Dynamics 365 Plugin An error occurred in FollowUpPlugin 0x80040265 - dynamics-crm

I have a plugin that is executed when a new instance from the sales order detail entity is created. when creating the instance an error appears in the plugin trace log:
get Ref
de_prdrate: 19
de_salesprdrate: 19
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: The product and the unit cannot be updated while the entity is locked. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details:
ErrorCode: 0x80040265
Message: The product and the unit cannot be updated while the entity is locked.
OriginalException: PluginExecution ExceptionSource: PluginExecution
there is also a System workflow running on the sales order detail entity on the create event.
the plugin works fine on the quote details entity without any exceptions or errors.
I think the problem is that my plugin and the system workflow work on the same event. I did not find any solution to this problem. I appreciate any suggestions.
The code is below:
public class Update_Salesdetails_Field : IPlugin
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
if (entity.LogicalName != "salesorderdetail")
tracingService.Trace("Target entity is not Sales Order Detail! plug-in was not registered correctly! Exit PlugIn", serviceProvider);
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("The current entity is not the Sales Order Detail entity");
tracingService.Trace("get Ref", serviceProvider);
var productIdRef = entity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("productid");
tracingService.Trace("productIdRef", serviceProvider);
var productEntity = service.Retrieve("product", productIdRef.Id, new ColumnSet("de_prdrate"));
tracingService.Trace("de_prdrate: " + productEntity["de_prdrate"]);
entity["de_salesprdrate"] = productEntity["de_prdrate"];
tracingService.Trace("de_salesprdrate " + entity["de_salesprdrate"]);
tracingService.Trace("Update salesprdrate " + entity["de_salesprdrate"]);
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
tracingService.Trace("exception:", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null)
tracingService.Trace("inner exception:", ex.InnerException.ToString());
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
tracingService.Trace("FollowUpPlugin: {0}", ex.ToString());

In the post operation stage of the plugin pipeline for message "Update" the system blocks modifications to the entity object that is subject of the plugin pipeline. (This is the entity that was retrieved from tne context.InputParameters collection.)
Instead the plugin should be registered on the pre validation or pre operation stage. In these plugin pipeline stages attributes can be modified on entity found in context.InputParameters["Target"].
The entity object must not be updated explicitly, so remove this line:


plugin c# in crm dynamics: plugin trigger workflow when after set period of time

I am creating a plugin in dynamics 365, the aim is when the incident entity statuscode is set to 1 or 3 then a workflow is triggered. However, the statuscode must be set to 1 or 3 for a period of 24 hours before the workflow is triggered.
Also after the workflow is executed the statuscode should be set to pending.
I am unsure if I am going in the right direction to code this. I am unsure how to do this. If someone can show me how to solve this scenario. Thanks!
This is what I have so far: For testing purposes the time period to trigger the workflow is 10 seconds.
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
IOrganizationServiceFactory factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = factory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
//create an entity
Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
//after creating the entity, we need to retrieve the required entity: Incident
//retrieve incident entity
Incident detail = entity.ToEntity<Incident>();
//contain int value that represents the optionset
TimeSpan sec = new TimeSpan(00,00,10);
// var incident = service.Retrieve("incident", detail.IncidentId.Value, new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(true)).ToEntity<Incident>();
//retrieve the value of status code of a particular entity
//if optionsetvalue is the same for a 24 hr period
if (detail.StatusCode== new OptionSetValue(1) || detail.StatusCode == new OptionSetValue(3))
if (sec != null)
ExecuteWorkflowRequest request = new ExecuteWorkflowRequest()
WorkflowId = new Guid("DB9ABA7E-D4F9-4EBF-8062-C85EF7B850FB"),
EntityId = detail.Id,
ExecuteWorkflowResponse response = (ExecuteWorkflowResponse)service.Execute(request);
//change it to pending..statuscode
detail.StatusCode = new OptionSetValue(425390002);
Plugin is not advised to use in this scenario. You have to use UI Workflow to do this. There is a Timeout option to wait until & do the needed step later on.
Something like this:
Even you can execute the needed WF as child workflow from this WF.

IntentService in Xamarin PCL Solution

I am busy writing an application where the user needs to capture a lot of images and then they get packaged together with some text data and then they get uploaded to a local server. I want to implement the uploading on the Android platform through an Intent Service but I cannot find a good Xamarin Forms PCL example to show me how.
This is the method where I initialize the Intent to pass to the IntentService:
public async Task<bool> UploadAsync(Uri serviceAddress,
CaptureEntity capture,
List<ImageEntity> images)
Intent uploadIntent = new Intent();
uploadIntent.PutExtra("serviceAddress", serviceAddress.ToString());
uploadIntent.PutExtra("captureId", capture.WorkflowId.ToString());
return true;
catch (Exception exc)
App.logger.LogError(DateTime.Now, "Uploader", exc.ToString());
throw exc;
And this is the IntentService itself.
public class ServiceIntent : IntentService
public ServiceIntent() : base("ServiceIntent")
//[return: GeneratedEnum]
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, [GeneratedEnum] StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
return base.OnStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
public override void OnCreate()
protected override void OnHandleIntent(Intent intent)
Uri serviceAddress = new Uri(intent.GetStringExtra("serviceAddress"));
Guid captureId = Guid.Parse(intent.GetStringExtra("captureId"));
CaptureEntity capture = new DatabaseConnection_Android().CreateConnection().Query<CaptureEntity>("SELECT * FROM [CaptureEntity]").Single(c => c.WorkflowId == captureId);
var images = new DatabaseConnection_Android().CreateConnection().Query<ImageEntity>("SELECT * FROM [ImageEntity]").Where(i => i.CaptureEntityId == capture.Id);
MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
StringContent strContent = new StringContent(
IImageHandler handler = new ImageHandler_Droid();
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();
request.Headers.Add("workflow", capture.WorkflowId.ToString());
request.Method = HttpMethod.Post;
request.RequestUri = serviceAddress;
foreach (var image in images)
byte[] imageByte = handler.ReadAllBytes(image.ImagePath);
ByteArrayContent byteContent = new ByteArrayContent(imageByte);
byteContent.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "image/jpeg");
content.Add(byteContent, "file", image.ImageName);
content.Add(strContent, "text/xml");
request.Content = content;
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(180);
var response = client.SendAsync(
var readResponse = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
if (readResponse == "File uploaded.")
MessagingCenter.Send<CaptureEntity, string>(
else if (readResponse.Contains("An error has occurred."))
MessagingCenter.Send<CaptureEntity, string>(
"Failed: {0}",
MessagingCenter.Send<CaptureEntity, string>(
"Failed: {0}",
catch (WebException webExc)
MessagingCenter.Send<string, string>("Uploader", "Failed",
"{0} upload failed.\n{1}",
catch (TimeoutException timeExc)
MessagingCenter.Send<string, string>("Uploader", "Failed",
"{0} upload failed.\n{1}",
catch (Exception exc)
MessagingCenter.Send<string, string>("Uploader", "Failed",
"{0} upload failed.\n{1}",
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong as I am getting the following error when I want to start the service:
Java.Lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.ComponentName android.content.Context.startService(android.content.Intent)' on a null object reference
In your Intent declaration you need to tell the service you want to call
Something like this:
var uploadIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(ServiceIntent));
Note: this represents the Context.
As mentioned in the comments your interface implementation cannot derive from Activity class. In order to have access to the Context to be able to call the StartService method and also create your Intent you can make it in two ways:
Using the Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context:
public async Task<bool> UploadAsync(Uri serviceAddress,
CaptureEntity capture,
List<ImageEntity> images)
var context = Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context;
var uploadIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(ServiceIntent));
uploadIntent.PutExtra("serviceAddress", serviceAddress.ToString());
uploadIntent.PutExtra("captureId", capture.WorkflowId.ToString());
return true;
catch (Exception exc)
App.logger.LogError(DateTime.Now, "Uploader", exc.ToString());
throw exc;
If you are using latest versions of Xamarin.Forms this global context was deprecated and they suggest to you local context instead. You can still use it though but in future updates of XF your app might break.
using CurrentActivity plugin:
public async Task<bool> UploadAsync(Uri serviceAddress,
CaptureEntity capture,
List<ImageEntity> images)
var context = CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;
var uploadIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(ServiceIntent));
uploadIntent.PutExtra("serviceAddress", serviceAddress.ToString());
uploadIntent.PutExtra("captureId", capture.WorkflowId.ToString());
return true;
catch (Exception exc)
App.logger.LogError(DateTime.Now, "Uploader", exc.ToString());
throw exc;
This plugin can be installed from nugget and the setup is very straight forward. Basically it gives you access to the current activity and you can use it as your context to call the IntentService
Hope this helps.-
Here is the IntentService.
IntentService is a base class for Services that handle asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. Clients send requests through startService(Intent) calls; the service is started as needed, handles each Intent in turn using a worker thread, and stops itself when it runs out of work.
In Android, we usually use IntentService to do asynchronous operator. As we all know, thread is also used to do asynchronous operator. The difference between IntentService and Thread is IntentService is Service which belongs to Android Component. So, the priority of IntentService is higher than Thread.
For example, there is a ActivityA which has a IntentService, and there is a ActivityB which has a Thread, both IntentService and Thread are working, and both ActivityA and ActivityB are al background Activity. Now, if your phone's system doesn't have extra resources, your ActivityB will be killed firstly.
About the Exception:
Java.Lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.ComponentName android.content.Context.startService(android.content.Intent)' on a null object reference
That means you should use android.content.Context to call the StartService method. In Android, there are three kinds of Context. Application, Activity and Service. So you can call the StartService method in these three classes directly. If you are not in these three classes, you need pass the Context to your class, and then use the Context to call StartService.
I added Activity for this class' inheritance.
If you do this, your class will be a Activity, and you need to register it in your manifiest, add layout for your class, and it should have the lifecycle, and etc. It will not be what you want to get class. In Android, Activity is a Component, not normal class, so you can't inherit it unless you want your class to be a Activity.
I have made a demo for you,

Record level security in MS Dynamics

We want to implement 'Record level security' in MS CRM Dynamics. On User and Case Entity we have an OptionSet which has below values, that Optionset has a lot of values, below are just simple values:
Category 1
Category 2
We want to restrict Category 1 users to see only Category 1 Cases and to restrict Category 2 users to see only Category 2 Cases.
What I have done so far?
I was thinking that this should be possible through Retrieve plugin, but after I wrote my code.. I found that the retrieve plugin is triggering 5 times when I tried to open a case record. It also does not throw my custom error.
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
ITracingService tracer = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
IOrganizationServiceFactory factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = factory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
tracer.Trace("context.Depth = " + context.Depth);
if (context.Depth > 1)
tracer.Trace("context.Stage = " + context.Stage);
tracer.Trace("context.MessageName = " + context.MessageName);
EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference)context.InputParameters["Target"];
tracer.Trace("entityReferencee = " + entityReference.LogicalName);
if (context.OutputParameters != null && context.OutputParameters.Contains("BusinessEntity"))
if (context.OutputParameters["BusinessEntity"] is Entity)
Entity entity = (Entity)context.OutputParameters["BusinessEntity"];
tracer.Trace("entity.LogicalName = " + entity.LogicalName);
context.OutputParameters["BusinessEntity"] = null;
throw new Exception("You can not view this record.");
tracer.Trace("BusinessEntity entity is not an entity.");
tracer.Trace("BusinessEntity entity is null");
This is how the plugin is registered:
Detail of Log File is given below:
Unhandled Exception:
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for
administrators or support: #CF526D62Detail:
-2147220970 System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics
CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or
support: #CF526D62
Unexpected exception from plug-in (Execute): RestrictUserAccess.Case: System.Exception: You can not view this
[RestrictUserAccess: RestrictUserAccess.Case]
[c8860cb6-4260-e511-80ea-3863bb3600d8: RestrictUserAccess.Case:
Retrieve of incident]
context.Depth = 1 context.Stage = 40 context.MessageName = Retrieve
entityReferencee = incident entity.LogicalName = incident
Your code does throw the exception, but the CRM platform handles it as an unexpected error. (Just read the log details.)
When you need to signal a functional error, you have to throw an InvalidPluginExecutionException.
It is possible that the system itself is retrieving the same Case record multiple times. Also scripting on your web form or in the ribbon can be responsible for retrieving the same record, e.g. when it needs to evaluate the record state.
Therefore throwing exceptions on retrieval of Case records may not be a useful solution. An alternative approach could be to clear all (or all sensitive) fields on retrieval by removing them from the Entity.Attributes collection.

Using JAX-RS and trying to DELETE an item

I am currently working in Enterprise Java and I'm a newbie. I am trying to create a method which should delete a selected item from a data table. My project contains Graphical User Interface elements from "http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/".
The deletion is made through a web-service.
This is the method I created so far:
public boolean delete(String articleId) {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target
= client.target(DELETE_URL);//this is a String
//TODO call ws method delete
} catch(Exception ex) {
LOGGER.error("Delete Article Error ", ex);
return true;
Could you tell me how can I handle the deletion in an appropiate way?
All the best!
In your case the following should do the trick.

Elmah doesn't log exceptions using WebAPI with HttpResponseException

In my WebApi code, I raise a HttpResponseException which short-circuits the request pipeline and generates a valid Http response. However, I'm trying to integrate webApi with elmah logging, yet the HttpResponseExeptions aren't showing up.
I have the web.config set-up for elmah and have the following code:
In Global.asx.cs:
static void ConfigureWebApi(HttpConfiguration config)
config.Filters.Add(new ServiceLayerExceptionFilter());
config.Filters.Add(new ElmahHandledErrorLoggerFilter());
config.DependencyResolver = new WebApiDependencyResolver(ObjectFactory.Container);
public class ElmahHandledErrorLoggerFilter : ExceptionFilterAttribute
public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
Code where exception is raised:
public Task<FileUpModel> UploadFile()
if (Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
var provider = new TolMobileFormDataStreamProvider("C:\images\");
var task = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).ContinueWith(
t =>
if (t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
var fileInfo = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault();
if (fileInfo == null)
// the exception here isn't logged by Elmah?!
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
var uploadModel = new FileUpModel { success = true };
return uploadModel;
return task;
throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "This request is not properly formatted"));
Can anyone who has implemented this before let me know what I'm doing wrong?
As mentioned above, the Elmah filter does not catch and log anything when you raise a HttpResponseException. More specifically, if the following syntax is used:
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "It was a bad request");
throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "HttpResponseException - This request is not properly formatted"));
I wanted to trap and log an error in both cases. The way to do it is to use an "ActionFilterAttribute", override "OnActionExecuted", and check actionExecutedContext.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode.
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
// when actionExecutedContext.Response is null, the error will be caught and logged by the Elmah filter
if ((actionExecutedContext.Response != null) && !actionExecutedContext.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var messages = (System.Web.Http.HttpError)((System.Net.Http.ObjectContent<System.Web.Http.HttpError>)actionExecutedContext.Response.Content).Value;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var keyValuePair in messages) {
stringBuilder.AppendLine("Message: Key - " + keyValuePair.Key + ", Value - " + keyValuePair.Value);
Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new Exception("Web API Failed Status Code returned - " + stringBuilder.ToString()));
catch (Exception ex)
Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new Exception("Error in OnActionExecuted - " + ex.ToString()));
On a side note, I also overwrote "OnActionExecuting" to validate the model state. This allowed me to remove all of the checks within my actions.
public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
if (actionContext.ModelState != null && !actionContext.ModelState.IsValid)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var obj in actionContext.ModelState.Values)
foreach (var error in obj.Errors)
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error.ErrorMessage)) {
stringBuilder.AppendLine("Error: " + error.ErrorMessage);
Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(new Exception("Invalid Model State -- " + stringBuilder.ToString()));
actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, actionContext.ModelState);
Of course, you will need to add the filter using "config.Filters.Add".
Web API special cases HttpResponseException thrown in action and converts into HttpResponseMessage and hence you are not seeing your exception filter getting invoked.
This is not true in the case of throwing HttpResponseException from filters. However, ideally one need not throw HttpResponseException from filters as you could short-circuit a request by setting the Response property on the supplied input context.
You need to turn on Elmah for HttpFilters in order to get this to work as you expect for WebApi.
Use Elmah.Contrib.WebApi available as a NuGet Package, it will wire include a class that you can then wire up following the instructions on the Elmah.Contrib.WebApi project site.
If you want to do this yourself, Capturing Unhandled Exceptions in ASP.NET Web API's with ELMAH walks you through what the Elmah.Contrib.WebApi is doing for you.
Additionally, I had to change the way that the error response is thrown for it to be picked by Elmah to:
throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "This request is not properly formatted");
I would also recommend the use of the Elmah.MVC NuGet Package.
