Button "Unlock" of screen Setting > Users does not work the click, it is greyed, why? I am using Ubuntu 20.04
Amazingly in my case I solved by doing this:
sudo apt-get remove chrome-remote-desktop
sudo apt-get autoremove
Restart you computer (Needed)
I was trying to setup a build environment on WSL. After starting it up and running sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y It started doing its thing. But then got super slow (20kb/s) So i deleted the whole WSL and redownloaded it... Same issue. I tried disabling IPV6 in my sysctl that also didnt work.
Any ideas?
Check the local closet mirror for you from here and update sources.list file
sudo sed -i "s/archive.ubuntu.com/us.archive.ubuntu.com/" /etc/apt/sources.list
Found this at source
I use Ubuntu 20.04. After 30 days of using SmartGit, it wants to change to commercial version. I use it for personal purposes.
I tried this:
How to change SmartGit's licensing option after 30 days of commercial use on ubuntu?
and this:
but couldn't find such folders and files.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled it three times with these commands:
sudo apt remove smartgit
sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt install smartgit
but nothing changed.
So can anyone know a way how to change to non commercial version of SmartGit on Ubuntu 20.04?
Only applying "Delete the config files of SmartGit" part was enough for me.
rm -rf ~/.config/smartgit
Then run smartgit and it asks for licensing options again like the first install.
Yes the other options for smartgit are lost removing the folder completely so a fine tuning may be done to this approach if needed.
Wow, I found the solution!
With the help of this:
So the process is
Remove SmartGit
sudo apt remove smartgit
sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove
Delete the config files of SmartGit
Navigate to the home directory,
Ctrl + H to show the hidden folders,
in the .config folder
delete the smartgit folder.
Install SmartGit
sudo apt install smartgit
Choose the free non-commercial option
Be careful. Choose not the default option but
the free non-commercial option.
I'm trying to use a networked Brother printer with my RPI3 (Raspbian Stretch).
I tried several tutorials :
None of these solutions work.
I adde the printer inside CUPS browser utility (http://localhost:631). I can print a Test PAge from here.
But when i want to use Command Line, the printer isn't recognized.
When i use lpstat -pfor listing alvailable printers, i got this log in Command Line Terminal :
lpstat: server-error-operation-not-supported
When i'm trying to use command like lp I get this error line :
lp: Error - scheduler not responding.
I'm totally stucked. Any ideas ?
I found a solution.
Remove all CUPS installation
sudo apt-get sudo /etc/init.d/cups stop
sudo apt-get purge cups
sudo rm -rf /etc/cups
And reinstall it
sudo apt-get install cups
For convenience, you can add Printer SEttings in Raspbian Menu
sudo apt-get install system-config-printer
For enabling Recto Verso Printing, install
sudo apt-get install gtklp
How can I get startx to work?
I have my SD set -used pi filler and image raspbian jessie.
However, I did download the zip Raspbian Jessie Lite (usually I have done the full desktop image, not lite)
After I log in as pi I want to get to my GUI. I type:
-bash: startx: command not found
So then I try with sudo, still: command not found.
I have done my steps in the sudo raspi-config to extend file system, set correct time and keyboard.
When I try to install some python packages
I want to configure my wi-fi by running the GUI. But, I cannot get to my gui with startx.
I know a few things (I've had startx work before on other pi 3s, but I'm a big noob, so please be detailed if you can help me out.
Thank you, in advance!
sudo apt-get install lxde
after this one gets installed, used the command
My solution was to install these packages
sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xinit pciutils xinput xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable
The lite version of Raspian Jessie doesn't come with X installed. That's why you cannot start it.
Raspbian lite is intended for a headless system usage, however you can still install X (don't ask me how, the web is plenty of tutorials)
use sudo apt-get install xinit instead.
Don't forget to expand your File System and reboot: sudo raspi-config
My Ubuntu software center crashes whenever i tried to open it. I came to understand it is after the python installation.
Now i want to update my Firefox browser.
How the Firefox browser is upgraded using the command line in Ubuntu?
You need to run 2 commands to upgrade specific package:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade firefox