How to fix the problem in pythonanywhere of permission error permission denied while hosting Python project? - web-hosting

A permission error permission denied is showing in pythonanywhere while hosting a python project.
I did the correct process of hosting. It ran successfully but there's showing an error when I give details in admin panel.
How to fix this error? I have given the correct path and allowed host by ['*']. Plzz help me


Wordpress Multisite... Warning: fopen(F:\htdocs/wp-content/plugins/1626892348): failed to open stream: Permission denied in~ Apache on windows 10

getting the error message in the wordpress dashboard
"Warning: fopen(F:\htdocs/wp-content/plugins/1626892348): failed to open stream: Permission denied in F:\htdocs\wp-includes\functions.php on line 6333"
this is a wordpress multisite installed on windows 10 using Apache.
been banging my head over this for the last 6 hours and nothing I google seems to help.
The file referenced in your functions.php line 6334 must be accessible to PHP, so you need to ensure that the file access permissions allow this access.

Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource on Laravel to Heroku

I am facing this error trying to push my Laravel project to Heroku:
Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource
What is the cause of this error, and how can I fix it?
Below is a screenshot of my Procfile:

Setup Magento on local server from live server

I need to setup magento on local server from live server.
I tries all the steps as I googled but its give me a 404 error. Can anyone point out me. Below are the log file report for your reference.
failed to open stream: Permission denied in
D:\xampp\htdocs\roller\lib\Varien\Simplexml\Config.php on line 496
I give permission all the file but still its give me this error in my error log. Any help will be appreciated.
Give the permission to app and etc folders

Get unc path gives access denied error for user without admin permissions

I am using code given in this link to get UNC path of a file.
It works only if a user has admin Admin Privileges. Otherwise it gives access denied error. What is the reason for it? Is there any alternative or solutions?

When I upload my CodeIgniter System to my Amazon EC2, why are all of my permissions messed up?

For some weird reason, my "system" folder has permissions of "000" when I upload it. This totally breaks CodeIgniter as I get all sorts of errors:
Message: CI_Config::include(/[mysite]/system/application/config/assetlibpro.php) [ci-config.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied
I don't think this is an EC2-specific problem. If you fix the permissions using
chmod -R 755 /[mysite]/system
you should be OK (755 means read/write/execute for owner, read/execute for group and world)
