Is there a way to reference maven webResource path as expression? - maven

I'd like to get a path to web app from my plugin. The easiest way seems to reference it as an parameter expression, something like ${} but not sure if there is support for getting custom plugin's properties/configuration.
I've tried to search for custom expression but nothing found yet.


How to add prefix in URI while loading XQuery file using ml-gradle

I am using gradle 6.8 and MarkLogic version is 10.0-5.2,
My XQuery code is in directory \ml-gradle\src\main\common. When I run the command mlLoadModules to load XQuery into the modules database it loads with default URI /common/test.xqy.
I want to add some prefix to the URIs e.g. /rsc/common/test.xqy. How can I achieve that?
Note: I don't want to create an extra folder in my source for prefix "rsc".
It's not supported, though you could write a custom Gradle task to change the URI to whatever you like.
Why do you not want to create an "rsc" folder above "common"? I think other developers would find it much more intuitive that "rsc/common/test.xqy" becomes "/rsc/common/test.xqy" when loaded, rather than "common/test.xqy" becomes "rsc/common/test.xqy", which begs the question - where is "rsc" coming from? And then that developer would need to understand what property / custom code is adding that "rsc".

See parameters that are overridden from TeamCity template

Is there a way to see TeamCity configurations that override parameter defined in template?
I don't think so. What's worked for me in the past was to search through the project files on the filesystem. If you have many build configs, this will be faster than opening each of them in the GUI.
Search for something like this:
<param name="myParamInheritedFromTemplate" value="myOverrideValue" />
in <TeamCity data directory>/config/projects/**/*.xml. If it's absent in an XML file, that build config just inherits the value. If it's present, it overrides it.
It's hacky but it's quick.
There is a feature request, please vote. Current workaround are to either search the raw XML files with the settings stored under TeamCity Data Directory on the server as #sferencik suggested, or use REST API to get settings of all the build configurations and search for the parameter there. Let me know if you need help on any of these.

How do I get HTML.Partial to use T4MVC constants?

I've started using T4MVC and I'm trying to figure out how use T4MVC with PartialViews.
I currently have
#Html.Partial("LocationGrid", Model.Locations)
I would like to use
#Html.Partial(MVC.Client.Views.LocationGrid, Model.Location)
but MVC.Client.Views.LocationGrid returns the full path not the name
Even though it returns the full path, it works fine as MVC is designed to handle either.

VS2010, MSDeploy and declaration of parameters

I'm trying to deploy an ASP.NET MVC 2 app using MsDeploy. I use VS2010 to generate the package as a ZIP. Inside that ZIP is a parameters.xml file that declares the parameters that I can set.
I want to be able to set more parameters, using the auto-generated deploy.cmd file like this:
"-setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value=MySite"
That works fine, except for the httpBinding param. That is because that parameter is not declared inside the parameters.xml file that is added to the ZIP container.
I could go and add that parameter declaration manually, but isn't there a way to do it from the command line and have it declare parameters I have in another XML file?
Are you saying that the value param was not declared when the package was created? If so then I think you would have to add it. Either manually or you can use the -setParam switch and sync the package from and to itself. If you use -setParam with a name which was never declared as a param to begin with I'm pretty sure that value is just ignored.
I'm only just looking at this, but is the section on MSDN about the matching of declareParam with setParam the way to go ?
I'm using MsDeploy to update my deployment zip following the idea in this stackoverflow post
Apologies if I'm completely off on this

Placeholder substitution in a Maven APT page

I am working on Maven site documentation for some related projects, and I want to create a hyperlink from one site's documentation to another sites documentation. The wrinkle is that the URL for the link target depends on a Maven property.
I tried this:
{{{${some-prop}/some.html}the documentation}}
but the ${some-prop} placeholder doesn't get replaced, and the APT processor then gets
confused by the first '}'. Escaping the { and } characters (e.g. $\{some-prop\} ) doesn't help, and the following doesn't work either:
Is there some other way that I can accomplish this task? For example, is there a way to define a Doxia macro that could be used to substitute a URL that had the placeholder expanded?
Are you using version 2.0-beta-6 or later of the site plugin? Also, does your apt filename ends with a .vm extension (as described in the filtering section of Creating Content?
