Neo 6M GPS Module request Data - esp32

Is there a way to request Data from this Sensor, at the moment it continuously sends the data and I can't change anything (and don't know how to change). I tried with the ublox Software but that did not help me. I found the Datasheet with the list of commands but did not find the right one and don't know how to use them either.


Getbulk operation with list of Oids as input

The problem
I am using snmp4j libraries and built a snmp connector
I have created two operations one using the Getbulk and one with Get. Both take in a list of OID's. Both work as attended with out problems. The only problem I am having is on network devices very far way. It takes exactly the same time for each of them. right at 2 minutes. I feel like this is a very long wait time. Although on devices that are close it is very fast and under 5 seconds.
The question
I am wondering does the Getbulk not ask for all the information at once and then comes back with all the information. Or does it ask for each of the OID's in the list one at a time. The same as the Get?
Is there a way to make one call to get all the information I need with one call to the device or is only that I can make repeated calls to the device?
Do I have other options?
Does any body have working java example to achieve this.

How to read SNMP variable bindings

I am trying to make a snmp trap receiver, that can capture all the incoming snmp trap from UDP 162 port and translate them into meaningful alarms. The image I attached is a sample trap that I captured using wireshark.
My script can capture and parse all different parts of the packet, but I got stuck in the variable binding section. Im not sure how I can re-present this section into some user friendly information (that I can show in the user interface). How do I know these sequences are sending something alarming or just some general information regarding the agent node? are these sequences independent information each or together they are forming one piece of information?
As with any incoming data, it is important to know what kind of info you are getting. The variable bindings of an SNMP trap is basically a hierarchical piece of data. Every object or element represents it's own data. If you take the first element ( you will find that this contains the sysUpTime (see link), which is pretty general.
Most of the other elements seem to start with which appears to be object from a specific vendor; Santera systems (see link). You might want to try and contact them in order to obtain their MIB (Management Information Base), which should have details on what kind of data is shown in these fields.
It might be possible to find info like this online, have a look at the XML-files on this link.

Tips to debug serial COM sensor data on VB (exe)

I have a chinese charge controller reporting data to a windows software via a serial cable.
I have managed to sniff the COM port and successfully isolated the data being sent by the software to request the controller to transmit sensor data.
The data being returned by the controller is a single line:
(for example)
Somehow the damn thing is updating at least 4 numerical values in the software with that single line. Each second a line like that is returned, but I'm very confused because the data shown in the app is sometimes the same but the serial data received to represent such data is different. As if it was encrypted somehow (which is stupid).
Here is an example of 10 different lines being reported back from the controller. These are received one each second.
Funny thing is each one of those 6 lines is representing EXACTLY the same data values on the receiving software (measuring voltage and amps).
The windows software is a very crappy VB.6 exe which i was able to decompile, but it seems to rely heavy on p-code, PCOMM.DLL, MXTOOL and other crap.
To anybody with serial expertise:
is this controller encrypting its sensor data?
if so, what technique should i use to figure out how it is encrypting its 4 values?
Finally, do you suggest any serial apps or decompilers that will aid in this?
Are you sure you are using the correct baudrate to read in the data?
Are you using the correct parity and data bits and stop bits ?
Do you have any documentation of the device?
Do you know what the data should look like?
Does the data consist of normal ascii characters or is it some chinese script?

Decoding a picture from a gps tracker

I'am developing a server for a GPS Tracker that can send pictures taken by a camera connected to it, inside a vehicle.
The problem is that I follow every step in the manual and I can't still decode the bytes sent by the tracker into a picture:
I receive the picture in packages separated by the headers and "tails", each one. When I receive the bytes I convert them into hexadecimals as the manual expecifies, then I have to remove the headers and "tails" and apparently after joinned the remain data and saved as a .jpeg, the image should appear, but it doesn't.
the company name is "Toplovo" from China. Have anyone else solve something similar?
Are the line feeds part of your actual data? Because if so I doubt that's supposed to happen.
Otherwise, make sure you're writing the file in binary mode. In some languages this matters. You didn't really specify, but make sure you're not in text mode. Also make sure you're not using any datatypes unsuited for hexidecimal values (again, we don't even know what language you're using, so, it's kind of hard to give specific suggestions.)

Digital Broadcasting - settop box

I'm very new to settop box project.Is there any materials available to study the basics of its internals and the working of it.I dont know how to start understand about it.I was looking for the architecture of middleware,DCCM and other components.I need to know how these components interact with each other.I need to know how by pressing a particular event in the EPG menu we could able to get the event corresponding to the service.I need to know the interaction between the tables.How to set the reminder in EPG and how the interactive TV works.
This is only a very partial answer to your question. Rather i would say, this is the first preliminary work you must accomplish before getting deeper into interactivity.
The tutorial here on PSIP: Program specific information show how the ATSC (or DVB is similar) is organized in the form of periodic tables including some tables that indicate EPG. By reading and processing such tables you will be able to accomplish the desired work.
Essentially, EPG table contains the information about the program and its respective time. And the actual timing information is contained in the TDT and TOT table. These tables tells the STB's the current time (on wall clock). Once, the respective time occurs, as per the TDT/TOT, the notification action can fire.
Below here are two more important references to Transport stream structures.
PSIP tutorial
The ATSC transport layer, including program and system information protocol (PSIP)
Please read the above pre-requsite and then refine your question.
