Spring cloud load-balancer drops instances after cache refresh - caching

I have a need to save Spring Cloud Gateway routes within a database and to do this we send a web request using the WebClient to another microservice.
I'm using Eureka for service discovery and want the WebClient to use discovery instance names instead of explicit URLs and I've therefore utilised the #LoadBalanced annotation on the bean method:
public WebClient loadBalancedWebClientBuilder(WebClient.Builder builder) {
return builder
WebClient.Builder builder() {
return WebClient.builder();
private ExchangeStrategies exchangeStrategies() {
return ExchangeStrategies.builder()
.codecs(clientCodecConfigurer -> {
This all works on start-up and for the default 35s cache time - i.e. the webClient discovers the required 'saveToDatabase' service instance and sends the request.
On each eventPublisher.publishEvent(new RefreshRoutesEvent(this)) a call is made to the same downstream microservice (via the WebClient) to retrieve all saved routes.
Again this works initially, but after the default 35seconds the load balancer cache seems to be cleared and the downstream service id can no longer be found:
WARN o.s.c.l.core.RoundRobinLoadBalancer - No servers available for service: QUERY-SERVICE
I have confirmed it is the cache refresh purging the cache and not re-acquiring the instances by setting
name: my-gateway
enabled: true
ttl: 240s
refetch-instances: true
enabled: false
I've struggled with this for days now and cannot find/ see where or why the cache is not being updated, only purged. Adding specific #LoadBalancerClient() configuration as below makes no difference.
public ServiceInstanceListSupplier instanceSupplier(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {
return ServiceInstanceListSupplier.builder()
Clearly this must work for other people, so what am I missing?!


How to disable interceptor call for Actuators in Springboot application

I am trying to implement Prometheus in my microservices based spring boot application, deployed over weblogic server. As part of POC,I have included the configs as part of one war. To enable it, i have set below config -
enabled: true
include: "*"
Gradle -
implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus'
But the actuator request is getting blocked by existing interceptors. It asks to pass values in headers specific to our project. Through postman(http:localhost:8080/abc/actuator/prometheus), I am able to test my POC(with required headers) and it returns time-series data expected by Prometheus. But Prometheus is not able to scrap data on its own(with pull approach), as the call lacks headers in request.
I tried following links (link1,link2) to bypass it, but my request still got intercepted by existing interceptor.
Interceptors blocking the request are part of dependent jars.
Edited --
I have used following way to exclude all calls to interceptor -
public class MyConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer{
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry){
registry.addInterceptor(new MyCustomInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("**/actuator/**");
public class MyCustomInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor{
I have not implemented anything custom in MyCustomInterceptor(as i only want to exclude all calls to 'actuator' endpoint from other interceptors).
public class ActuatorConfig extends WebMvcEndpointManagementContextConfiguration {
public WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping webEndpointServletHandlerMapping(WebAnnotationEndpointDiscoverer endpointDiscoverer,
EndpointMediaTypes endpointMediaTypes,
CorsEndpointProperties corsProperties,
WebEndpointProperties webEndpointProperties) {
WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping mapping = super.webEndpointServletHandlerMapping(
return mapping;
Maybe you can override with setting null. I got code from https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/11234
AFAIK Spring HandlerInterceptor do not intercept actuator's endpoints by default.
Spring Boot can't intercept actuator access

Enable Health Checks in Spring Cloud Load balancer will not work when using Custom Config

Discover Client Properties
API App Properties
My Client Load Balancer Configuration Looks like this
public class LoadBalancerConfiguration {
public ServiceInstanceListSupplier instanceSupplier(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {
return ServiceInstanceListSupplier.builder()
This is my Configuration class
#LoadBalancerClients(defaultConfiguration = LoadBalancerConfiguration.class)
public class WebClientConfiguration {
public WebClient.Builder builder() {
return WebClient.builder();
WebClient webClient(WebClient.Builder builder) {
return builder.build();
When I start My Load balancer Client, the rest call fails with the below Error
2021-10-12 11:50:48.962 WARN 21664 --- [ Timer-0] o.s.c.l.core.RoundRobinLoadBalancer : No servers available for service: service-api
2021-10-12 11:50:48.962 WARN 21664 --- [ Timer-0] eactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction : LoadBalancer does not contain an instance for the service service-api
2021-10-12 11:50:48.963 ERROR 21664 --- [ Timer-0] reactor.core.publisher.Operators : Operator called default onErrorDropped
I alternatively tried by enabling health check by using only using only below
spring.cloud.loadbalancer.configurations=health-check and it results in Same Error
This happens only when the health check is enabled an it works fine .withHealthChecks() Uncommented
There is no #Configuration Annotation on the custom config class and I have started the registry server, api server and load balancing client in the right order as well
Can someone please let me know what the problem is?

Eureka server and UnknownHostException

I have installed an Eureka server and have registered a service called pricing-service.
The Eureka dashboard shows
UP pricing-service:4ac78ca47bdbebb5fec98345c6232af0
under status.
Now I have a completely separate Spring boot web service which calls (through a WebClient instance) the pricing-service as http://pricing-service but I get "reactor.core.Exceptions$ReactiveException: java.net.UnknownHostException: No such host is known (pricing-service)"
So the Controller can't find the pricing-service by hostname.Further, how is the controller aware of the Eureka server in order to get to pricing-service? Shouldn't there be a reference to it in the application.properties of the web service? I couldn't find anything around the web.
WebClient doesn't know anything about Eureka out of the box. You need to use #LoadBalancerClient and #LoadBalanced to wire it up through the load balancer. See the docs here:
Now I have a completely separate Spring boot web service which calls (through a WebClient instance) the pricing-service as http://pricing-service
This separate service (the WebClient Service) of yours must also register itself with Eureka Server.
By default, webclient is not aware of having to use load-balancer to make calls to other eureka instances.
Here is one of the ways to enable such a WebClient bean:
public class MyBeanConfig {
WebClient webClient(LoadBalancerClient lbClient) {
return WebClient.builder()
.filter(new LoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction(lbClient))
Then, you can use this webClient bean to make calls as:
public class YourClient {
WebClient webClient;
public Mono<ResponseDto> makeCall() {
return webClient
// <-- change your body and subscribe to result
Note: Initializing a Bean of WebClient can be explored further here.
I had the issue that WebClient was not working with #LoadBalanced for me when I created a bean that returned WebClient. You have to create a bean for WebClient.Builder instead of just WebClient, otherwise the #LoadBalanced annotation is not working properly.
public class WebClientConfig {
public WebClient.Builder loadBalancedWebClientBuilder() {
return WebClient.builder();

Session not replicated on session creation with Spring Boot, Session, and Redis

I'm attempting to implement a microservices architecture using Spring Cloud's Zuul, Eureka, and my own services. I have multiple services that have UIs and services and each can authenticate users using x509 security. Now I'm trying to place Zuul in front of those services. Since Zuul can't forward client certs to the backend, I thought the next best thing would be to authenticate the user at the front door in Zuul, then use Spring Session to replicate their authenticated state across the backend services. I have followed the tutorial here from Dave Syer and it almost works, but not on the first request. Here is my basic setup:
Zuul Proxy in it's own application set to route to the backend services. Has Spring security enabled to do x509 auth. Successfully auths users. Also has Spring Session with #EnableRedisHttpSession
Backend service also has spring security enabled. I have tried both enabling/disabling x509 here but always requiring the user to be authenticated for specific endpoints. Also uses Spring Session and #EnableRedisHttpSession.
If you clear all the sessions and start fresh and try to hit the proxy, then it sends the request to the backend using the zuul server's certificate. The backend service then looks up the user based on that user cert and thinks the user is the server, not the user that was authenticated in the Zuul proxy. If you just refresh the page, then you suddenly become the correct user on the back end (the user authenticated in the Zuul proxy). The way I'm checking is to print out the Principal user in the backend controller. So on first request, I see the server user, and on second request, I see the real user. If I disable x509 on the back end, on the first request, I get a 403, then on refresh, it lets me in.
It seems like the session isn't replicated to the backend fast enough so when the user is authenticated in the frontend, it hasn't made it to the backend by the time Zuul forwards the request.
Is there a way to guarantee the session is replicated on the first request (i.e. session creation)? Or am I missing a step to ensure this works correctly?
Here are some of the important code snippets:
Zuul Proxy:
public class ZuulEdgeServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(ZuulEdgeServer.class).web(true).run(args);
Zuul Config:
component: Zuul Server
enabled: true
enabled: true
sensitive: false
service1: /**
# org.springframework.web: DEBUG
net.acesinc: DEBUG
security.sessions: ALWAYS
port: 8443
key-store: classpath:dev/localhost.jks
key-store-password: thepassword
keyStoreType: JKS
keyAlias: localhost
clientAuth: want
trust-store: classpath:dev/localhost.jks
IsSecure: true
Backend Service:
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, ThymeleafAutoConfiguration.class, org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.SecurityAutoConfiguration.class })
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
Backend Service Config:
spring.jmx.default-domain: ${spring.application.name}
port: 8444
key-store: classpath:dev/localhost.jks
key-store-password: thepassword
keyStoreType: JKS
keyAlias: localhost
clientAuth: want
trust-store: classpath:dev/localhost.jks
#Change the base url of all REST endpoints to be under /rest
spring.data.rest.base-uri: /rest
security.sessions: NEVER
# org.springframework.web: INFO
# org.springframework.security: DEBUG
net.acesinc: DEBUG
nonSecurePortEnabled: false
securePortEnabled: true
securePort: ${server.port}
homePageUrl: https://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/
secureVirtualHostName: ${spring.application.name}
One of the Backend Controllers:
public class SecureContent1Controller {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecureContent1Controller.class);
#RequestMapping(value = {"/secure1"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody String getHomepage(ModelMap model, Principal p) {
log.debug("Secure Content for user [ " + p.getName() + " ]");
model.addAttribute("pageName", "secure1");
return "You are: [ " + p.getName() + " ] and here is your secure content: secure1";
Thanks to shobull for pointing me to Justin Taylor's answer to this problem. For completeness, I wanted to put the full answer here too. It's a two part solution:
Make Spring Session commit eagerly - since spring-session v1.0 there is annotation property #EnableRedisHttpSession(redisFlushMode = RedisFlushMode.IMMEDIATE) which saves session data into Redis immediately. Documentation here.
Simple Zuul filter for adding session into current request's header:
import com.netflix.zuul.ZuulFilter;
import com.netflix.zuul.context.RequestContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.session.Session;
import org.springframework.session.SessionRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class SessionSavingZuulPreFilter extends ZuulFilter {
private SessionRepository repository;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionSavingZuulPreFilter.class);
public String filterType() {
return "pre";
public int filterOrder() {
return 1;
public boolean shouldFilter() {
return true;
public Object run() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
HttpSession httpSession = context.getRequest().getSession();
Session session = repository.getSession(httpSession.getId());
context.addZuulRequestHeader("Cookie", "SESSION=" + httpSession.getId());
log.trace("ZuulPreFilter session proxy: {}", session.getId());
return null;
Both of these should be within your Zuul Proxy.
Spring Session support currently writes to the data store when the request is committed. This is to try to reduce "chatty traffic" by writing all attributes at once.
It is recognized that this is not ideal for some scenarios (like the one you are facing). For these we have spring-session/issues/250. The workaround is to copy RedisOperationsSessionRepository and invoke saveDelta anytime property is changed.

Spring configurable, high performance, metered http client instances

Coming from DropWizard I am used to its HttpClientConfiguration and I am baffled that in Spring Boot I cannot find some support for controlling in a similar manner http clients instances to be used, by RestTemplates for example.
To work in production the underlying client implementation should be high performance (e.g. non blocking io, with connection reuse and pooling).
Then I need to set timeouts or authentication, possibly metrics gathering, cookie settings, SSL certificates settings.
All of the above should be easy to set up in different variants for different instances to be used in different contexts (e.g. for service X use these settings and this pool, for Y use another pool and settings) and most parameters should be set via environment-specific properties to have different values in production/qa/development.
Is there something that can be used towards this end?
Below is an example of configuring a HttpClient with a configuration class. It configures basic authentication for all requests through this RestTemplate as well as some tweaks to the pool.
public class HttpClientConfiguration {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpClientConfiguration.class);
private Environment environment;
public ClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory() {
return new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient());
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(httpRequestFactory());
restTemplate.setInterceptors(ImmutableList.of((request, body, execution) -> {
byte[] token = Base64.encodeBase64((format("%s:%s", environment.getProperty("fake.username"), environment.getProperty("fake.password"))).getBytes());
request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", format("Basic %s", new String(token)));
return execution.execute(request, body);
return restTemplate;
public HttpClient httpClient() {
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
// Get the poolMaxTotal value from our application[-?].yml or default to 10 if not explicitly set
connectionManager.setMaxTotal(environment.getProperty("poolMaxTotal", Integer.class, 10));
return HttpClientBuilder
* Just for demonstration
public void debug() {
log.info("Pool max total: {}", environment.getProperty("poolMaxTotal", Integer.class));
and an example application.yml
fake.username: test
fake.password: test
poolMaxTotal: 10
You can externalise configuration values to your application.yml as with poolMaxTotal etc. above.
To support different values per environment you can use Spring profiles. Using the example above, you could just create application-prod.yml with a "prod" specific value for poolMaxTotal. Then start your app with --spring.profiles.active=prod and the "prod" value will be used instead of your default value in application.yml. You can do this for however many environments you need.
poolMaxTotal: 20
For an async HttpClient, see here: http://vincentdevillers.blogspot.fr/2013/10/a-best-spring-asyncresttemplate.html
