Why are we getting "Authorization has been denied for this request." error? - botframework

Today we persist service url for every user when we first see them and then use service url to work with botbuilder sdk. Every now and then we are getting consistent errors from Microsoft with this error message:
Authorization has been denied for this request.
This is the most recent occurrence:
outage duration
Could this happen because service url changes? If yes, should we constantly update service url on every message?
Was there an outage? If yes, is there a status page we can see for these?


Network Error only occurs when user is on AT&T 5Ge network AND user is logged in

I have built a mobile app using React Native.
This app connects with a REST API I built using the Laravel framework.
This API is hosted on a VPS and served over HTTPS.
The mobile app works as intended where I expect it to, with the exception of the following use case:
A user has an iPhone 8+. This user’s carrier is AT&T. The 5Ge, to be specific.
This user can download the app and install it no problem.
When they open the app, the app connects to the API, and gets the data to display on the home screen.
The user can login, using their credentials, which are sent to the API, and the API returns an access token on a valid login.
Every subsequent request, is sent with an Authorization header: Bearer [token]
These requests specifically, never reach the server. All authenticated routes for the API are unreachable for this user.
Users on other networks, like Verizon and TMobile, do not have this issue.
The mobile app uses Axios library for sending HTTP requests.
A timeout of 25000 (maximum that can be sent on the iOS?) is passed as an option to the authenticated action. The action fails for this user.
The error is caught and then sent to a public route on the API, without an Authorization header in the request.
This request reaches the server and adds the error message from the request from the mobile app, to the error log on my server.
When I inspect the error that was thrown by the authenticated action failure, it reads “Network error” with a code of 0.
If the timeout is set lower, at 15000, the error thrown by the failed authenticated action is a timeout error, exceeded 15000.
I have contacted AT&T today, and they said we should contact Apple.
After they patched us through to Apple, Apple said issue sounds like it is a cell tower issue, and offered to run diagnostics on the phone.
My question is: Why are the requests that contain an Authorization header Bearer token not able to reach my server when the user is on the AT&T network. Is the bearer token making the request bulky and slowing down the request to where our towers aren’t able to send it?
Or does AT&T have some kind of middleware that would trash the request for some reason?
Could the Authorization header cause AT&T to handle the request differently and send it some other way and in this way could DNS errors cause the request to fail in this way.
Please help, I hope I have explained it well enough.
Edit: Laravel Passport generates access_token for the authenticated API that is 1000+ characters in length. It looks like I can reduce that by about half. I am going to try that next.
I'm finding this is resolved now.
I did two things. I reset my Laravel Passport keys with a specified --length of 1024.
This resulted in my access tokens being around 557 characters long instead of 1000+
I also made some DNS changes in my subdomain. A scan I did showed a nameserver parent mismatch error between the subdomain and parent domain. I made the changes and got those warnings to go away.
These are the things I did. My two app users who are with the AT&T network carrier tested the app tonight after I did these changes.
They logged in. Opened the timeclock. Clocked in. And that request made it to my server like it was supposed to, with the new shorter access token.
I don't know which one of those two things fixed this issue. But I would probably guess it was the DNS problems that I resolved. I still find it odd that the issue only occured on the AT&T network when with an Authorization token in the header of the request.

Error: restricted_client when authorization Youtube API V3

I got this error when I create new client secret in new project.
That’s an error.
Error: restricted_client
Unregistered scope(s) in the request: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.readonly
Request Details
That’s all we know.
How could I fix that ?
403 errors are errors with the users access. The user you are currently authenticated with does not have permission to do what you are trying to do in your case it appears to have something to do with the following scope.
Its hard to know what you are doing without seeing your code. I suggest you attempted to authenticate your user again. IF you changed the secret then its not going to work with a refresh token generated by another secret.
I am going to contact Google to be sure that there hasnt been any changes recently. I cant see anything in the change logs myself. There may have been a stealth change that they didnt release.

Xcode Developer account login failed

Hey i'm trying to login in to my development account in xcode preference. But I'm getting below error. I tried from more then hour but it gives same error.
And when i check other already added accounts also get expired session.
The 503 error code you're getting is the HTTP status code, indicating that the server is unavailable, in this case, the authentication server. It could be that the system is under a denial of service attack, or it may just be down for maintenance.
You can read a little more about the error code here.

403 Forbidden error when deleting YouTube video

I have been using the OAuth approach to upload,update and delete videos on YouTube. That all has been working fine until about February 12th where all of those processes stopped working. Now when I go to delete a YouTube video I get the following error:
"code": 403,
"message": "The video that you are trying to delete cannot be deleted. The request might not be properly authorized."
I know that the OAuth process is working because I can get the token and refresh the token if it has expired. I'm using the latest PHP library that Google have provided (installed using composer). And I can get information about a valid YouTube video by making the following call:
$videoId = "xxxxxxx"; //id of video on YouTube
$youtube->videos->listVideos("snippet", array('id' => $videoId));
But then the delete call gives that error above.
Since the listVideos works, that confirms that the client_id, secret key and token is correct. I also am setting the scopes to be the following
I also checked that the credentials and quotas set in the Google APIs are ok. I thought that maybe the quota had been reached but that doesn't appear to be the case. I did see an email from YouTube in early february saying that they have a new terms of service and a developer policies. I reviewed all that but nothing in there appears to point to the issue I am having?
Not sure what else to try?
Try to check my answer here in this SO question that focus on how to Refresh Token with the Google API.
Your error usually caused by:
When the token expires
The token’s scope (this is important)
If the token is invalid
If the token is invalid you can troubleshoot like this:
Remove the access token from your datastore or database.
Use the refresh token to acquire a new access token (if you are using a refresh token)
Try to make the API call again. If it works, you’re good! If not …
Check the access token against the tokenInfo API
If it’s still invalid, do a full reauth
Hope this helps!

The API returned an error: Error: No access or refresh token is set

I was able to successfully log in using Google Classroom and pull the course data during the trial. This was on my local machine. Now I have moved to my test server. I can still log in via google but can no longer pull the course data. I have already updated my client_secret file (updated the appropriate endpoints) but i get the following error after calling classroom.courses.list
Error: No access or refresh token is set.
Would appreciate anyone's help. I do have Google Classroom API as one of my APIs. Not sure if it's because i'm now on a domain instead of my localhost.
Sadly, I was doing a 2 part registration. The first past, I was setting the token. When the page was submitted again with new details from the user, when I was making the call to google, I hadn't set the token.
