We have xdoc documentation for our Java library. It links to Javadoc and shows code examples on how to use the library.
Some of our links to the Javadoc use special characters like parenthesis for methods. Javadoc is generated from standard javadoc plugin, so we have no control over the links it makes.
Example XDoc with link: https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/blob/dcadc13fc0bcdbf15b9b3c4faadd1eb26bf1d486/src/xdocs/writingchecks.xml#L289
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/AbstractCheck.html#visitToken(com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailAST)">
Actual link points to https://checkstyle.org/apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/AbstractCheck.html#visitToken(com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailAST) .
As can be seen, the XDOC and link match. However, when running mvn clean site and generating the HTML it instead generates the following HTML:
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/AbstractCheck.html#visitTokencom.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailAST">
A similar live version can be found at https://checkstyle.org/writingchecks.html with the invalid URL.
It removes the parenthesis and creates an invalid link which does not take you to the location expected. We tried using % encoding in the link, but it removes the % and still does not work.
How do we fix this so it creates a valid link?
How to insert a cross-reference in a reST/Sphinx page to either a sub-header or anchor in another page in the same documentation set?
The expression "reST/Sphinx" makes the scope of the question unclear. Is it about reStructuredText in general and Sphinx, or only about reStructuredText as used in Sphinx (and not reStructuredText in general)? I'm going to cover both since people using RST are likely to run into both cases at some point:
Besides the domain-specific directives that can be used to link to various entities like classes (:class:) there's the general :ref: directive, documented here. They give this example:
.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Although the general hyperlinking mechanism offered by RST does work in Sphinx, the documentation recommends against using it when using Sphinx:
Using ref is advised over standard reStructuredText links to sections (like Section title_) because it works across files, when section headings are changed, and for all builders that support cross-references.
RST, in General
The tools that convert RST files to HTML do not necessarily have a notion of collection. This is the case for instance if you rely on github to convert RST files to HTML or if you use a command line tool like rst2html. Unfortunately, the various methods to use to get the desired result vary depending on which tool you are using. For instance, if you use rst2html and you want file A.rst to link to a section named "Section" in file other.rst and you want the final HTML to work in a browser, then A.rst would contain:
`This <other.html#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works with ``rst2html``. Unfortunately, it does not work
when the HTML is generated through github.
You have to link to the final HTML file and you have to know what the id given to the section will be. If you want to do the same for a file served through github:
`This <other.rst#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works on github. Unfortunately, it does not work when you
use ``rst2html``.
Here too you need to know the id given to the section. However, you link to the RST file because it is only upon accessing the RST file that the HTML is created. (At the time of writing this answer, accessing the HTML directly is not allowed.)
A complete example is available here.
New, better answer for 2016!
The autosection extension lets you do this easily.
Some Document
Internal Headline
then, later...
Some Other Doc
A link- :ref:`Internal Headline`
This extension is built-in, so all you need is to edit conf.py
extensions = [
. other
. extensions
. already
. listed
The only thing you have to be careful of is that now you can't duplicate internal headlines across the doc collection. (Worth it.)
Hey, read the :ref:`Installation:Homebrew` section.
where Homebrew is a section inside a different document named Installation.rst.
This uses the autosection feature, so will need to edit config.py with the following:
extensions = [
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
In Sphinx 3.0.3 the only solution that worked for me is :any: (see https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.5/markup/inline.html#cross-referencing-anything).
Suppose, one document has such a section:
.. _my-section:
My Section
Lorem ipsum blablabla
Then another document can have the following fragment to create a link:
See :any:`my-section` for the details
I was struggling to make this work and i found out that the actual notation is :ref:'{dir-path}/Installation:Homebrew' where {dir-path} is the relative path to Installation.rst from where config.py exists
Adding description of behavior that was confusing to me.
Section titles must be referenced with the file name (overview here) in front of it:
API Overview
:ref:`overview:API Overview`
However, when referencing links, the file name (constants here) must not be there:
.. _section-constants:
Enums and Constants
Also, for this to work, one must enable extension 'autosectionlabel':
extensions = [
I use sphinx to generate HTML and PDF documentation, and was using latex until now to generate PDF, but now looking at swapping for rinohtype.
I'm looking at setting up some custom headers and footers, but would like to include variable text into them, for the version number for example, which comes from a sphinx python plugin. I have rst substitutions, for example |version|, that I use in various places in the document, but if I add it to the header via a stylesheet it doesn't get substituted. I also have python variables, for example version, in my conf.py so I also tried to use {version} in my stylesheet, but the builder complains that the variable doesn't exists.
FYI, here is how I tried to define my header :
header_text = '|document_id| |version| |shortdate|' (header)
header_text = '{document_id} {version} {shortdate}' (header)
Any idea how to get around that issue ?
rinohtype does support including reStructuredText substitutions (|subst|) in document templates, but this is one of the features that isn't documented yet.
To use substitutions in a page header or footer, you need to include them as follows:
header_text = '{UserStrings.document_id} {UserStrings.version} {UserStrings.shortdate}' (header)
(Actually, I don't remember why I require the UserStrings. prefix. Perhaps there is a good reason for that. If not, that prefix might not be needed in the future.)
How to insert a cross-reference in a reST/Sphinx page to either a sub-header or anchor in another page in the same documentation set?
The expression "reST/Sphinx" makes the scope of the question unclear. Is it about reStructuredText in general and Sphinx, or only about reStructuredText as used in Sphinx (and not reStructuredText in general)? I'm going to cover both since people using RST are likely to run into both cases at some point:
Besides the domain-specific directives that can be used to link to various entities like classes (:class:) there's the general :ref: directive, documented here. They give this example:
.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Although the general hyperlinking mechanism offered by RST does work in Sphinx, the documentation recommends against using it when using Sphinx:
Using ref is advised over standard reStructuredText links to sections (like Section title_) because it works across files, when section headings are changed, and for all builders that support cross-references.
RST, in General
The tools that convert RST files to HTML do not necessarily have a notion of collection. This is the case for instance if you rely on github to convert RST files to HTML or if you use a command line tool like rst2html. Unfortunately, the various methods to use to get the desired result vary depending on which tool you are using. For instance, if you use rst2html and you want file A.rst to link to a section named "Section" in file other.rst and you want the final HTML to work in a browser, then A.rst would contain:
`This <other.html#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works with ``rst2html``. Unfortunately, it does not work
when the HTML is generated through github.
You have to link to the final HTML file and you have to know what the id given to the section will be. If you want to do the same for a file served through github:
`This <other.rst#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works on github. Unfortunately, it does not work when you
use ``rst2html``.
Here too you need to know the id given to the section. However, you link to the RST file because it is only upon accessing the RST file that the HTML is created. (At the time of writing this answer, accessing the HTML directly is not allowed.)
A complete example is available here.
New, better answer for 2016!
The autosection extension lets you do this easily.
Some Document
Internal Headline
then, later...
Some Other Doc
A link- :ref:`Internal Headline`
This extension is built-in, so all you need is to edit conf.py
extensions = [
. other
. extensions
. already
. listed
The only thing you have to be careful of is that now you can't duplicate internal headlines across the doc collection. (Worth it.)
Hey, read the :ref:`Installation:Homebrew` section.
where Homebrew is a section inside a different document named Installation.rst.
This uses the autosection feature, so will need to edit config.py with the following:
extensions = [
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
In Sphinx 3.0.3 the only solution that worked for me is :any: (see https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.5/markup/inline.html#cross-referencing-anything).
Suppose, one document has such a section:
.. _my-section:
My Section
Lorem ipsum blablabla
Then another document can have the following fragment to create a link:
See :any:`my-section` for the details
I was struggling to make this work and i found out that the actual notation is :ref:'{dir-path}/Installation:Homebrew' where {dir-path} is the relative path to Installation.rst from where config.py exists
Adding description of behavior that was confusing to me.
Section titles must be referenced with the file name (overview here) in front of it:
API Overview
:ref:`overview:API Overview`
However, when referencing links, the file name (constants here) must not be there:
.. _section-constants:
Enums and Constants
Also, for this to work, one must enable extension 'autosectionlabel':
extensions = [
In a Maven project with subprojects, each subproject gets an index.html with some content that comes from its POM's description element.
In one of these subprojects, I need that content to contain additional information, including links. There is a section of the doc that suggests I should not do it by trying to put HTML markup in CDATA in the description element (in fact, that doesn't work anyway; the HTML markup just comes out literal). Instead, it suggests there is some better way to get my own content included in the file.
While this element can be specified as CDATA to enable the use of HTML tags
within the description, it is discouraged to allow plain text representation.
If you need to modify the index page of the generated web site, you are able
to specify your own instead of adjusting this text.
Can anyone describe how to do that? I have tried several methods unsuccessfully (I can supply Markdown files with other names and they generate HTML, but a subproject's index.md has no effect on the generated index.html). I have also read about the custom element in site.xml but it seems to require writing a custom Velocity template for the site; I hope the passage "you are able to specify your own" must mean there is some method more straightforward than that.
Of course I would also appreciate a pointer into the docs if there is already an answer I have simply failed to find. (Just pointing me to docs I've already read isn't in itself helpful, though pointing out the answer I missed would be helpful, if it's there.)
In response to inquiries
Directory structure under src/site:
maven-site-plugin version: 3.4
What I mean by 'adding a link':
The part of the index.html that comes from the POM description element
is the central content of the page (not the navigation bar, not the sidebar menus, but the actual content).
I would like that actual-content portion of the page to be able to have a paragraph or two explaining that this is a generated page for developers, and providing links (HTML <a href=...>) for people who arrived at the page from a web search but are really looking for the user-oriented pages.
I can't put that in the description element (even using CDATA), because HTML elements just come out literal. A comment below gives a link to a page on writing a whole custom Velocity template for the site, but is there honestly no simpler way to accomplish this?
I have the same issue. The only thing the generated index.html gives you of value is the list of modules. You can add your own index.md page to src/site/markdown, putting in whatever content you want. To reproduce the list of modules, include something like this:
###Project Modules
This project has declared the following modules:
| Name | Description |
|[Module1 name](module1/index.html)| Module 1 description|
|[Module2 name](module2/index.html)| Module 2 description|
Of course the text is not lifted from the POM. You also have to manually change this file if you have a new module. Not a perfect solution, but the best I could come up with.
Where I wrote:
I can supply Markdown files with other names and they generate HTML,
but a subproject's index.md has no effect on the generated index.html
it turns out the truth is more complex. In a project with subprojects,
there are two places such an index.md might go: in src/site/markdown/subproject-name of the parent project (where all of the other human-written docs for the whole project happen to be), or in a new src/site/markdown directory created within the subproject. A file with any other non-special name can be added in either place, and end up where you expect it in the target. But not for index.md, in that case only the second location can work, and even then, only after a clean.
I had tried both places without success, but trying the second again with a full clean install site site:stage makes it work. Out of the four combinations (parent/clean, parent/noclean, sub/clean, sub/noclean), that was the one I missed trying before posting the question, so of course that's the one that works. :)
If there had been an answer or comment like "hmm, are you sure an index.md in the subproject doesn't work, it works for me?" it probably would have put me quickly back on track. Sometimes after trying several avenues all without success, all that's needed is to know which of them is the one that's supposed to work (if indeed one of them is) and therefore worth spending more time on.
How to insert a cross-reference in a reST/Sphinx page to either a sub-header or anchor in another page in the same documentation set?
The expression "reST/Sphinx" makes the scope of the question unclear. Is it about reStructuredText in general and Sphinx, or only about reStructuredText as used in Sphinx (and not reStructuredText in general)? I'm going to cover both since people using RST are likely to run into both cases at some point:
Besides the domain-specific directives that can be used to link to various entities like classes (:class:) there's the general :ref: directive, documented here. They give this example:
.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Although the general hyperlinking mechanism offered by RST does work in Sphinx, the documentation recommends against using it when using Sphinx:
Using ref is advised over standard reStructuredText links to sections (like Section title_) because it works across files, when section headings are changed, and for all builders that support cross-references.
RST, in General
The tools that convert RST files to HTML do not necessarily have a notion of collection. This is the case for instance if you rely on github to convert RST files to HTML or if you use a command line tool like rst2html. Unfortunately, the various methods to use to get the desired result vary depending on which tool you are using. For instance, if you use rst2html and you want file A.rst to link to a section named "Section" in file other.rst and you want the final HTML to work in a browser, then A.rst would contain:
`This <other.html#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works with ``rst2html``. Unfortunately, it does not work
when the HTML is generated through github.
You have to link to the final HTML file and you have to know what the id given to the section will be. If you want to do the same for a file served through github:
`This <other.rst#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works on github. Unfortunately, it does not work when you
use ``rst2html``.
Here too you need to know the id given to the section. However, you link to the RST file because it is only upon accessing the RST file that the HTML is created. (At the time of writing this answer, accessing the HTML directly is not allowed.)
A complete example is available here.
New, better answer for 2016!
The autosection extension lets you do this easily.
Some Document
Internal Headline
then, later...
Some Other Doc
A link- :ref:`Internal Headline`
This extension is built-in, so all you need is to edit conf.py
extensions = [
. other
. extensions
. already
. listed
The only thing you have to be careful of is that now you can't duplicate internal headlines across the doc collection. (Worth it.)
Hey, read the :ref:`Installation:Homebrew` section.
where Homebrew is a section inside a different document named Installation.rst.
This uses the autosection feature, so will need to edit config.py with the following:
extensions = [
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
In Sphinx 3.0.3 the only solution that worked for me is :any: (see https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.5/markup/inline.html#cross-referencing-anything).
Suppose, one document has such a section:
.. _my-section:
My Section
Lorem ipsum blablabla
Then another document can have the following fragment to create a link:
See :any:`my-section` for the details
I was struggling to make this work and i found out that the actual notation is :ref:'{dir-path}/Installation:Homebrew' where {dir-path} is the relative path to Installation.rst from where config.py exists
Adding description of behavior that was confusing to me.
Section titles must be referenced with the file name (overview here) in front of it:
API Overview
:ref:`overview:API Overview`
However, when referencing links, the file name (constants here) must not be there:
.. _section-constants:
Enums and Constants
Also, for this to work, one must enable extension 'autosectionlabel':
extensions = [