idb-companion: command not found after installing via homebrew - macos

I have installed idb-companion in line with the instructions in their docs, but when I run idb list-targets I get idb: command not found. idb-companion shows up when I brew list. I also tried installing and running the universal .tar.gz folder from their latest release, but got no where. Although I only ran that via the Finder GUI, because I wasn't sure how to execute that from the CLI.
I understand there is some homebrew path I may have to change. I have actually had homebrew issues before and so have usually resorted to installing everything via node where possible. In this case it's not, so I tried the .tar.gz file.
How can I get idb-companion to start working properly?

Most likely it is the case, your python path is not set. You need to set your python path. Faced the same issue was resolved with setting python path.


GDL not found after installing with homebrew

I used brew install GDL. The install was completed, but once I try to use GDL, it says " command not found: gdl".
I used "which gdl", but still can't be located. I tried reinstalling GDL via brew, but same error.
I tried changing the directory to the folder where brew installed GDL, but no luck either.
I looked through my other compilers and those are saved into bin, while GDL is not (if that's relevant at this point).
Anything will help!
If the intention was to install GNU Data Language, please try installing gnudatalanguage from homebrew-science:

How to Fix Entry Point Not Found while installing libraries in conda environment

I'm working on Anaconda by making multiple environments in it. I have made an environment camelot and now I want to install different libraries in this environment. So for example to install pandas in this environment,
I'm writing:
conda install pandas
conda install -c conda-forge camelot-py
Then it gives me this error:
python.exe-Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point OPENSSL_sk_new_reserve could not be
located in the dynamic link library.
First I thought it may be because of the environment variable, thus I set an environment variable for Python, but this did not resolve the issue.
as it is suggested in here I could solve this problem by copying libssl-1_1-x64 dlls in Anaconda/DLLS to Anaconda/Library/bin (probably replacing it)
I got the same issue while updating Anaconda navigator, and got it over by replacing the file libssl-1_1-x64.dll in Anaconda3/Library/bin with the one from Anaconda3/DLLs.
As mentioned by an Anaconda maintainer here ...
moving libssl dlls around like that is really not advisable. Those
DLLs are duplicated because you have something fishy going on in your
packages. There should not be any openssl DLLs in the DLLs folder.
They should be in Library/bin
By looking at the JSON files in the conda-meta directory I found out that DLLs\libssl-1_1-x64.dll was installed by the python 3.7.0 package, and Library\bin\libssl-1_1-x64.dll was installed by the openssl package. After further investigation I found out that Python 3.7.0 does not install OpenSSL as a separate package, but Python 3.7.1 (and later) does.
Typically upgrading Python goes as expected, but if you somehow end up with both python 3.7.0 and openssl packages installed simultaneously there will be two libssl-1_1-x64.dll files and your Anaconda distribution will be broken. (You can easily verify this with the conda list command.)
I think the best way to fix it is therefore:
Rename Library\bin\libssl-1_1-x64.dll to Library\bin\ (your are going to need it later.)
Copy DLLs\libssl-1_1-x64.dll to Library\bin\libssl-1_1-x64.dll
Update Python to version 3.7.1 or higher, for instance with conda update python. This will remove the DLLs\libssl-1_1-x64.dll file.
Delete the current Library\bin\libssl-1_1-x64.dll file.
Rename Library\bin\ back to Library\bin\libssl-1_1-x64.dll. This is necessary because I got HTTP errors in the next step otherwise.
Reinstall OpenSSL with conda install openssl --force-reinstall to ensure it's up to date again.
I had the exact same issue, and it also just started today. Kind of destroyed my entire work day, tbh...
I accidentally did a conda install ... in my base environment, and it updated conda and a handful of other modules. (Conda went from 4.5.12 to 4.7.10, in my case.) Anyway, after I rolled it back, things are working as expected again.
If this is what's causing your issue, here's a fix.
conda list --revisions
conda install --revision 1 (In my case "rev 1" was my most recent, stable base environment.)
(More details about this:
Now I'm worried that I've inadvertently configured something in a way that isn't compatible with the newest version of conda.
Edit: Don't follow this last suggestion if you're doing anything other than playing around in a conda environment to test-drive modules. See this and this.
Lastly, if you really need to install modules and do some work ASAP, pip install [module name] was still working for me before I thought to do the reversion thing.
My problem was same. I just uninstalled anaconda, and install it again. And the problem solved.
I was receiving the same following error while updating spyder and conda package.
python.exe-Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point OPENSSL_sk_new_reserve could not be
located in the dynamic link library.
I did replace libssl-1_1-x64 dlls from Anaconda/DLLs to
Anaconda/Library/bins as suggested here.
Before opening Anaconda Navigator desktop app, I updated conda in Anaconda Prompt using conda update conda. conda successfully updated.
Then I have updated spyder using conda update spyder command in
Anaconda Prompt. spyder updated and running successfully.
For those still having similar issues with libssl11_-x64.dll or other .dll files:
Use pip install instead if you can!
I had the same issue today with libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll when trying to install plotly using
conda install -c plotly plotly
This prompts a downgrade for anaconda, and in turn raises the error:
OPENSSL_sk_new_reserve [...] libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
Instead, using for example
pip install plotly==4.1.0
works like a charm!

Bad Interpreter No Such File or Directory - Docker Sync

When trying to start my Docker container and sync it up using Debian, I consistently encounter this error message after entering in "docker-sync-stack start"...
-bash: /c/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.3.3/bin/docker-sync: C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.3.3/bin/ruby.exe: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
I'm fairly sure this is a path issue, but I can't seem to resolve it.
It seems you do not have Ruby installed on your system. That sometimes happens after a system upgrade.
There have been discussions about this
In general your system cannot find ruby, or your system (with the current ruby version used) cannot find the docker-sync plugin. So you need to reinstall the plugin then.
This happened to me also after updating to Catalina. Fixed by running brew reinstall ruby and brew reinstall docker-sync.

Anaconda Installation Error

I am trying to reinstall anaconda 64 bit on Windows 10 to use Python 3.6 and the installations works right till the end but it fails executing the post install script with following error.
You have some missing files, try to uninstall and download it again. Don't try to pause the files, it might cause these kind of errors.
I got it running after installing in a different directory. Just make sure you don't install it in the default location provided. I made a new directory in C-Drive and installed anaconda in it. My install location is C:\Anaconda3. And it worked finally

-bash: scala: command not found

I'm trying to install scala on my mac (Maverick).
I downloaded and unarchived it.
I then put myself from where it was unarchived and inside the /bin folder in the terminal.
But when I run "scala" or "scalac" I get :
-bash: scala: command not found
I always suggest that mac users install homebrew and use homebrew as their primary package installer to install software.
Installing scala is as simple as
brew install scala
Homebrew will also install/fix java dependencies for you and handle path issues (I believe)
I get the same issue and quickly I found everything is fine, if you write the correct path into your .bash_profile.
The only thing you need is to close current terminal and open a new one, on which Scala would work.
Hope this work for you.
do you have Java installed and available on your PATH the same author also provides good Scala / SBT setup info
