does new version libstdc++ compatible with older version - gcc

my os default gcc version is 4.8.5, I compiled a program use gcc-11, so this program cannot be run for a older, can I use from gcc-11 substitute older one gloabally(means as an default one at system wide)? after substitute, can other program compiled with gcc-4.8.5 also works well without any problem?
thanks very much

from, we can see is forward compatible with - so far, but notice some compile flags for build gcc itself may cause forward incompatible if you build gcc youself.


Targetting an older version of libstdc++ with recent GCC when cross-copiling to an embedded-linux ARM device

We need to find a cross-compilation toolchain for an ARM embedded linux target that satisfies the following criteria:
Kernel 3.17
GLIBC 2.18
Recent version of GCC is required to compile some third-party code
Those requirements brought me to generate a custom cross-compilation toolchain using crosstool-ng. I selected the min kernel version, min glibc version and it seemed to work well until I tried to compile code containing C++.
Because the new GCC is using a more recent libstdc++ than what is available on the target, the executable won't run and we get an error like this:
/usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found
The code compiled fine with an older version of GCC.
Looking at the configuration options for crosstool-ng I didn't find anything that would let me change the min libstdc++ version, like for glibc.
Is there a way to target an older libstdc++ version without downgrading GCC?
Can I use the headers and files from the target to replace the ones GCC is using when cross-compiling?

Cross-compiling for target with lower version of libstdc++/libgcc

I want to use latest gcc compiler, but target pc configuration only has libstdc++/libc suitable for gcc 4.8.
Is there any way to tell compiler to link against older abi?
I've managed to run my application, built with newer compiler (gcc 6), when I used -std=gnu++11 flag. It seems explicitly specifying standard version makes compiler link to maximum required version of abi.

CUDA version X complains about not supporting gcc version Y - what to do?

The question is about a specific combination of versions but is relevant more generally.
I've just dist-upgraded from Kubuntu 12.04 to 14.04. Now, when I want to compile CUDA code (with CUDA 6.5), I get:
#error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc 4.9 and up are not supported!
I installed gcc-4.8 (and 4.7), and tried to use the symlinks-in-/usr/local/cuda/bin solution suggested here:
CUDA incompatible with my gcc version
but this doesn't work. What should I do?
This solution is relevant to multiple combinations of CUDA and GCC versions.
You can tell CUDA's nvcc to use a specific version of gcc. So, suppose you want gcc 4.7 for use with CUDA 6. You run:
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7 g++-4.7
and then add the following switch to your nvcc command-line:
nvcc --compiler-bindir /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 # rest of the command line here
If you're building with CMake, add an appropriate setting before looking for CUDA to your CMakeLists.txt, e.g.:
set(CUDA_HOST_COMPILER /usr/bin/gcc-4.7) # -> ADD THIS LINE <-
Also, it seems clang can compile CUDA as well, maybe that's worth experimenting with (although you would have to build it appropriately).
Note: Some Linux (or other OS) distributions don't have packages for multiple versions of gcc (in the same release of the OS distribution). I would advise against trying to install a package from another release of the distribution on an older release, and consider building gcc instead. That's not entirely trivial but it is quite doable - and of course, it's your only option if you don't have root access to your machine.
Switch back to a supported config. They are listed in the getting started document for any recent CUDA distribution.
For your particular configuration you have currently listed, you might have better luck with CUDA 7 RC, which is now available to registered developers.
I had a similar issue with CUDA Toolkit 7.5 and gcc 5.2.1.
I did modify the host_config.h file in /usr/local/cuda/include/:
Just remove the lines where it check the gcc version. It did solve my problem.
Credits goes to Darren Garvey (!topic/torch7/WaNmWZqMnzw)
Very often you will find that CUDA has had newer releases by the time you encounter this problem. For example, the original formulation of the question was about CUDA 6 and GCC 4.9; CUDA 7 supported GCC 4.9. CUDA 8 supports GCC 5.x . And so on.

Forcing G++ (GCC) to a specific libstdc++ version (GLIBCXX_*)

I'm trying to build a binary with GCC 4.9.0 that is backwards-compatible against libstdc++. According to GCC's ABI Policy and Guidelines and Options Controlling C++ Dialect, the command line option -fabi-version should do the trick; however, no matter which version I set, I still get imports of symbols from a version newer then desired, like this:
$ objdump -T binary | grep GLIBCXX_3.4.20
00000000 DF *UND* 00000000 GLIBCXX_3.4.20 _ZSt24__throw_out_of_range_fmtPKcz
I've tried -fabi-version=1 to -fabi-version=5 (ABI version 5 corresponds to GCC 4.6, which is guaranteed to be present on the target system), but those imports keep winding up in the resulting files.
How do I fix this? Going back to an old GCC version is not an option to me for other reasons.
the command line option -fabi-version should do the trick
No, that's completely unrelated to what you want. That option affects the code generated by the compiler, it does not mean you can link to an older version of libstdc++ (which is what you would need in order to stop depending on symbols in the newer libstdc++).
You cannot link to an older libstdc++ with a new GCC. The version of libstdc++ is tightly coupled to the version of GCC, so if you want to linker to an older libstdc++ then you need to compile with an older GCC.
You cannot tell libstdc++ to not use the new symbols, the reason it depends on them is because it needs them. Use an older libstdc++.
Going back to an old GCC version is not an option to me for other reasons.
Then you're screwed.
You either need to use an older GCC, or not link dynamically to
On Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS you would have the option of using a newer GCC from the Developer Toolset which avoids linking to the new but that is only compatible with the system GCC, which is GCC 4.4 for RHEL6 or GCC 4.7 for RHEL7. You can't use it to be compatible with GCC 4.6.

newer gcc for cygwin

I use cygwin to compile my C++ programs but it uses gcc 3.4.4, is there a newer version of it for cygwin, or at least a port of newer versions of gcc to windows?
Install the "gcc4" package (not "gcc") to get GCC 4.5.3 or (optionally) an even later one.
Kind of hard to find! This confused me for a while too.
