Am printing a label using zebra printer (model: ZT411) thru zpl file. I managed to print the label correctly, however time stamp is printed incorrectly. I want the time stamp to be printed in EST time zone. Am not sure at what level i need to change the time zone setting (Zerver/ZPL/printer).
Please advise.
Thank you,
Provide solution to the above issues.
I am trying to get the last shutdown time of the system. I tried event log EvtQuery() method and got the value Event/System/TimeCreated/#SystemTime but it is not accurate.
I need this Time and date value:
I got value only from here, dates are the same but time is different:
Your timestamps do match, but one is in UTC (17:21:34) the other in local time (10:51:34 PM -> 22:51:34).
So it looks like your local timezone is 5:30 ahead of UTC time. So according to wikipedia that would be parts of India or Sri Lanka.
So what you have to do is convert the local time value to UTC (or the other way around) and you should see that they are the same.
There should be plenty of material for this on StackOverflow (try this search for example).
A bit of code shows {"time":1578475688. This doesn't match the time that it was at the time. The time was around 5:27 pm at this time, and I am wondering what this means.
What you got was a UNIX Timestamp. A UNIX Timestamp shows you the time that has passed since Jan 01 1970. (UTC)
You can't really see the time how we normally read it in the number you get but you can look it up through websites like these:
Hopefully this can help you understand what the number you got is.
Banging my head on this simple date logic problem:
I know the user's time zone offset relative to UTC.
My server is in UTC. It knows the time now.
How do I calculate UTC equivalent of 'yesterday local time at 8am'?
IN JS, I tried to do it this, but it seems to not quite work.
var yesterday_am=moment(moment(new Date()).subtract(24,'hour')).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // same local time previous day;
// when is 8am local time in utc?
var am=8 - (user.tz_offset/60);
if (am<0) { yesterday_am=moment(yesterday_am).subtract(Math.abs(am), 'hour')};
if (am>0) { yesterday_am=moment(yesterday_am).add(am, 'hour')};
For example, if UTC is 2016-01-10 0235 and local time is -7 hours, it would output 2016-1-09 1500 (8am local).
The logic you are trying to perform is impossible. Without knowing the user's actual time zone, you cannot know the UTC equivalent of 'yesterday at 8 am' local time. Daylight saving time transitions may make the offset yesterday different than the offset today. See the time zone tag wiki, particularly the Time Zone != Offset section for more information.
If you do know the user's time zone, then you can perform this calculation using the moment timezone add-on library for Moment.js. The code would be as follows:
moment().tz('America/Los_Angeles').subtract(1, 'day')
.set({hours:8, minutes:0, seconds:0, milliseconds:0}).utc()
Breaking this down so it makes sense, we are doing the following things:
moment() //get the current time
.tz('America/Los_Angeles') //put the moment in the Los Angeles time zone
//the Los Angeles time zone is one of several that are UTC-7 right now
.subtract(1, 'day') //go to yesterday
.set({hours:8, minutes:0, seconds:0, milliseconds:0}) //set the time to exactly 8 am
.utc() //convert back to UTC
Do not add 8 hours to the start of the day. This will be 9 AM if the clocks 'sprang forward' that day, and 7 am if they 'fell back'.
It sounds like your code is running in Node on the server. If it is running in the browser, then the browser knows the user's time zone rules, and you could use the following code to get the time at 8 am yesterday:
moment().subtract(1, 'day').set({hours:8, minutes:0, seconds:0, milliseconds:0}).utc()
This code does not require the moment timezone add on because the browser knows the time zone rules for the user's local time.
If you need to get the user's time zone, you have a few options. The most reliable is to use a timezone picker built into a map to let the user choose. There are a few of these floating around the internet.
If you do not want to do that, you can use the function to have moment timezone make an educated guess about the user's time zone using some heuristics. This function is good, but due to limitations of the browser it is impossible to make it 100% accurate.
For a whole bunch of information about handling date and time and time zones in JavaScript, you can try this talk I did at JavaScript MN a few months ago.
In addition, you might like this really excellent Pluralsight course by Matt Johnson.
This code is not DST aware (in case if you've not already figure out based on the comments below). Thank you Maggie. Please refer to complete answer from Maggie.
You can do something like this
var localTime = moment.utc("2016-06-19").utcOffset('-07:00');
var utcAt8PrevDay = moment(localTime).subtract(1,'days').startOf('day').add(8, 'hour').utc();
I have a page displayed in classic ASP. 90% of the time the dates on the page show on users' machines as MM/DD/YY - same as the international settings in the registry for short date format. About 10% of the time this gets switched around and is presented as DD/MM/YY. After a restart of the machine MM/DD/YY is displayed again.
I assume some process has run which is changing the default date format. Any ideas on what I can do to a.) diagnose which program may be changing the date format and b.) how to ensure the default format is in place before loading my page?
Thanks in advance for your help.
This has to do with the complicated way that IIS and Windows are trying to figure out the "default" way to specify the date since you haven't explicitly set it in the code.
You can read more here on MSFT about the date format randomly changing.
You said a reboot fixes it, which to me implies someone is logging on to the machine and that person has a different date format. The reboot kicks them off, and it reverts back.
The workaround is just to set your date format explicitly in the code, but that's a different question.
I just noticed something strange on my WinXP SP3 PC:
When I change the sytemdate from 2 November (W.Europe Standard Time) to 2 August (W.Europe Daylight Time), Windows Explorer shows a different time in the DateModified field of all the folders and files.
For example:
I saved a file today and the value of DateModified is '02-11-2009 18:47'. But when I change the systemdate to 2 August, the value of DateModified is '02-11-2009 19:47'.
That's not what I expected !
Is there a specific reason why Windows does this ?
the file modification date is stored as GMT, but it is displayed using the current time settings. if you live in an area with daylight saving time (and i bet you are), the time switches from GMT+X+1 to GMT+X at the end of october (X depends of your time zone, it is 1 in western europe).
thus, the computer uses a different conversion when displaying a date in august and in november: this accounts for the 1 hour difference you see depending on the current date of your computer.
Windows SDK API have a set of function for converting between GMT times and time zone specific times. also, i seem to remember that the API to get file modification date always returns a GMT time. unfortunately, i don't think such tools exists for a batch file... try setting the time zone of the computer to GMT ?
I just installed update KB976098 (also KB973688 and KB973687).
The details of 'Update for Windows XP (KB976098)':
"Install this update to resolve issues caused by revised daylight saving time and time zone laws in several countries. This update enables your computer to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date in 2009. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer."
I hoped that this update would solve the problem mentioned in my original question.
Unfortunately it doesn't.