Ideal place to deploy a springboot web backend and a nextjs frontend - spring-boot

I just wanted to know, if someone could suggest me some sites, where i can deploy my springboot backend connected to a mysql database. My frontend is build with nextjs/react.

You can try Render or Heroku if you don't want to operate a whole Kubernetes cluster.


The springbootApp I put on vps is not working

Basically, I purchased a server that has to host a React WebApp and Sprinboot API as a backend server. the react is turning fine on the server but I cannot seem to be able to make the springboot work.
In order to make the React work I had to use nginx , do I need to do the same thing for the Springboot app ? And since the nginx configuration is already devised for the React app how should i modify it to allow it to run both the React and the Springboot.
Here's my nginx configuration:
nginx config file
I tried following several videos but I can't seem to piece together the elements of the solution I'm searching for.

How to host a dockerized Laravel website on Heroku?

I have a dockerized Laravel application that consists of MySQL database and Redis.
I want to deploy and test it on the internet.
is there any way to have an environment such as Heroku to deploy it?

React frontend on netlify can't connect to database

I have deployed the Node, Express backend API part of my MERN app to Heroku and my MongoDB is running on MongoDB Atlas.
The React frontend when run on localhost connects to the backend on Heroku fine and can retrieve/edit data from MongoDB Atlas.
But when I tried to deploy the same React frontend app on Netlify, the React app works but it can't retrieve data from the database.
I think it is probably because of the IP restrictions on Atlas. You have to allow any IP to connect to your database.

Run two apps on one heroku domain

I have two apps, one is a react app being served on a node server (front end). Another one is a Spring boot app (backend that provides bunch of REST API endpoints). They live on two different github repos.
Is there a way to configure heroku to serve both of them (they run on different ports) on one domain?
Right now, I have the java spring boot app being served on one heroku domain, I want the second react project to build and run on the same domain. Any idea ?

How can I setup and deploy a database with Deis (PaaS)

I'm trying to setup a database with Deis. I know this is possible, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation about how to do it other than setting an ENV variable.How could I setup say a MongoDB or Cassandra docker container and then deploy that and have my deis app use it?
If you're trying to deploy now, a possible solution is to set up a docker container, have it publicly route-able, and then configure your application to use that container through an environment variable following Heroku's 12 factor app best practices. There is a feature request for a Deis service gateway that will act like Heroku's Add-on Marketplace, but it's not there yet.
