressions, but i am not familiar with the use of inequalities like < >= , add for that the use of AND.
any help will be appreciated
Operator precedence usually goes
arithmetic > equality > logical
so the < and >= would evaluate before the AND.
Treat them like normal arithmetic operators when building the parse tree but give equality operators lower precendence than arithmetic, and logical lower than that.
for example check the java operator precendence
I'm writing a boolean Reverse Polish Notation parser and evaluator. When I want to evaluate a double-negation, like !!A, the corresponding RPN is !A!, according to the shunting-yard algorithm. However, when I try to run the evaluation algorithm from Wikipedia it fails, as, when the first ! is found, there is no value to apply the operator to, as expected.
However, if I write the expression as !(!A), it translates to A!! in RPN, which is what I would need.
Is it a problem with conversion to RPN, or a evaluation one? I could always fix it by enforcing parentheses with each negation, but that doesn't seem like an elegant solution...
According to Wikipedia the shunting-yard algorithm is used to parse mathematical expressions. But is there any reason it could not be used with a mix of logical and arithmetic expressions, as well as comparisons?
As an example, could one use it to parse this:
a+b<17 && a+b>3 || a==b
As far as I can see, you could just define logical operators to have the lowest precedence, followed by comparison operators, and then have the usual arithmetic operators with increasing precedence. Or am I missing something?
I want to use universal quantifier in the body of a predicate rule, i.e., something like
A(x,y) <- ∀B(x,a), C(y,a).
It means that only if for each a from C(y, a), B(x,a) always has x to match (x,a), then A(x,y) is true.
Since in Datalog, every variable bounded in rule body is existential quantifier by default, the a would be an existential quantifier too. What should I do to express universal quantifier in the body of a predicate rule?
Thank you.
P.S. The Datalog engine I am using is logicblox.
The basic idea is to use the logical axiom
∀x φ(x) ⇔ ¬∃x ¬φ(x)
to put your rules in a form where only existential quantifiers are required (along with negation). Intuitively, this usually means computing the complement of your answer first, and then computing its complement to produce the final answer.
For example, suppose you are given a graph G(V,E) and you want to find the vertices which are adjacent to all others in the graph. If universal quantification were allowed in a Datalog rule body, you might write something like
Q(x) <- ∀y E(x,y).
To write this without the universal quantifier, you first compute the vertices which are not adjacent to all others
NQ(x) <- V(x), V(y), !E(x,y).
then return its complement as the answer
Q(x) <- V(x), !NQ(x).
The same kind of trick can be used in SQL, which also lacks universal quantifiers.
I have to write a program that tests whether two algebraic expressions are equivalent. It should follow MDAS precedence and parenthesis grouping. To solve the problem about precedence, I'm thinking I should implement a Infix to Postfix Notation converter for these expressions. But by doing this, I could not conclude their equivalence.
The program should look like this:
User Input: a*(a+b) = a*a + a*b
Output : Equivalent
For this problem I'm not allowed to use Computer Algebraic Systems or any external libraries. Please don't post the actual code if you have one, I just need an idea to work this problem out.
If you are not allowed to evaluate the expressions, you will have to parse them out into expression trees.
After that, I would get rid of all parenthesis by multiplying/dividing all members so a(b - c) becomes a*b - a*c.
Then convert all expressions back to strings, making sure you have all members alphabetically sorted (a*b, not b*a) ,remove all spaces and compare strings.
That's an idea:
You need to implement building expression tree first because it's a very natural representation of expression.
Then maybe you'll need to simplify it by open brackets and etc. using associative or distributive algebraic properties.
Then you'll have to compare trees. It's not obvious because you need to take care of all branch permutations in commutative operations and etc. E.g. you can sort them (I mean branches) and then compare for equality. Also you need to keep in mind possible renaming of parameters, i.e. a + b need to be equal x + y.