Best design for handling multi-level events - events

I have 4 entities:
Mall contains multiple Shop subobjects
Shop contains multiple Basket subobjects
Basket contains multiple Fruit subobjects.
Fruit which is a leaf subobject.
updateMall(...) calls updateShop(...), which calls updateBasket(...), which calls updateFruit(...).
Each of these updateXxx(...) function sends a XxxUpdatedEvent once it is done.
Therefore, if updateMall(...) is called, there will be many event sent: FruitUpdatedEvent, BasketUpdatedEvent, ShopUpdatedEvent, MallUpdatedEvent.
This granularity of event is desirable because some event listeners may only care about e.g. BasketUpdatedEvent and not necessarily about parent-data event.
Here is a sequence diagram of 2 producers and 2 listeners:
As you can see, Listener2 needs to keep all data in sync with its own internal business logic. Therefore it needs to listen to everything. It cannot only listen to MallUpdatedEvent, because sometimes only FruitUpdatedEvent will be emitted.
(In my real life scenario, this Listener2 is a ElasticSearch index, trying to keep up with the changed data).
The issue here is, as you can see, the redundancy of the nested synchronization. The sub-object synchronisation methods are called more than needed to do the same job over and over.
I am pretty sure this design issue is common, and people had to address it over and over, but unfortunately my googling efforts didn't pay off.
What is a good design pattern to address this issue in a efficient, granular and elegant way?
I've thought of some debouncing mechanism, but it is not bulletproof.


Event Sourcing: multiple events vs a single "StatusChanged"

Assuming the common "Order" aggregate, my view of events is that each should be representative of the command that took place. E.g. OrderCreated, OrderePicked, OrderPacked, OrderShipped.
Applying these events in the aggregate changes the status of the order accordingly.
The problem:
I have a projector that lists all orders in the system and their statuses. So it consumes the events, and like with the aggregate "apply" method, it implements the logic that changes the status of the order.
So now the logic exists in two places, which is... not good.
A solution to this is to replace all the above events with a single StatusChanged event that contains a property with the new status.
Pros: both aggregate and projectors just need to handle one event type, and set the status to what's in that event. Zero logic.
Cons: the list of events is now very implicit. Instead of getting a list of WHAT HAPPENED (created, packed, shipped, etc.), we now have a list of the status changes events.
How do you prefer to approach this?
Note: this is not the full list of events. other events contain other properties, so clearly they don't belong to this problem. the problem is with events that don't contain any info, just change the status of an order.
In general it's better to have more finer-grained events, because this preserves context (and means that you don't have to write logic to reconstruct the context in your consumers).
You typically will have at most one projector which is duplicating your aggregate's event handler. If its purpose is actually to duplicate the aggregate's event handler (e.g. update a datastore which facilitates cross-aggregate querying), you may want to look at making that explicit as a means of making the code DRY (e.g. function-as-value, strategy pattern...).
For the other projectors you write (and there will be many as you go down the CQRS/ES road), you're going to be ignoring events that aren't interesting to that projection and/or doing radically different things in response to the events you don't ignore. If you go down the road of coarse events (CRUD being about the limit of coarseness: a StatusChanged event is just the "U" in CRUD), you're setting yourself up for either:
duplicating the aggregate's event handling/reconstruction in the projector
carrying oldState and newState in the event (viz. just saying StatusChanged { newState } isn't sufficient)
before you can determine what changed and the code for determining whether a change is interesting will probably be duplicated and more complex than the aggregate's event-handling code.
The coarser the events, the greater the likelihood of eventually having more duplication, less understandability, and worse performance (or higher infrastructure spend).
So now the logic exists in two places, which is... not good.
Not necessarily a problem. If the logic is static, then it really doesn't matter very much. If the logic is changing, but you can coordinate the change (ex: both places are part of the same deployment bundle), then its fine.
Sometimes this means introducing an extra layer of separation between your "projectors" and the consumers - ex: something that is tightly coupled to the aggregate watching the events, and copying status changes to some (logical) cache where other processes can read the information. Thus, you preserve the autonomy of your component without compromising your event stream.
Another possibility to consider is that we're allowed to produce more than one event from a command - so you could have both an OrderPicked event and a StatusChanged event, and then use your favorite filtering method for subscribers only interested in status changes.
In effect, we've got two different sets of information to track to remember later - inputs (information in the command, information copied from local caches), and also things we have calculated from those inputs, prior state, and the business policies that are now in effect.
So it may make sense to separate those expressions of information anyway.
If event sourcing is a good approach for the problems you are solving, then you are probably working on problems that are pretty important to the business, where specialization matters (otherwise, licensing an off the shelf product and creating adapters would be more cost effective). In which case, you should probably be expecting to invest in thinking deeply about the different trade offs you need to make, rather than hoping for a one-size-fits-all solution.

DDD and EDA - Singular vs Plural event names with set-oriented operations

Context: the product I'm working on is moving away from a monolith to a modular monolith architecture, and in the process implementing DDD concepts, as well as a more event-driven architecture.
Problem: a lot of operations are set-oriented (i.e. they accept a set of Items instead of a single one). From what I understand, this is a violation of the Aggregate rule of "one Aggregate change per transaction", however Vaughn Vernon mentions in IDDD (p. 367/368) that "UI convenience allowing the user to create batch Aggregates" (paraphrased) is one of the "accepted reasons" to break this rule. There is no mention on what the corresponding events would look like.
Question: Would it be correct, in this particular case, to batch all the ItemCreated events in a single ItemsCreated events (plural vs singular), with all the individual events as payload?
So, if the user creates 10 Items at once, instead of having 10 ItemCreated (singular) events, I would have a single ItemsCreated (plural) event, with the 10 Items referenced.
Other notes: I understand that Domain Events are emitted by Aggregates, and as such there should be a 1:1 match between event-emitting commands and Domain Events. I am not sure if this batching of Events can be accomplished away from the Aggregates.
I understand that Domain Events are emitted by Aggregates, and as such there should be a 1:1 match between event-emitting commands and Domain Events.
There are a number of people who feel quite strongly that one "transaction" should necessarily mean one "event". I've argued with some of them. They aren't particularly convincing; but apparently neither was I.
1:1 is simple - but you have to be careful about the cases where you pay for simple with more complexity somewhere else.
Would it be correct, in this particular case, to batch all the ItemCreated events in a single ItemsCreated events (plural vs singular), with all the individual events as payload?
It could be (but I would guess that it won't be).
What I think you should do is look into the nuance of the situation more carefully - within the business domain that you are modeling, is this really one thing that's going on, or is it 10 different things that just happen to be coincident in time because they were delivered together?
Does everybody who cares about one of the items in this set necessarily care about all of them?
If you were to implement "create 10" as two distinct "create 5"s, would that call for one event? two events? 10 events?
The fact that you are considering these to be 10 different aggregates (as opposed to one aggregate with 10 different entities within it) suggests that we really do have 10 different acts of creation that the business cares about.

Event-sourcing: Dealing with derived data

How does an event-sourcing system deal with derived data? All the examples I've read on event-sourcing demonstrate services reacting to fact events. A popular example seems to be:
Bank Account System
Funds deposited
Funds withdrawn
Balance Service
They then show how the Balance service can, at any point, derive a state (I.e. balance) from the events. That makes sense; those events are facts. There's no question that they happened - they are external to the system.
However, how do we deal with data calculated BY the system?
Overdrawn service:
A services which is responsible for monitoring the balance and performing some action when it goes below zero.
Does the event-sourcing approach dictate how we should use (or not use) derived data? I.e. The balance. Perhaps one of the following?
1) Use: [Funds Withdrawn event] + [Balance service query]
Listen for the "Funds withdrawn" event and then ask the Balance service for the current balance.
2) Use: [Balance changed event]
Get the balance service to throw a "Balance changed" event containing the current balance. Presumably this isn't a "fact" as it's not external to the system, therefore prone to miscalculation.
3) Use: [Funds withdrawn event] + [Funds deposited event]
We could just skip the Balance service and have each service maintain its own balance directly from the facts. ...though that would result in each service having its own (potentially different) version of the balance.
A services which is responsible for monitoring the balance and performing some action when it goes below zero.
Executive summary: the way this is handled in event sourced systems is not actually all that different from the alternatives.
Stepping back a second - the advantage of having a domain model is to ensure that all proposed changes satisfy the business rules. Borrowing from the CQRS language: we send command messages to a command handler. The handler loads the state of the model, and tries to apply the command. If the command is allowed, the changes to the state of the domain model is updated and saved.
After persisting the state of the model, the command handler can query that state to determine if their are outstanding actions to be performed. Udi Dahan describes this in detail in his talk on Reliable messaging.
So the most straight forward way to describe your service is one that updates the model each time the account balance changes, and sets the "account overdrawn" flag if the balance is negative. After the model is saved, we schedule any actions related to that state.
Part of the justification for event sourcing is that the state of the domain model is derivable from the history. Which is to say, when we are trying to determine if the model allows a command, we load the history, and compute from the history the current state, and then use that state to determine whether the command is permitted.
What this means, in practice, is that we can write an AccountOverdrawn event at the same time that we write the AccountDebited event.
That AccountDebited event can be subscribed to - Pub/Sub. The typical handling is that the new events get published after they are successfully written to the book of record. An event listener subscribing to the events coming out of the domain model observes the event, and schedules the command to be run.
Digression: typically, we'll want at-least-once execution of these activities. That means keeping track of acknowledgements.
Therefore, the event handler is also a thing with state. It doesn't have any business state in it, and certainly no rules that would allow it to reject events. What it does track is which events it has seen, and which actions need to be scheduled. The rules for loading this event handler (more commonly called a process manager) are just like those of the domain model - load events from the book of record to obtain the current state, then see if the event being handled changes anything.
So it is really subscribing to two events - the AccountDebited event, and whatever event returns from the activity to acknowledge that it has completed.
This same mechanic can be used to update the domain model in response to events from elsewhere.
Example: suppose we get a FundsWithdrawn event from an ATM, and we need to update the account history to match it. So our event handler gets loaded, updates itself, and schedules a RecordATMWithdrawal command to be run. When the command loads, it loads the account, updates the balances, and writes out the AccountCredited and AccountOverdrawn events as before. The event handler sees these events, loads the correct state process state based on the meta data, and updates the state of the process.
In CQRS terms, this is all taking place in the "write models"; these processes are all about updating the book of record.
The balance query itself is easy - we already showed that the balance can be derived from the history of the domain model, and that's just how your balance service is expected to do it.
To sum up; at any given time you can load the history of the domain model, to query its state, and you can load up the history of the event processor, to determine what work has yet to be acknowledged.
Event sourcing is an evolving discipline with a bunch of diverse practices, practitioners and charismatic people. You can't expect them to provide you with some very consistent modelling technique for all scenarios like you described. Each one of those scenarios has it's pros and cons and you specified some of them. Also it may vary dramatically from one project to another, because business requirements (evolutionary pressures of the market) will be different.
If you are working on some mission-critical system and you want to have very consistent balance all the time - it's better to use RDBMS and ACID transactions.
If you need maximum speed and you are okay with eventually consistent states and not very anxious about precision of your balances (some events may be missing here and there for bunch of reasons) then you can derive your projections for balances from events asynchronously.
In both scenarios you can use event sourcing, but you don't necessarily have to generate your projections asynchronously. It's okay to generate projection in the same transaction scope as you making changes to your write model if you really need to do that.
Will it make Greg Young happy? I have no idea, but who cares about such things if your balances one day may go out of sync in mission-critical system ...

Event-driven architecture and structure of events

I'm new to EDA and I've read a lot about benefits and would probably be interested to apply it during my next project but still haven't understood something.
When raising an event, which pattern is the most suited:
Name the event "CustomerUpdate" and include all information (updated or not) about the customer
Name the event "CustomerUpdate" and include only information that have really been updated
Name the event "CustomerUpdate" and include minimum information (Identifier) and/or a URI to let the consumer retrieves information about this Customer.
I ask the question because some of our events could be heavy and frequent.
Thx for your answers and time.
Name the event "CustomerUpdate"
First let's start with your event name. The purpose of an event is to describe something which has already happenned. This is different from a command, which is to issue an instruction for something yet to happen.
Your event name "CustomerUpdate" sounds ambiguous in this respect, as it could be describing something in the past or something in the future.
CustomerUpdated would be better, but even then, Updated is another ambiguous term, and is nonspecific in a business context. Why was the customer updated in this instance? Was it because they changed their payment details? Moved home? Were they upgraded from silver to gold status? Events can be made as specific as needed.
This may seem at first to be overthinking, but event naming becomes especially relevant as you remove data and context from the event payload, moving more toward skinny events (the "option 3" from your question, which I discuss below).
That is not to suggest that it is always appropriate to define events at this level of granularity, only that it is an avenue which is open to you early on in the project which may pay dividends later on (or may swamp you with thousands of event types).
Going back to your actual question, let's take each of your options in turn:
Name the event "CustomerUpdate" and include all information (updated
or not) about the customer
Let's call this "pattern" the Fat message.
Fat messages (also called snapshots) represent the state of the described entity at a given point in time with all the event context present in the payload. They are interesting because the message itself represents the contract between service and consumer. They can be used for communicating changes of state between business domains, where it may be preferred that all event context be present during message processing by the consumer.
Self consistent - can be consumed entirely without knowledge of other systems.
Simple to consume (upsert).
Brittle - the contract between service and consumer is coupled to the message itself.
Easy to overwrite current data with old data if messages arrive in the wrong order (hint: you can mitigate this by using the event sourcing pattern)
Name the event "CustomerUpdate" and include only information that have
really been updated
Let's call this pattern the Delta message.
Deltas are similar to fat messages in many ways, though they are generally more complex to generate and consume. A good example here is the JSONPatch standard.
Because they are only a partial description of the event entity, deltas also come with a built-in assumption that the consumer knows something about the event being described. For this reason they may be less suitable for sending outside a business domain, where the event entity may not be well known.
Deltas really shine when synchronising data between systems sharing the same entity model, ideally persisted in non-relational storage (eg, no-sql). In this instance an entity can be retrieved, the delta applied, and then persisted again with minimal effort.
Smaller than Fat messages
Excels in use cases involving shared entity models
Portable (if based on a standard such as jsonpatch, or to a lesser extent, diffgram)
Similar to the Fat message, assumes complete knowledge of the data entity.
Easy to overwrite current data with old data.
Complex to generate and consume (except for specific use cases)
Name the event "CustomerUpdate" and include minimum information
(Identifier) and/or a URI to let the consumer retrieves information
about this Customer.
Let's call this the Skinny message.
Skinny messages are different from the other message patterns you have defined, in that the service/consumer contract is no longer explicit in the message, but implied in that at some later time the consumer will retrieve the event context. This decouples the contract and the message exchange, which is a good thing.
This may or may not lend itself well to cross-business domain communication of events, depending on how your enterprise is set up. Because the event payload is so small (usually an ID with some headers), there is no context other than the name of the event on which the consumer can base processing decisions; therefore it becomes more important to make sure the event is named appropriately, especially if there are multiple ways a consumer could handle a CustomerUpdated message.
Additionally it may not be good practice to include an actual resource address in the event data - because events are things which have already happened, event messages are generally immutable and therefore any information in the event should be true forever in case the events need to be replayed. In this instance a resource address could easily become obsolete and events would not be re-playable.
Decouples service contract from message.
Information about the event contained in the event name.
Naturally idempotent (with time-stamp).
Generally tiny.
Simple to generate and consume.
Consumer must make additional call to retrieve event context - requires explicit knowledge of other systems.
Event context may have become obsolete at the point where the consumer retrieves it, making this approach generally unsuitable for some real-time applications.
When raising an event, which pattern is the most suited?
I think the answer to this is: it depends on lots of things, and there is probably no one right answer.
Update from comments: Also worth reading, a very old, classic, blog post on messaging: (also here:
Martin Fowler gave a great talk about "The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture" (the content is based on this paper) in which he mentioned the Event-Carried State Transfer pattern.
It seems to be close to your second option "Delta message" with the difference that it doesn't try to describe an entity, but instead describe a named business fact that happened and carry over all the necessary data to understand this fact.
I don't think it matters how you have modeled your persistence layer when it comes to designing domain events. Likewise, I don't think it matters how your consumer has modeled its own persistence layer when designing domain events.
Thus, I don't think it's wise to put as an advantage the fact that you can apply the event as a patch directly on your data (from a consumer point of view), because it pushes the producer to design their events given the persistence model of a consumer.
In that case, I would tend to think that you're designing persistence patches, instead of domain events.
What do you think?

When to use events?

At work, we have a huge framework and use events to send data from one part of it to another. I recently started a personal project and I often think to use events to control the interactions of my objects.
For example, I have a Mixer class that play sound effects and I initially thought I should receive events to play a sound effect. Then I decided to only make my class static and call
in my classes. I have a ton of examples like this one where I initially think of an implementation with events and then change my mind, saying to myself it is too complex for nothing.
So when should I use events in a project? In which occasions events have a serious advantage over others techniques?
You generally use events to notify subscribers about some action or state change that occurred on the object. By using an event, you let different subscribers react differently, and by decoupling the subscriber (and its logic) from the event generator, the object becomes reusable.
In your Mixer example, I'd have events signal the start and end of playing of the sound effect. If I were to use this in a desktop application, I could use those events to enable/disable controls in the UI.
The difference between Calling a subroutine and raising events has to do with: Specification, Election, Cardinality and ultimately, which side, the initiator or the receiver has Control.
With Calls, the initiator elects to call the receiving routine, and the initiator specifies the receiver. And this leads to many-to-one cardinality, as many callers may elect to call the same subroutine.
With Events on the other hand, the initiator raises an event that will be received by those routines that have elected to receive that event. The receiver specifies what events it will receive from what initiators. This then leads to one-to-many cardinality as one event source can have many receivers.
So the decision as to Calls or Events, mostly has to do with whether the initiator determines the receiver is or the receiver determines the initiator.
Its a tradeoff between simplicity and re-usability. Lets take an metaphor of "Sending the email" process:
If you know the recipients and they are finite in number that you can always determine, its as simple as putting them in "To" list and hitting the send button. Its simple as thats what we use most of the time. This is calling the function directly.
However, in case of mailing list, you don't know in advance that how many users are going to subscribe to your email. In that case, you create a mailing list program where the users can subscribe to and the email goes automatically to all the subscribed users. This is event modeling.
Now, even though, in both above option, emails are sent to users, you are a better judge of when to send email directly and when to use the mailing list program. Apply the same judgement, hope that you would get your answer :)
I have been working with a huge code base at my previous work place and have seen, that using events can increase the complexity quite a lot and often unnecessarily.
I had often to reverse engineer existing code in order to fix it or to extend it.
In both cases, it is a lot easier to understand what is going on, when you can simply read a list of function calls instead of just seeing the raise of an event.
The event forces you to look for usages in order to fully understand what is happening. Not a problem with modern IDEs, but if you then encounter many functions, which also raise events, it quickly becomes complex. I had encountered cases, where it mattered in what order functions did subscribe to an event, even though most languages don't even gurantee a calling order...
There are cases when it is a really good idea to use events. But before you start eventing, consider the alternative. It is probably easier to read and mantain.
A Classic example for the use of events is a UI framework, which provides elements like buttons etc.
You want the function "ButtonPressed()" of the framework to call some of your functions, so that you can react to the user action.
The alternative to an event that you can subscribe to, would for example be a public bool "buttonPressed", which the UI framework exposes
and which you can regurlary check for beeing true or false. This is of course very ineffecient, when there are hundreds of UI elements.
