Spring boot throws FileNotFoundException after packaging for static resource - spring

I am using spring boot version 2.7.
There are static files like images and fonts under src/main/resources/static/fonts and src/main/resources/static/images
But when trying to access any file under these , throws error FileNotFound exception.


Spring Boot Application - Running jar file gives ResourceFinderException error

Created a jar file for a spring boot multimodule application and ran the jar file using java -jar command. While starting the application, it gives ResourceFinderException. When I analyzed it, the issue is happening because in my ResourceConfig file, i have used the package for my api end points. If I use register(service.class), the application starts fine. Any suggestion how can I provide the package instead of using register? The reason I want to use package is because I have lots of services inside multiple packages and the code looks very ugly if i use register for all the services. The ResourceConfig file looks like below.
public class AppResourceConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public AppResourceConfig {}{
Here the issue is with highlighted line: packages("com.api")
If I comment out this code application will be up. Otherwise it is giving org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.scanning.ResourceFinderException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: api- (No such file or direcotry)
Note: api- is the jar file for one of the module in a project

Springboot Jboss system property issue

In our Springboot MVC project we need to get context path. The following code works fine if we use embedded tomcat. Otherwise if we deploy war file to jboss server, context path returns null.
I tried to add context-root property to jboss-web.xml but changed nothing. I also tried to add "server.servlet.contextPath" property to application.properties file but it doesn't work.
Spring boot version : 2.2.0.RELEASE
public class EurekaClientConfigBeanListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent event) {
String pathValue = System.getProperty("server.servlet.contextPath");

Spring Boot - deploy .properties file to a folder different than 'WEB-INF/classes'

I'm trying to convert a traditional Tomcat Spring MVC webapp to Spring Boot. The new application should still use .war deployment.
For various reasons I have the obligatory requirement that the application.properties file resides inside a WEB-INF/conf folder in the deployed app and NOT inside the WEB-INF/classes folder where Spring Boot puts it by default.
In the original webapp I could put the application.properties file inside the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf folder (so they get copied to WEB-INF/conf in the deployed application) and then use it like this:
<context:property-placeholder location="/WEB-INF/conf/application.properties"/>
What is the Spring Boot way to refer to this location?
I tried adding each of the following:
but my application.properties file still doesn't get loaded.
What finally worked was the following #PropertySource annotation.
#PropertySource(value = {"WEB-INF/conf/application.properties"})
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
It seems that not specifying classpath: or file: at the beginning of a path makes it use a path relative to the webapp.
I'm still not sure as to why specifying
didn't have the same effect.

No qualifying bean of type org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate with Spring Boot & Batch

I have a strange problem. I made a Spring Batch application configurated and launched with Spring Boot. All my unit tests are passing.
But when I run program from command line :
java -cp "./batch-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:." com.batch.BatchApplication
I got a No qualifying bean of type [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate].
If I run the same main class from Eclipse, all is working.
public class BatchApplication {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.exit(SpringApplication.exit(SpringApplication.run(BatchConfiguration.class, args)));
Spring Boot "auto configuration" seems not working using command line.
Could you help me ?
Try java -jar your-long-name.jar (like in the docs and all the examples and guides). It uses a different main and makes the dependencies available at runtime.

Resource injection in Spring Boot not working with gradle

I have a Configuration bean.
public class Config {
public Resource icc;
void init(){
try {
tempdir = Files.createTempDir();
newIcc = copyIccFileToTemp();
}catch (IOException e){
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private File copyIccFileToTemp() throws IOException {
File tempIcc = new File(tempdir, icc.getFilename());
return tempIcc;
On icc.getFile() there is a FileNotFoundException
app.file.name.srgbicc = sRGB.icc
I looked in my classpath and found the following situation:
build/classes/main (no icc file)
build/resources/main (icc file, application.properties)
When printed out my classpath during application start I only found ...myApp/build/classes/main.
No ../build/resources/main or ../src/main/resources entries there.
So I was wondering why is the resources not on the classpath?
according to http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.1.5.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#build-tool-plugins-gradle-running-applications
this should be.
Of course if I put the icc file in build/classes/main its all working as expected, but it is not supposed to be there. right?
I tried to run the application with gradle run or gradle bootRun in intellij I use static main. The good thing is that the application fails consistently independent of how I start it.
My Project layout
For the reference:
IntelliJ 13
spring-boot 1.1.5
Fgradle 2.0
Here is a stripped down example of my code
I removed #PostConstruct in the config.init and run the application with gradle build all test are success when i rund from intellij the tests fail. this is strange that i know have different behavior
I solved the problem now.
What helped me was just to do a simple clean build and rebuild project in intellij. I was using to much eclipse and maven so I expected it to happen automagically.
