Spring boot dashboard isn't active - spring

Spring boot dashboard do not active in my VSCode.
enter image description here
enter image description here
Cannot activate the 'Spring Boot Dashboard' extension because it depends on an unknown 'Pivotal.vscode-spring-boot' extension.
I tried to reinstalled VSCode remove folders with prefix like "redhat.java", "vscjava.vscode-spring-boot-dashboard", "vscjava.vscode-java-debug", "pivotal.vscode-spring-boot".

install other version
Spring Boot Tools: 1.43.0
Spring Boot Dashboard: 0.9.0


Spring Boot graphiql not working when running a Jar but works on IntelliJ

I have a basic spring boot 2.7 project with graphql.
I can access the /graphiql console from the path http://localhost:8080/graphiql?path=/graphql when running the project on intellij but I get 404 when running a jar file.
GraphiQL is not enabled by default and this needs to be activated using spring.graphql.graphiql.enabled=true.
Your application is probably using devtools, which enables GraphiQL for development purposes. See Spring Boot reference documentation.

spring initializr 2.3.x removed

Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE was released on 10th Jun 2021 and in July it's been removed from "spring initializr" page (https://start.spring.io/).
My questions:
Is 2.3.x deprecated already?
If I want to generate a new Spring Boot project for version 2.3.12, how can I do it? It no longer can be done from "spring initializr" page.
Is 2.3.x deprecated already?
Yes. Spring Boot 2.3.x was removed from https://start.spring.io as 2.3.x reached the end of its open source support period on 15 May 2021.
If I want to generate a new Spring Boot project for version 2.3.12, how can I do it?
Ideally, you shouldn't. Any existing projects that are using Spring Boot 2.3.x should be updated to 2.4.x or 2.5.x as soon as possible and new projects should use 2.4.x or 2.5.x from the outset.
If you have to start a new project using an unsupported version of Spring Boot, you could generate the project and then modify the version in the pom.xml or build.gradle file to downgrade the version. This may get harder to do the longer the version has been out of support.
If you are using Spring Cloud, you can use start.spring.io's info endpoint to help with version mappings:
"spring-cloud": {
"2020.0.0": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M4 and <=2.4.0",
"2020.0.0-M3": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M1 and <=2.4.0.M1",
"2020.0.0-M4": "Spring Boot >=2.4.0.M2 and <=2.4.0-M3",
"2020.0.3": "Spring Boot >=2.4.1 and <2.5.4-SNAPSHOT",
"2020.0.4-SNAPSHOT": "Spring Boot >=2.5.4-SNAPSHOT",
"Hoxton.SR12": "Spring Boot >=2.2.0.RELEASE and <2.4.0.M1"
The above indicates that Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR12 should be used with Spring Boot 2.3.x (and 2.2.x).
Note that Spring Cloud Hoxton is also out of its OSS support period so you really should be looking to upgrade to Spring Boot 2.4.x or 2.5.x and Spring Cloud 2020.0.x.
Answer-1: Check #andy-wilkinson's answer.
Answer-2: You can use Spring-CLI
Install Spring-CLI
Run following command
spring init --boot-version=2.3.12.RELEASE --dependencies=web,data-jpa
For more on Spring-CLI. Please check official documents here

Do we really need to add spring boot starter web for spring boot admin clients?

Version 1.5.4 was working fine without extra declaration of starter web in POM of Spring Boot Admin Clients. When I upgraded to 2.0.1, I had to add starter web to POM to make it work. Without starter web in client apps, there is no error or no log related to registering the application.
It's not documented anywhere as far as I know. Can anyone please confirm?
Spring Boot Admin 2.x can run on netty and on tomcat. So if you want to run on tomcat you have to explicitly import the spring-boot-starter-web.
The getting started guide contains this dependency http://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/current/#set-up-admin-server

Spring Boot Deploying Old Project

I had created a spring boot project in the past, and now I am coming back to using spring boot again. However, I am running into issues when I click "run as spring project" (which informs me that my server/app has deployed as expected on port 8080 with a context root of "/"). When I open my browser and go to localhost:8080, it still shows up with content from my old project. Any ideas on how to fix this? (P.S. it is not a maven issue -- I have clean/installed).
Try following these steps :
1)Stop all the Java processes in your system .
2) Restart your app .
3) Open a new incognito window in your browser and try again .
If it still doesnt work , provide more details like which version of Spring boot are you using and contents of your application.properties .
Also , are you using docker to run your apps?

swagger ui not working for swagger version 2

I am currently working on a project involving spring-boot and swagger. I have upgraded my maven spring boot project to the latest Swagger using the link Upgrade to version2.
I am currently using the Swagger-UI which I have configured from the link Swagger-UI with Spring Boot
I try to access the url : localhost:8080/swagger/index.html after deploying the app successfully on my tomcat server. Unfortunately, it does not work and I am unable to view the swagger-ui in my browser. How do I go on about it further?
I think you're mixing the documentation of 2 versions of the library. The second link points to an older version of the springfox library. Please follow the instructions in the latest snapshot of the documentation. If you've configured everything correctly you should see the swagger-ui at http://localhost:8080[/CONTEXT-PATH]/swagger-ui.html. Depending on how you've set your springboot app the context path is optional.
