I am trying to use border radius to morph a photo to animate it in tailwind - animation

In CSS you can make an irregular circle that is animated but you cannot in tailwind
I tried to use other methods


FabricJS canvas on top of another FabricJS canvas

I am new to canvas. I am wondering if I can take a Fabric JS canvas and put it on time of an existing Fabric JS canvas? If so, I would I do this.
Yes, you can do this. Canvas backgrounds are transparent by default, so you are able to overlap them as layers. Use CSS to put the canvas elements exactly on top of each other.
Make sure, when clearing the top canvas, you use clearRect and not fillRect with a background color (even white), as that would remove the transparency and hide the other canvas.

Lighten an image on hover

I'm setting up a portfolio webpage, and I want the images to be coloured with a colour from the logo 50% solid until mouseover, which makes the colour fade out and reveal the image properly.
Here's the site so far; www.cmvisual.com
Anybody know how to do this?
It seems like you probably want to put a div with a background color and partial opacity
over the image, and then use a CSS transition (preferably) or Javascript to animate the transition.
Maybe start at half opacity, then go to 0 opacity on rollover.
What you REALLY want is CSS blend modes, but that isn't fully supported yet.

Possible workaround for having color and texture with Three.js CanvasRenderer?

I am using CanvasRenderer to render numerous Sprite objects. I am mapping a texture (PNG image) to the Sprites. I'd like to be able to change the color of the texture programmatically.
With the WebGLRenderer, I can use ParticleSystem and ParticleSystemMaterial to achieve this. Here's a live demo of setting color to this texture (http://wxalert.info/private/dv/ball.png) with that technique: http://wxalert.info/private/dv/demo.html
But since CanvasRenderer does not support ParticleSystem, I am using Sprites instead with a SpriteBasicMaterial. Here's a live demo of this: http://wxalert.info/private/dv/demo2.html
I'd like to be able to set the color with CanvasRenderer just like with WebGLRenderer, but I'm not sure if this is possible.
One thought was perhaps to load the image to an HTML5 canvas element, apply the color there, and then load the canvas context from the material. But any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Here's an example of kind of what I was thinking of doing if using the HTML5 canvas: http://wxalert.info/private/dv/html5canvas.html. Basically, I would do the color manipulation there and then just load the canvas from the material. But wasn't sure if there was a simpler or better way.

Combine sprite animation with path movement with CALayer

In Monotouch, I need to create a basic animation of an image moving along a path while animating it's image content with a sprite sheet or replacing the content CGImage, everything i try i can't combine both animations. I tried subclassing the CALayer and animate custom properties or combine animations in group nothing seems to work. What's the best way to produce this kind of animation?
To get a smooth animation, you want to think of what CAlayers represent: they are a handle to a texture that live in the GPU space. To get smooth animation you can control a few of their properties, but arbitrary changes like rendering the data again wont work fine.
What you should do is put all of your images in the sprite sheet, and then animate the ContentsRect property of the CALayer.

Foreground img sprites with compass and sass

I know that compass provides a way to implement CSS sprites as background images using chunky png gem. However, the generated CSS makes use of CSS background image.
#import "images/icons/*.png"
#include all-icons-sprites
What if I wanted to use compass CSS sprites, but with an embedded image, instead of background images, and position the image sprite relative, in order to show part of it. 
I could use compass to generate the sprite, but is there a mixin that could somehow generate the CSS for the class, so instead of background images it uses positioning? 
