Nuxt 3 onLeave transition hook not working - animation

Since I've been experimenting with Nuxt3 and animation libraries, I came across an issue for which I need help finding a solution for.
I want to do an easy transition with some Javascript hooks no CSS/basic transitions.
When a page loads (onEnter), I want to reduce the height of a fixed black rectangle but for example sake, I'm just going to use the Nuxt example:
<script setup lang="ts">
pageTransition: {
name: 'custom-flip',
mode: 'out-in',
onBeforeEnter: (el) => {
console.log('Before enter...')
onEnter: (el, done) => {},
onAfterEnter: (el) => {}
Everything working fine till you want to add an onBeforeLeave, onLeave or onAfterLeave hook.:
<script setup lang="ts">
pageTransition: {
name: 'custom-flip',
mode: 'out-in',
onBeforeEnter: (el) => {
console.log('Before enter...')
onEnter: (el, done) => {},
onAfterEnter: (el) => {},
//nothings is logging underneath this
onBeforeLeave: (el) => {},
onLeave: (el, done) => {
console.log('this is not logging to the console...')
onAfterLeave: (el) => {}
Someone who experienced the same issue?


Local storage is set to wrong domain in Cypress

Trying to test two subdomains in integration.
However, localStorage is always set to first visited subdomain.
Is it possible to set localStorage value to the later visited subdomain ( in the example below?
describe('Login', () => {
it('Logins foo', () => {
localStorage.setItem('foo', 'foo');
it('Logins bar', () => {
// this will set the entry to
localStorage.setItem('bar', 'bar');
Now if we check localStorage at it is empty.
And has the both foo and bar entries.
You should either set testIsolation: true or call cy.clearAllLocalStorage() before all tests.
TestIsolation is designed to overcome this sort of issue, but you may not want it if there is some sort of continuity between tests (i.e data carries over).
Here is a reproducible example. There are two contexts, one with testIsolation on and one with it off.
Comment out the cy.clearAllLocalStorage() and you will see the tests start to fail.
Note that localstorage entries persist across runs in the Cypress UI.
context("localstorage - isolated", { testIsolation: true }, () => {
it("one", () => {
localStorage.setItem("one", "1");
cy.getAllLocalStorage().should("deep.eq", {
"": { one: "1" }
it("two", () => {
localStorage.setItem("two", "2");
cy.getAllLocalStorage().should("deep.eq", {
"": { two: "2" }
context("localstorage - not isolated", { testIsolation: false }, () => {
before(() => {
it("one", () => {
localStorage.setItem("one", "1");
cy.getAllLocalStorage().should("deep.eq", {
"": { one: "1" }
it("two", () => {
localStorage.setItem("two", "2");
cy.getAllLocalStorage().should("deep.eq", {
"": { two: "2" }

Cypress dynamically check deadlinks

I wanted to check my navigations if it is dead / goes to the expected page,
i have a menu array, now i want to check if the link is not "#" then visit the url and should contain the those links,
so far i am stuck in this stage:
const menus = Menu;
context("Nav items test", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it("should redirect to the expected pages", () => {
cy.get(".navbar-nav>li>a[href!='/#']").each((links, index) => {
cy.url().should("contain", links[0].href);
export const Menu = [
id: 1,
title: "Home",
link: "/",
children: [],
id: 2,
title: "Consultants",
link: "#",
children: [
{ childTitle: "Find a Doctor", childTo: "/consultant/doctors" },
id: 3,
title: "Services",
link: "/services",
children: [
childTitle: "Clinical Laboratory",
childTo: "/services/laboratoryservices",
id: 4,
title: "Packages",
link: "/packages",
children: [],
cy.each() can pass three arguments into the callback - value (the currently yielded value), index (the position of the current value in the overall array), and collection (the entire array of yielded variables).
That being said, your current implementation wouldn't work either, as the DOM where you are getting your initial collection will become unattached when navigating to a new page. I would instead recommend doing two separate tests - one that validates that the href values are what you expect, and another that using cy.visit() to go to those href values does not redirect you.
it('validates the menu item href values are correct', () => {
cy.get(".navbar-nav>li>a[href!='/#']").each(($link, index) => {
cy.wrap($link).should('have.attr', 'href', menus[index].link);
it('validates navigating to each menu item does not redirect', () => {
menus.forEach((item) => {
cy.url().should('eq', `${Cypress.config('baseUrl')}${}`);
You may have to do some re-working, in case your app adds/removes trailing slashes, or other URL modifications.
Use cy.request() to test links with .each()
const results = []
cy.get(".navbar-nav>li>a[href!='/#']").each($a => {
const link = $a.prop('href')
url: link,
failOnStatusCode: false // allow good and bad responses
.then(response => {
results.push({link, ok: response.isOkStatusCode})
cy.then(() => {
For example,
const results = []
cy.wrap(['', '']).each(link => {
cy.request({url: link, failOnStatusCode: false})
.then(result => {
results.push({link, ok: result.isOkStatusCode})
cy.then(() => {
gives these results:
{link: '', ok: true}
{link: '', ok: false}

Blank page after running Cypress tests

Whenever I run a new cypress test, the page that is supposed to show the UI is blank. Even when I click on each part of each test it remains blank. Please see image below.
Cypress package version: 10.4.0
Node v16.16.0
describe("home page", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
context("Hero section", () => {
it("the h1 contains the correct text", () => {
"Testing Next.js Applications with Cypress"
it("the features on the homepage are correct", () => {
cy.get("dt").eq(0).contains("4 Courses")
cy.get("dt").eq(1).contains("25+ Lessons")
cy.get("dt").eq(2).contains("Free and Open Source")
context("Courses section", () => {
it("CourseL Testing Your First Next.js Application", () => {
.contains('Get started')
/// <reference types="cypress" />
Cypress.Commands.add('getByData', (selector) => {
return cy.get(`[data-test=${selector}]`);
I faced the same issue in Cypress version 12.0.0 and I solved it by adding this configuration to cypress.config.js
testIsolation: false,
Try adding 's' to http; this might solve that else here is similar issue reported which might give you clue to your problem
You might have put the it() describe() statements in the wrong place. Try creating the most simple test file possible or better still use an example test that cypress provides strip it down and continue to test it until it is barebones.
I have a "solution" in my tests - it seems that the it steps lose the URL.
Remove all the it steps:
describe('Register Native', () => {
// it("Verify1", () => {
: a
// })
// it("Verify2", () => {
: b
// })
Now I have a structure like this (only one it step):
describe('Registrer Native', () => {
it('Whole test- Without IT parts', () => {
: a
: b
: c
It is not an optimal solution as I now have a long test without intermediary it sections.

Data not showing on vue.js component using laravel api

I'm trying to get the data from database using an API, but there are no output on my vue controller.
Am I doing this right?
I think I'm assigning the scheduleList the wrong way.
I'm very new to vue.js and API, I want to know what I'm doing wrong here.
public function schedules(){
return Schedule::all();
Route::get('schedules', 'CalendarController#schedules');
Vue Component
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
data() {
return {
schedules: [],
scheduleList: [
title: schedules.title,
category: schedules.category,
start: schedules.start,
end: schedules.end
methods: {
loadSchedules() {
.then((response) => {
this.schedules =;
mounted() {
The issue is in your data option because you're referencing schedules which is undefined, I'm sure that you're meaning this.schedules but doing that will not solve the issue because at first rendering this.schedules is an empty array, another problem that you're referencing at as object in scheduleList items using, if the schedules property is an array i recommend the following solution :
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
data() {
return {
schedules: [],
scheduleList: [],
methods: {
loadSchedules() {
.then((response) => {
this.schedules =;
let schedule=this.schedules[0]
title: schedule.title,
category: schedule.category,
start: schedule.start,
end: schedule.end
mounted() {
always catch errors if you do promises.
loadSchedules() {
.then((response) => {
this.schedules =;
.catch(error => {
inside your error you can better see whats going wrong.
other way is the "network" tab in your browser where you can trace your api request

Why won't VueJS invoke methods from the created() function?

Learning VueJS and trying to do a simple API call on component load to put a list of repos onto my page. When I call and set the this.repos from the created() method, no problem. But if I set it as a method and then call it from this.getRepos nothing happens. No error, nothing. What am I missing about VueJS?
This works:
data: () => ({
msg: 'Github Repos',
ok: 'Im practically giving away these repos',
repos: [],
methods: {
async created() {
const repos = await axios.get('');
this.repos = =>
`<div class="box"><a href="${repo.html_url}">
This DOES NOT work:
data: () => ({
msg: 'Github Repos',
ok: 'Im practically giving away these repos',
repos: [],
methods: {
getRepos: async () => {
const repos = await axios.get('');
this.repos = =>
`<div class="box"><a href="${repo.html_url}">
created() {
Any ideas? Thanks!
It's simply because you used arrow functions here so that this.repos's this is bound to window object. Changing async () => {} to async function() {} will help you overcome it.
See demo
Note that you should not use an arrow function to define a method (e.g. plus: () => this.a++). The reason is arrow functions bind the parent context, so this will not be the Vue instance as you expect and this.a will be undefined.
Another way to do an Axios call with Vue using then() method:
created() {
axios.get('', {
params: {
type: 'all',
.then((res) => {
console.log('Success Response',; => {
this.repos.push({ name:, url: repo.html_url, language: repo.language });
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error', err);
