Is there anyway to check current bulk queue size Opensearch? - elasticsearch

My Opensearch sometimes reaches the error "429 Too Many Requests" when writing data. I know there is a queue, when the queue is full it will show that error. So is there any Api to check that bulk queue status, current size...? Example: queue 150/200 (nearly full)

Yes, you can use the following API call
GET _cat/thread_pool?v
You will get something like this, where you can see the node name, the thread pool name (look for write), the number of active requests currently being carried out, the number of requests waiting in the queue and finally the number of rejected requests.
node_name name active queue rejected
node01 search 0 0 0
node01 write 8 2 0
The write queue can handle as many requests as 1 + number of CPUs, i.e. as many can be active at the same time. If active is full and new requests come in, they go directly in the queue (default size 10000). If active and queue are full, requests start to be rejected.
Your mileage may vary, but when optimizing this, you're looking at:
keeping rejected at 0
minimizing the number of requests in the queue
making sure that active requests get carried out as fast as possible.
Instead of increasing the queue, it's usually preferable to increase the number of CPU. If you have heavy ingest pipelines kicking in, it's often a good idea to add ingest nodes whose goal will be to execute that pipeline instead of on the data node.


NiFi - data stuck in queues when load balancing is used

In Apache NiFi, dockerized version 1.15, a cluster of 3 NiFi nodes is created. When load balancing is used via default port 6342, flow files get stuck in some of the queues, in the queue in which load balancing is enabled. But, when "List queue" is tried, the message "The queue has no FlowFiles." is issued:
The part of the NiFi processor group where the issue happens:
Configuration of NiFi queue in which flow files seem to be stuck:
Another problem, maybe not related, is that after this happens, some of the flow files reach the subsequent NiFi processors, but get stuck before the MergeContent processors. This time, the queues can be listed:
The part of code when the second issue occurs:
The part of code when the second issue occurs
The configuration of the queue:
The listing of the FlowFiles in the queue:
The MergeContent processor configuration. The parameter "max_num_for_merge_smxs" is set to 100:
Load balancing is used because data are gathered from the SFTP server, and that processor runs only on the Primary node.
If you need more information, please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
I put the load-balancing queues between the ConsumeMQTT (working on the Primary node only) and UpdataAttribute processors, but Flow files are seemingly staying in the load-balancing queue, but when the listing is done, the message is "The queue has no FlowFiles.". Please check:
Changed position of the load-balancing queue:
The message that there are no flow files in the queues:
Take notice that the processors before and after the queue are stopped while doing "List queue".
Edit 2:
I changed the configuration in the to the following:
nifi.cluster.load.balance.comms.timeout=30 sec
I also restarted the NiFi containers, so I will monitor the behaviour. For now, there are no stuck Flow files in the load-balancing queues, they go to the processor that follows the queue.
"The queue has no FlowFiles" is normal behaviour of a queue that is feeding into a Merge - the flowfiles are pending to be merged.
The most likely cause of them being "stuck" before a Merge is that you have Round Robin distributed the FlowFiles across many nodes, and then you are setting a Minimum count on the Merge. This minimum is per node and there are not enough FlowFiles on each node to hit the Minimum, so they are stuck waiting for more FlowFiles to trigger the Merge.
-- Edit
"The queue has no FlowFiles" is also expected on a queue that is active - in your flow, the load balancing queue is drained immediately into the output queue of your merge PGs Input port - so there are no FFs sitting around in the load balancing queue. If you were to STOP the Input ports inside the merge PG, you should be able to list them on the LB queue.
It sounds like you are doing GetSFTP (Primary) and then distributing the files. The better approach would be to use ListSFTP (Primary) -> Load Balance -> FetchSFTP - this would avoid shuffling large files, and would instead load balance the file names between all nodes, with each node then fetching a subset of the files.
Secondly, I would review your Merge config - you have a parameter #{max_num_for_merge_xmsx} defined, but this set in the Minimum Number of Entries for the Merge - so you are telling Merge to only ever merge when at least #{max_num_for_merge_xmsx} amount of FlowFiles is reached.

What happens if I give a large value to server.tomcat.max-threads to handle load on my application?

There are around 1000+ jobs running through our service in a day and around 70-80 jobs starting at the same time and running parallelly.
To handle this, we looked that increasing the number of max threads to a large number to server.tomcat.max-threads property of our Spring application should work but I do not have full confidence as to what all can be the side effects of having a huge number like 800 to this property.
Can you please help here.
The default installation of Tomcat sets the maximum number of HTTP servicing threads at 200. Effectively, this means that the system can handle a maximum of 200 simultaneous HTTP requests. When the number of simultaneous HTTP requests exceeds this count, the unhandled requests are placed in a queue, and the requests in this queue are serviced as processing threads become available. This default queue length is 100. At these default settings, a large web load that can generate over 300 simultaneous requests will surpass the thread availability, resulting in service unavailable (HTTP 503).
More reference:
How to run multiple servlets execution in parallel for Tomcat?
If this is a batch job like configuration, you can use spring batch.

How many simultaneous requests can I send to ElasticSearch cluster?

I want to send multiple bulk operation requests to ElasticSearch cluster, and I come across this issue EsRejectedExecutionException[rejected execution (queue capacity 50) on
I have a cluster of 4 ElasticSearch instances (version 1.3.4), when I sent this request to get the number of its bulk operation thread pool size:
GET /_cat/thread_pool?v&h=host,,bulk.queueSize
I got
host bulk.queueSize
1D4HPY1 0 50
1D4HPY2 0 50
1D4HPY3 0 50
1D4HPY4 0 50
So how many simultaneous bulk operation requests I can send to that cluster? 50 or 200?
I would suggest having a look at this section from the documentation.
Also, you need to be more specific when you say "simultaneous requests that you can send" because, as you see in the page above, there are various thread pools that handle various jobs. You give an example in your post for "bulk" operations.
In my opinion, the correct request for "bulk" to see the number of simultaneous running threads (as per this piece of documentation) is GET /_cat/thread_pool?v&h=host,bulk.queueSize,bulk.min,bulk.max. So, you have bulk.max active threads allowed in the thread pool with a bulk.queueSize number of tasks in the queue for it. When a request comes in and there are no threads to handle it, the request is put in queue to wait.

ElasticSearch gives error about queue size

RemoteTransportException[[Death][inet[/]][bulk/shard]]; nested: EsRejectedExecutionException[rejected execution (queue capacity 50) on$AsyncShardOperationAction$1#12ae9af];
Does this mean I'm doing too many operations in one bulk at one time, or too many bulks in a row, or what? Is there a setting I should be increasing or something I should be doing differently?
One thread suggests "I think you need to increase your 'threadpool.bulk.queue_size' (and possibly 'threadpool.index.queue_size') setting due to recent defaults." However, I don't want to arbitrarily increase a setting without understanding the fault.
I lack the reputation to reply to the comment as a comment.
It's not exactly the number of bulk requests made, it is actually the total number of shards that will be updated on a given node by the bulk calls. This means the contents of the actual bulk operations inside the bulk request actually matter. For instance, if you have a single node, with a single index, running on an 8 core box, with 60 shards and you issue a bulk request that has indexing operations that affects all 60 shards, you will get this error message with a single bulk request.
If anyone wants to change this, you can see the splitting happening inside of org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.TransportBulkAction.executeBulk() near the comment "go over all the request and create a ShardId". The individual requests happen a few lines down around line 293 on version 1.2.1.
You want to up the number of bulk threads available in the thread pool. ES sets aside threads in several named pools for use on various tasks. These pools have a few settings; type, size, and queue size.
from the docs:
The queue_size allows to control the size of the queue of pending
requests that have no threads to execute them. By default, it is set
to -1 which means its unbounded. When a request comes in and the queue
is full, it will abort the request.
To me that means you have more bulk requests queued up waiting for a thread from the pool to execute one of them than your current queue size. The documentation seems to indicate the queue size is defaulted to both -1 (the text above says that) and 50 (the call out for bulk in the doc says that). You could take a look at the source to be sure for your version of es OR set the higher number and see if your bulk issues simply go away.
ES thread pool settings doco
elasticsearch 1.3.4
our system 8 core * 2
4 bulk worker each insert 300,000 message per 1 min => 20,000 per sec
i'm also that exception! then set config
threadpool.bulk.type: fixed
threadpool.bulk.size: 8 # availableProcessors
threadpool.bulk.queue_size: 500
BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest = es.getClient().prepareBulk();
bulkRequest.setReplicationType (ReplicationType.ASYNC).setConsistencyLevel(WriteConsistencyLevel.ONE);
loop begin
bulkRequest.add(es.getClient().prepareIndex(esIndexName, esTypeName).setSource(document.getBytes ("UTF-8")));
loop end
BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet();
4core => bulk.size 4
then no error
I was having this issue and my solution ended up being increasing ulimit -Sn and ulimit Hn for the elasticsearch user. I went from 1024 (default) to 99999 and things cleaned right up.

Laravel 4 Queues, how to do multithreading with queue:listen?

I need asynchronous, quick processing of everything in the queue. Jobs consist of CURL requests so it takes forever doing them 1 by 1 (They're basically the same as sleep(3)). I'd like all messages in the queue to run at the same time, or at least set a limit like 50. The reason I'm using a queue for this and not just running them instantly is because I need to make sure that if anything fails, it tries again.
Use the queue with ironMQ push, the queue shouldn't fail but in the unlikely even it does there is a log.
See this link for reference
From memory you get 10 million requests free per month with ironMQ
