Spring WebFluxTest add Pageable resolver - spring

I want to test my Spring controller using #WebFluxTest(MyController.class)
My test :
class MyControllerTest {
private MyService myService;
private WebTestClient client;
void myTest() {
List<Integer> list = List.of(1,2,3);
Page<Integer> expected = new PageImpl<>(list);
String buCode = TestUtils.getRandomString();
any(), // Pageable
My controller
public class MyController {
private MyService myService;
Mono<Page<Integer>> searchSeller(
Pageable pageable,
#RequestParam(required = false) String arg
) {
return myService.search(pageable, arg);
But I have this exception when I execute my test :
No primary or default constructor found for interface org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable
I think the solution is maybe to register the org.springframework.data.web.ReactivePageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver but I don't know how to register it into the WebTestClient
Have you some clues to fix this issue ?


Mockito Page<> test return null

I'm testing controller using mockito. Even though I stubbed about the getBoardList, It doesn't initiate the method.
This is the controller. getBoardList() doesn't initiate when I checked in debug mode.
public String getBoardListView(#Valid #Nullable BoardDto.Request request,
#PageableDefault(size = 10, sort = "createdAt", direction = Sort.Direction.ASC) Pageable pageable,
ModelMap map) {
Page<BoardDto.Response> boardList = postService.getBoardList(request, pageable);
map.addAttribute("boardList", boardList);
return "board/index";
This is the controllerTest
#MockBean private PostService postService;
void getBoardListView() throws Exception {
Page<BoardDto.Response> mock = Mockito.mock(Page.class);
when(postService.getBoardList(eq(null), any(Pageable.class))).thenReturn(mock);
then(postService).should().getBoardList(any(BoardDto.Request.class), any(Pageable.class));
This is PostService interface.
public interface PostService {
Page<BoardDto.Response> getBoardList(BoardDto.Request request, Pageable pageable);
This is PostServiceImpl
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class PostServiceImpl implements PostService {
private final PostRepository postRepository;
public Page<BoardDto.Response> getBoardList(BoardDto.Request request, Pageable pageable) {
return postRepository.findBoardList(request, pageable).map(BoardDto.Response::from);
Instead of:
when(postService.getBoardList(eq(null) ...
If you want to match a null argument, use ArgumentMatchers#isNull, not eq(null):
when(postService.getBoardList(isNull(), any(Pageable.class))).thenReturn(mock);

#MockBean with Junit Jupiter concurrent mode

I am trying to use
along with #MockBean from Spring Boot. However, the tests starts to fail when I set to concurrent mode. I tried setting
#MockBean(reset = MockReset.NONE)
However, it also does not help. Seems like mocked bean is reinitialized / reset even though MockReset.NONE is set.
Is that possible to use #MockBean allow with concurrent mode or is it a known limitation?
Bean I am mocking:
public class SampleService {
public Mono<String> processCall(String call) {
return Mono.just("ok");
The controller I am testing:
public class SampleController {
private final SampleService sampleService;
public Mono<String> processCall(#RequestBody String body) {
return sampleService.processCall(body);
And tests:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {SampleController.class})
class SampleTest {
#MockBean(reset = MockReset.NONE)
private SampleService sampleService;
private WebTestClient webTestClient;
void givenSampleServiceWorksFineExpectOkResponse() {
String randomBody = "1234";
void givenSampleServiceFailedExpectErrorResponse() {
String randomBody = "9876";
.thenReturn(Mono.error(new RuntimeException("error")));
private ResponseSpec callService(String body) {
return webTestClient
uriBuilder ->
I set concurrent mode for Jupiter in file junit-platform.properties:

How to mock Feign Client

I can't mock my Feign Client using Mockito.
public class MyService implements IMyService{
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyService .class);
private final MyRepository repository;
private final MyFeignClient myFeignClient;
private MyDao myDao;
public void process(Map<UUID, Long> command) {
DocIds docIds = getDocIds(command.values().stream().findFirst().get());
archiveData(command.keySet().stream().findFirst().get(), documentIds.getIds());
private DocumentIds getDocIds(Long retentionId) {
return myFeignClient.getDocumentIds(retentionId);
private void archiveData(UUID execId, List<Long> docIds) {
List<MyDocument> myDocs= prepareMyDocs(docIds);
And my test class:
public class ArchiveServiceTest {
ArchiveService archiveService;
MyDao myDao;
DocRepository archiveRepository;
private MyFeignClient myFeignClient;
public void shouldReturnTheSameNumberOfDocumentsToArchive() {
List<DocData> documentData = prepareDocumentData();
// doReturn(new DocIds()).when(myFeignClient).getDocumentIds(1000L);
DocumentIds documentIds = new DocumentIds();
documentIds.setIds(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L));
Map<UUID, Long> command = new HashMap<>();
command.put(UUID.randomUUID(), 1000L);
#FeignClient(name = "myFeignClient", url = "${feign.searcher.path}")
public interface MyFeignClient{
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/document/path/{id}")
DocIds getDocumentIds(#PathVariable("id") Long id);
When running a test,
return myFeignClient.getDocumentIds(retentionId);
returns NULL. Why?
I don't have more ideas. I don't want to use WireMock. The same happens with my documentDataDao that doesn't return any values (null) specified in thenReturn() clause.
Have You tried it this way:
Mockito.when(myFeignClient.getDocumentIds(Mockito.eq(1000L))).thenReturn(new DocIds());
In You example, mock is commented out ;)
// doReturn(new DocIds()).when(myFeignClient).getDocumentIds(1000L);
But I'm sure it is just a bug in Your example.

Using #RestClientTest in spring boot test

I want to write a simple test using #RestClientTest for the component below (NOTE: I can do it without using #RestClientTest and mocking dependent beans which works fine.).
public class NotificationSender {
private final ApplicationSettings settings;
private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
public ResponseEntity<String> sendNotification(UserNotification userNotification)
throws URISyntaxException {
// Some modifications to request message as required
return restTemplate.exchange(new RequestEntity<>(userNotification, HttpMethod.POST, new URI(settings.getNotificationUrl())), String.class);
And the test;
public class NotificationSenderTest {
private ApplicationSettings settings;
private MockRestServiceServer server;
private NotificationSender messageSender;
public void testSendNotification() throws Exception {
String url = "/test/notification";
UserNotification userNotification = buildDummyUserNotification();
ResponseEntity<String> response = messageSender.sendNotification(userNotification );
private UserNotification buildDummyUserNotification() {
// Build and return a sample message
But i get error that No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate' available. Which is right of course as i havn't mocked it or used #ContextConfiguration to load it.
Isn't #RestClientTest configures a RestTemplate? or i have understood it wrong?
Found it! Since i was using a bean that has a RestTemplate injected directly, we have to add #AutoConfigureWebClient(registerRestTemplate = true) to the test which solves this.
This was in the javadoc of #RestClientTest which i seem to have ignored previously.
Test which succeeds;
#AutoConfigureWebClient(registerRestTemplate = true)
public class NotificationSenderTest {
private ApplicationSettings settings;
private MockRestServiceServer server;
private NotificationSender messageSender;
public void testSendNotification() throws Exception {
String url = "/test/notification";
UserNotification userNotification = buildDummyUserNotification();
ResponseEntity<String> response = messageSender.sendNotification(userNotification );
private UserNotification buildDummyUserNotification() {
// Build and return a sample message

Spring boot testing error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page must not be null

I am trying to test the following controller:
public class MovieController {
private MovieService movieService;
private PagedResourcesAssembler<Movie> pagedAssembler;
private MovieResourceAssembler movieResourceAssembler;
public void setMovieService(MovieService movieService) {
this.movieService = movieService;
public void setPagedAssembler(PagedResourcesAssembler<Movie> pagedAssembler) {
this.pagedAssembler = pagedAssembler;
public void setMovieResourceAssembler(MovieResourceAssembler movieResourceAssembler) {
this.movieResourceAssembler = movieResourceAssembler;
// Return all movies with pagination
public ResponseEntity<?> getAllMovies(Pageable pageable) {
Page<Movie> moviePage = this.movieService.getAllMovies(pageable);
// Remove some unnecessary fields
return ResponseEntity.ok(this.pagedAssembler.toResource(moviePage, this.movieResourceAssembler));
and here's the test:
public class MovieControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private MovieService movieService;
public void getAllMovies_PageableGiven_ShouldReturnMoviesPage() throws Exception {
List<Movie> movieList = new ArrayList<>();
movieList.add(new Movie());
movieList.add(new Movie());
Page<Movie> moviePage = new PageImpl<>(movieList);
i got the following error:
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page must not be null!
You could use Spring's mockMvc object injecting it inside your test class:
private MockMvc mockMvc;
I have just created a test method using mockMvc.perform method sending a page request:
My controller code:
public List<BaseResponse> listAllBase(
#PageableDefault(size = 50, page = 2) Pageable pageable) {
// logger.debug("paginación recibida :{}",pageable);
List<BaseResponse> findAllBases = baseService.findAllBases();
return findAllBases;
My test code:
.andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)) .andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$", hasSize(2))) .andExpect(jsonPath("$", hasSize(2)))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0].name", equalToIgnoringCase("margarita")))
See full Class code in my GitHub repo:
Test class method:
Feel free to use it in your project :)
By reading these two Stackoverflow threads ([1] and [2]) and also Spring documentation, it seems that you should use Page with repositories. Example:
PagingAndSortingRepository<User, Long> repository = // … get access to a bean
Page<User> users = repository.findAll(new PageRequest(1, 20));
For your case, it's recommended to use PagedListHolder, instead. Example:
List<Movie> movieList = new ArrayList<>();
movieList.add(new Movie());
movieList.add(new Movie());
PagedListHolder<Movie> holder = new PagedListHolder<>(movieList);
