Curl call for API response is Invalid login details - magento

I am trying to call one api. When I call it from one controller it works fine but when I try to call it from another controller it does not work properly.
Getting message
array (
'requestError' =>
array (
'serviceException' =>
array (
'messageId' => 'UNAUTHORIZED',
'text' => 'Invalid login details',

It was interesting reason. Actually the controller from where it was not working proper was also sending one curl request. So while it send the curl request it set the options and header in the curl. So when I was calling in other controller it was performing properly.
Re-initiate curl
Use lazy loading
Remove header and options
I have tried the 3rd solution. So before calling curl I call two functions
I hope it will help and save your time :)


ixudra/curl post multipart/form-data with different content type

I am trying to post multipart/form-data in laravel using ixudra/curl that specify the data is application json. The problem Im facing right know is to assign the type for data and still make the header content type is multipart/form-data.
$contents = storage_path('app/curl.txt');
$dataJson = '{"bId":"79", "docId":"23"}';
$response = Curl::to($url)
->withHeaders( array(
'Authorization: Bearer 123432',
'grant_type: jwt-bearer' ) )
->withData( array ('data' => $dataJson ))
->withFile('file', $contents, 'text/*', 'curl.txt')
For the curl, it is like this. Somehow, the error is "Failure to Authenticate OAuth Token" and the header content type is not multipart/form-data
curl -v -H "Authorization:Bearer 123432"
-H "grant_type:jwt-bearer"
-F "file=#\"/jet/app/www/default/test/storage/app/curl.txt\""
-F "data={\"bId\":\"79\", \"docId\":\"23\"};type=application/json"
Any idea? thanks for your time.
is this still an issue? Looking at your code, I don't see any errors in there. You don't need to include the containsFile() method in there but that's really a detail that won't effect your result in any way.
Based on your description, I doubt that the file has anything to do with the error. I'd recommend trying to make sure if the authentication is correct by using it on a simple GET request, just to make sure. If that works, you should dig deeper into the form.

Request merge method null when called from phpunit?

I'm merging new field into the input data array via merge method.
In the request class:
$this->merge(['mykey' => $myvalue]);
So when I call my endpoint from Insomnia/Postman everything works perfect.
In the controller:
$myVariable = $request->get('mykey')
But when I tried to test endpoint via phpunit, after debbuging I found that $myVariable always null.
Could you please help me?
Problem was solved by using request magic method, so $request->mykey. It seems like different request types in phpunit, but I'm not sure.

Laravel 5 - Deal with controller validation and RESTful clients like Postman

I am using laravel's RESTful resource routes and controllers.
I testing my api with PostMan and/or RestClient(firefox)
Everything was fine before I added laravel's controller validation. Now it respond with very strange responses like: status code 0, or even executes the code with not valid data. Or even shows strange results taken from the database (which are not included to the controller at all).
That's creepy.
For example:
public function store(Request $request) {
$this->validate($request, [
'room_id' => 'required|integer',
'body' => 'required'
exit; // Stop the process after the validation...
// ... Logic to STORE the MESSAGE in the database ...
return response(null, 204);
This store function must only validate the data and respond with an error if validation fails,
But when I execute it from PostMan, It returns response with list of all rooms which belongs to this user. This is creepy, I cannot realize why this is happening.
When I use the jQuery.ajax() method with the same request options, it works fine. It validates the data and stores the message in the database.
Question : Is there a way to deal with postman?
Question : Is PostMan dangerous? Since the server respond with database info (which is not included to the controller responses).
If you take a closer look at laravel's validation document it says that when data is submitted via HTML form,the validate method would redirect you to a previous page and the error would be flashed into the session, if the validation fails. Although, you will be able to access these error messages in your view using the $error variable. Therefore you will need to submit the data via ajax in-order to get the JSON error message.
When validatioin failed, Laravel needs to know you are sending ajax request or you explicitly want json respond, otherwise it redirects you to previous page.
You can check my answer here

Registering routes with Laravel but make them unaccessible

I am trying to make a single page CRUD application with Laravel. I will use ajax to create, edit and delete my entity, and also to render partial views. The corresponding controller methods will process the information and return the views.
I want to register the routes so I can call the different methods when necessary. I don't see any other way:
However, registering them so I can do something like this {{ Form::open(['route' => ['', $city->id]]) }} will allow access via the URL, and I only want to make those routes accessible through the tools I am going to create in that one page CRUD.
I can only think of applying a before filter, but what would be the filter? Also, any other ideas on how I should approach this situtation?
I've had to do something similar with a web service I created. Basically, I wanted only my app to be able to access the routes I created.
What I ended up doing was adding a hashed key to each request being sent, then checking for this key value in the controller. So, only if the key is present and matches the one sent would you then process the request.
Or, if you're using forms, you could do something like the following:
//check if request was sent from our form
if ( Session::token() !== Input::get( '_token' ) ) {
return Response::json( array(
'msg' => 'Unauthorized access attempt'
) );
Hope this helps.
another way that doesnt need tokens but is less secure, you got to know what you need,
is using laravels request information
if (Request::ajax())
//your action
note this only works when your application always uses ajax you could even type this in your before filter and add it to all needed routes

Laravel-4 Empty PUT data being sent to a resourceful controller

I'm having issues with PUT requests made via Chrome Postman to a controller, the PUT data is not present, POST data works fine.
I had performed a composer update prior to ensure that the latest version of vendor products where available and even removed bootstrap/compiled.php.
Is anybody else having similar issues?
The update function with both section_id and data being empty in the response:
public function update($id)
$section_id = Input::get('section_id');
$data = Input::all();
return Response::json(array('id' => $id, 'section_id' => $section_id, 'data' => $data));
I've debugged the code all the way to ParameterBag.php and $this->request's parameter list is empty, I'm not sure what's supposed to contain any values but all through the code the input values are empty. Not sure what to do now, short of using post instead of put.
PUT parameters don't work "out of the box" because PHP itself has some security restrictions around them. See:
Laravel does implement a common workaround for this, though.
In Postman (or your form, or curl, or whatever client you're using), simply add a URL parameter name: "_method" value: PUT
Example 1:
Example 2:
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />
Laravel uses the symfony Http Foundation which checks for the _method variable and if it's present it routes based on its value, instead of the actual HTTP method used.
You have to send a POST request with adding an extra parameter _method with value PUT and it will works fine.
