failed to run test with gradle in IntelliJ - gradle

When I click the run button(near the line number) in test file within IntelliJ IDEA. It always run it with Junit not gradle.
Even through I have set the Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment->Gradle->Run test using to gradle
How to change it to run with gradle?


Run tests located within a fat maven jar?

I have a maven project which is a test harness including tests.
The tests can be run using surefire, within intelliJ. And the IDE states the command line it is running in order to do this:
If I put the jar on another machine, and wish to run the tests contained within it (ideally with surefire plugin) should I be aiming to construct a similar command line as to the above, or run something like mvn test {jar name} or mvn surefire:test {jar name}

ArchUnit: How to get gradle to execute the tests?

I have a gradle project where I've added the archunit-junit5 dependency and written some test classes with #ArchTests. These get picked up by IntelliJ.
How do I get gradle to execute them?
I've found the com.societegenerale.commons:arch-unit-gradle-plugin but that seems to need configuration in the gradle file.
I just want gradle to pick up the tests I already have in the test/java directory.
Gradle should pick up #ArchTests with archunit-junit5 if you useJUnitPlatform(). shows a quite minimal working example.

Maven how to show Junit test like on Eclipse IDE

I would like to run Junit tests via maven command like having the test result
with the same graphical message that I can see using Eclipse IDE.
For example, if I run Junit test via Eclipse I can see this tree image:
But, if I run the same tests via maven command line, I can see only the grand total result without details.
For example:
There is a way to run maven command line tests and receive the test result like Eclipse IDE?
I use surefire plugin on my project.
Thanks in advance.

IntelliJ Gradle project, no test runner tab

I try the spock test framework with IntelliJ (2021.3.2), created the demo from with the first simple test.
I don't see the test runner tab (even if I could run the tests). The Gradle configuration is set by default to run tests by using Gradle. If I switch the Gradle configuration to run tests using IntelliJ IDEA, I got the test runner tab.
How could I get the test runner tab with Gradle too?

How to run multiple cucumber runners from maven command line

I've 2 CI flows , which flow needs to run it's own cucumber runner
I'm using maven command line to run the tests (mvn test)
Is there a way to select a specific Runner from command line ?
Maven Surefire Plugin - Running a Single Test
During development, you may run a single test class repeatedly. To run this through Maven, set the test property to a specific test case.
mvn -Dtest=TestCircle test
So you'd do just that. mvn -Dtest=RunnerATest test.
