Sybase: enabling LIMIT - limit

Which one of these three statements is the best one to enable the keyword LIMIT?
SET OPTION PUBLIC reserved_keywords = 'LIMIT';
SET OPTION PUBLIC.reserved_keywords = 'LIMIT';

SET OPTION RESERVED_KEYWORDS = 'LIMIT'; is in the IQ SQL documentation.
SET OPTION PUBLIC.reserved_keywords = 'LIMIT'; is in the SQL Anywhere documentation
Adaptive Server Enterprise: Limit/Offset since version ASE 16 SP02 PL05.


Set Properties in Toad Data Point Fails

I am using Toad Data Point V4.0 to connect to Hive. I try to set below properties using Toad.
set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin=true;
set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin.sortedmerge=true;
While I can set these properties via Beeline, TOAD throws below error when running above set commands.
[Hortonworks][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query. Error message from server: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify input.format at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime
Wondering if I have to set these properties somewhere in connection setup or not. Appreciate your input.
We've found a very similar issue with DBVis on Hive.
DBVis is stripping the ‘hive.’ off of commands like “set hive.mapred.mode=strict”. It then checks hive’s list of parameters allowed to be set at runtime for the parameter: “mapred.mode” instead of “hive.mapred.mode”. Since it does not find the parameter, it throws and error.
If we preface the parameter by a second “hive.” (for example, “hive.hive.mapred.mode=strict”) DBVis appears to strips off the first “hive.”. It then finds the stripped version as allowed and sends the stripped version to hive where is executes fine.
NB: This only seems to affect parameters beginning with "hive.".

How can I globally set Oracle fetch size in my Scala Play (Anorm) application?

Our DBAs would like me to increase the fetch size from the JDBC's default (10). Is there a way to do this globally via application.conf, JDBC URL or similar?
My DB calls essentially look like
object SomeController extends Controller {
def someMethod(acronym: String) = Action { implicit request =>
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
val cust = SQL("""select whatever.... where acronym = {acronym}""").on("acronym" -> acronym).apply()
But there's a lot of them over many controllers and methods.
What can be done to have a central setting?
defaultRowPrefresh is an Oracle JDBC driver property than can be set to change from the default of 10 (Table 4-2 Connection Properties Recognized by Oracle JDBC Drivers)
While not explicitly documented, it looks like custom JDBC properties are done under the datasource key (see this and this)
So something like db.default.datasource.defaultRowsPrefetch="100" should work.
After some searching through the Oracle JDBC jar, I found:
ojdbc6-unjar $ cat ./oracle/jdbc/
# This properties file sets the default value for connection properties.
# Entries in this file override the predefined defaults as specified
# in the JavaDoc for oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection. These defaults are
# themselves overridden by any values set via -D which are overridden
# by values passed in the Properties argument to getConnection.
This bit and the Javadoc do a very bad job at explaining of how to derive the actual parameter name, but after many tries of various case styles, package names etc. I found this to be working:
JAVA_OPTS="-Doracle.jdbc.defaultRowPrefetch=1000" \
./activator -Dconfig.file=conf/xe.conf run
This will make boneCP use a reasonable fetch size without any code change.

Linking to Oracle tables in Access using VB6: Error 3000?

I am trying to link an Oracle table to access using the following Visual Basic 6.0 code:
Dim objApp, objDB, objTable As Object
Dim strFile, strConnect, strLocalTable, strServerTable As String
strFile = "C:\path\to\base.mdb"
strLocalTable = "local"
strServerTable = "BASE.TABLE_NAME"
strConnect = "ODBC;Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};;Uid=username;Pwd=password;"
Set objApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
objApp.OpenCurrentDatabase strFile
Set objDB = objApp.CurrentDb()
Set objTable = objDB.CreateTableDef(strLocalTable)
objTable.Connect = strConnect
objTable.SourceTableName = strServerTable
objDB.TableDefs.Append objTable 'Generates 3000 Error
On the second to last row I get (loosely translated from swedish by me) "Run time error 3000: Reserved error (-7778). There is no message for this error."
Any ideas on why this may be? I am told this code has worked before, so it could possibly be some kind of version conflict with updated software. The database is in Access 2000 format, and Access 2013 is installed on the computer (however, saving the database as Access 2013 does not help). Or is there something wrong with the connection string perhaps?
EDIT: I tried using a DSN in the connection string:
strConnect = "ODBC;Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};DSN='test';"
I get the same error, even though I can use that very DSN to link the tables manually in Access.
Also (as I stated in the comments) changing some of the information in the connection string (like deliberately providing an incorrect username) leads to a different error (3146: Connection failed). This leads me to believe that the connection to the database works, since it seems to be able to differentiate between good and bad credentials.
Try this connection string and leave out the 'world.' part
ODBC;DRIVER={Oracle in orahome32};UID=userId;PWD=password;SERVER=servername;dbq=servername
(I was having trouble earlier today with connections that left the dbq out)
Or maybe your existing one will work, but regardless...I think Access likes you to create the table default in one swoop and not break things up so.....
Instead of this:
Set objTable = objDB.CreateTableDef(strLocalTable)
objTable.Connect = strConnect
objTable.SourceTableName = strServerTable
Try This:
Set objTable = objDB.CreateTableDef(strLocalTable, dbAttachSavePWD, strServerTable, strConnect)
(NOTE: the dbAttachSavePWD will help avoid users getting prompted for password every time they touch the table; leave it out if that is not desired)

How do I get Active Directory's LDAP server url using windows API?

I've been looking for a way to get Active Directory's LDAP server url from code running as domain user. The code needs to work correctly in situation with disjoint namespace, if possible. It's unmanaged code so any .NET solutions are not an option unfortunately.
For some reason serverless binding doesn't seem to be working in this case with ADO query returning unhelpful One or more errors occurred during processing of command error when using LDAP://DC=mycompany,DC=local (that's the value of the defaultNamingContext attribute of rootDSE object).
Using the LOGONSERVER and USERDNSDOMAIN environment variables doesn't appear to be an option either because the code also needs to be able to run under the SYSTEM account and there are no such variables there.
Any ideas or hints or specific RTFM advice will be much appreciated.
Update: The DNSHostName attribute of rootDSE seems to be what I need.
I use this Visual Basic Script (VBS). Save the code as .vbs file and use ANSI charset. This script is old, but this can guide you to a better solution.
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set cmd= CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject;"
cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
' Root DSE required to get the default configuration naming context to
' be used as the root of the seach
set objRootDSE = getobject("LDAP://RootDSE")
' Construct the LDAP query that will find all the domain controllers
' in the domain
ldapQuery = "<LDAP://" & objRootDSE.Get("ConfigurationNamingContext") & _
cmd.CommandText = ldapQuery
cmd.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
Set rs = cmd.Execute
do while rs.EOF <> True and rs.BOF <> True
' Bind to the domain controller computer object
' (This is the parent object of the result from the query)
set objDC = getobject(getobject(rs(0)).Parent)
wscript.echo objDC.dNSHostName
The DNSHostName attribute of rootDSE seems to be what I need.

passing parameter to Dataenvironment visual basic

I am working on Visual Basic DataEnvironment I have written SQL command but i need to pass some parameter from one of my form object.
I have tried this
SELECT * from user WHERE userid= form1.textbox1.text
but it doesn't seems to be work. Any Idea how to pass parameter.
I would suggest performing a filter on the recordset inside your DataEnviroment instead placing the WHERE clause where your SQL statement is defined.
With DataEnvironment1.rsDataTable
.Filter = "UserID = " & textbox1.text
End With
Please check out the following links. I hope this helps.
Also, if possible I would recommend using ADO instead of the DataEnvironment.
