Replace vuetify-loader with webpack-plugin-vuetify - vuetify-loader

ERROR Error: vuetify-loader is only for use with vuetify 2, replace it with webpack-plugin-vuetify
try to upgrade vue version but getting block with vuetify-loader error


Call to undefined method Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router::middleware()

After the artisan command composer require dusterio/lumen-passport the error comes Call to undefined method Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router::middleware()
I dont know why this error occured
I am trying to installing the passport package on laravel lumen framework but because of the error nothing happened
This seems similar to this issue:
Try to follow this:
Localized problem, it is some incompatibility with the new version of Passport v11. Adding in composer.json the following line works correctly with Lumen 9:
"laravel/passport": "^10.4"

Error: Cannot find module 'vue/compiler-sfc' Require stack: \node_modules\vue-loader\dist\index.js with vue version 2

I downloaded laravel 8 and it was ok but after typing php artisan ui vue --auth it got this error
Try upgrading your vuejs version to vuejs 3

Error: In laravel 8 with passport 10 after running composer update command

I have an error while creating passport token in laravel 8 with passport package 10. Everything is working properly before running composer update command. When I run the composer update command I got this error:-
message: "Method Laravel\Passport\Bridge\AccessToken::__toString() must not throw an
exception, caught ErrorException: Using integers for registered date claims is
deprecated, please use DateTimeImmutable objects instead."
exception: "Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError"
Please help while resolving this error. Any help would be appreciable.
Current solution is downgrade lcobucci/jwt package.
composer require lcobucci/jwt:3.3.3
Also you can check this

Sudden VueJS error: ERROR in multi vue, module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vue' in

Every day, I come to my office, launch my IDE (Code - OSS) and run npm run watch. Every day it works like a charm. But not today. Oddly enough, today running npm run watch fires this error:
ERROR in multi vue
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vue' in
# multi vue /js/vendor[0]
ERROR in ./resources/js/app.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vue' in
# ./resources/js/app.js 3:13-16 4:0-22 6:0-3 85:14-17
# multi ./resources/js/app.js ./resources/css/app.css
My app.js starts with the following lines:
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
I haven't made any changes from yesterday to today, so I am totally confused. I tried some fixings but nothing worked. Does anyone have any suggestion how i can fix this? I am using vue#2.6.11.
You could delete the node_modules which could be affected by an external action like deletion/moving or you mis-installed a module, then rerun :
npm install
this will fetch the dependencies in package.json and install them, you should always install a module by adding --save or --save-dev flag with npm i like npm i some-module --save
guys I had this issue, after a while I found the solution , just import component as this:
it's my pleasure to follow me on instagram:

Captcha for Laravel 5 install exception

I use Laravel 5.1 and tried to install this package:
After running composer require mews/captcha I get the following exception:
Could not load package intervention/image in] Could not parse version constraint 4.x.x: Invalid version string "4.x.x"
Could not parse version constraint 4.x.x: Invalid version string "4.x.x"
Any ideas why this happen? Thank you
