Maui windows desktop editor appearance - windows

I would like to change the appearance of the Editor control in .Net Maui for Windows Desktop.
If you add a standard Editor to page, for example...
<Editor WidthRequest="300"/>
... a editor control is added which has quite a large amount of empty space between the text and the bottom border line...
This differs from the editors used in the windows desktop o/s itself which are normally quite compact...
Does anyone know if it is possible to change this?

You could try the VerticalTextAlignment="Center" to let the text in the center
<Editor WidthRequest="300" BackgroundColor="Yellow" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" />
Also editor has MinimumHeightRequest and HeightRequest property as #ToolmakerSteve suggest in the comment, you could also try set these values.
There are also many properties for editor. For more info, you could refer to .Net MAUI Editor.
By the way, editor is used to enter and edit multiple lines of text. If you want only one line, you could also use an Entry (.Net Maui Entry)
Hope it works for you.


How can I add the Text Highlight Color control to a custom xml ribbon in PowerPoint?

I'm building a custom ribbon in PowerPoint and would like to include the Text Highlight Color Picker control on it. I've found an idMso called TextHighlightColorPicker, but it's not recognised by PowerPoint so I just get an error when I open it.
<control idMso="TextHighlightColorPicker" size="large" label=" " />
I've tried various other idMso with the word 'highlight' in but to no avail. I imagine it's simply not available for custom ribbons, but I thought I check to see if anyone knows, because it's seems strange that most of the other buttons are available but not that one.
Thanks in advance!
There is no such command available in PowerPoint 2016. You can find the list of commands available if you navigate to the Customize Ribbon on PowerPoint settings dialog:
Here you can find the list of all available controls. And if you hover the mouse over any entry you may find the idMso value which can be used in the code for building a custom UI.
I eventually found the idMso as per the instructions in Eugene Astafiev's answer, it turns out it is only avaiable in subscription versions. The id is "TextHighlightColorPickerLicense".

How to change "Search" button text in keyboard of SearchBar in Xamarin Forms?

I use following code for SearchBar control. When user click on SearchBar, it shows keyboard with "Search" button to search in Keyboard. I want to change name of it.
Here is my current code: Xaml
<SearchBar Text="{Binding SearchText}" Placeholder="Search" />
There is a NuGet package called EntryCustomReturnPlugin. It allows you to change the text on the done button of an Entry.
However I don't think it works with a SearchBar out of the box. You will need to either change your SearchBar into an Entry or write a custom renderer (you can use the source code of the EntryCustomReturnPlugin, the code will be very similar to that).

Name of color setting for selected XAML statement

When I click on an element in Visual Studio's XAML designer, VS adds a faint highlight to the corresponding XAML statement in the XAML text editor (as seen for StackPanel below). What's this highlight called in Visual Studio's Fonts and Colors customization settings? I want to change it but it's hiding itself well.
It should be Tools->Options->Fonts and Colors->Text Editor->Brace Matching (Rectangle).
So that's technically the correct answer to my question because it does indeed work when I click in the XAML editor. But unfortunately it's revealed a misunderstanding in my question. What I'm actually looking for is the color setting name for the highlight when I click on an element in the XAML designer, which then highlights the XAML statement as seen in the screenshot above.
Try Tools->Options->Fonts and Colors->Text Editor->Inactive Selected Text then.

Can't Find Specific Listbox for Windows Phone

I am right now looking for a way for a user to open a listbox, choose an option, and the program continues to run, considering the desired option. My best option was to use a listbox I found in the Settings section of the phone.
I don't have a way of explaining this control completely, so I'll use an example. If you go into the Regions & Language section of the phone and then hit Region, you will notice a list pops open. The same listbox is opened when choosing a ringtone. This is exactly what I need for my application. The only problem is, I don't know what it is called. Help!
I included two images
That control is not called a ListBox, Windows Phone calls it the ListPicker. Here's an article explaining how to use it.
The control is included in the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone.
Note that the article is old and a few of the properties for the control have been renamed / made read-only in the latest release of the toolkit.
What you need is the ListPicker from the Windows Phone Toolkit. You'll need to handle changing any settings yourself. This can be done through binding to a property that gets changed or via code that you write.
<toolkit:ListPicker Header="Language" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedLanguage, Mode=TwoWay}"
FullModeHeader="LANGUAGES" ExpansionMode="FullScreenOnly"
If you need to handle changes:
private void ListPicker_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
// handle any changes that are needed

How to use the color picker dialog to set color properties in the property editor?

This sounds like a trivial question, but it's proved quite hard to google anything about this.
When editing Color-typed properties through the property editor (when designing WinForms), a little editor pops up with three tabs: Custom, Web and System. I want to set a custom color by using the standard color picker dialog because none of the listed Custom colors are suitable.
I am sure that this used to be possible by double-clicking a blank color on the Custom tab, but this just picks the color being double-clicked and closes the drop-down in my VS2008. Am I imagining this, or did it really use to be possible? Can I do this in VS2008 somehow?
Right click on a blank colour in the palette shown by the custom tab. Brings up the "Define Color" dialog (in VS2008 C# Express, and I imagine the same in other versions).
EDIT - Having discovered this by experimentation, the MSDN library describes it here.
Interestingly, no keyboard-only interface is described.
