test is data available in `io.ReadWriteCloser` - go

io.ReadWriteCloser has blocking Read() until data available to read.
What if I want to test if it has data available to read, without actually Read() it. Since I need to do some other processing between:
It has data available to read
io.Copy(thisReadWriteCloser, anotherReadWriteCloser)

using bufio.Reader Peek() function
bi := bufio.NewReader(i)
But I have follow up issue not able to re-use the original io.ReadWriteCloser after executing the bi.Peek(1): convert from `bufio.Reader` to `io.ReadWriteCloser`


Difficulty in using io.Pipe

Hi friends I want to write a data in a writer and pass it to a library using a reader so that it can read
Now the problem I have is that of png. Encode no longer continues and gets stuck there
r, w := io.Pipe()
err := png.Encode(w, img)
Tell me the solution if possible. Of course, I don't care if this problem is resolved, if you know another solution to the case that the data is written in a writer and read in a reader please suggest, there were secondary solutions, but I use two libraries that one just wants writer and one just reader.
w is blocked waiting for a reader to read the data written to the pipe, thus blocking Encode
Reading from r will unblock Encode to the writer..
each Write to the PipeWriter blocks until it has satisfied one or more
Reads from the PipeReader that fully consume the written data

Golang: when there's only one writer change the value using atomic.StoreInt32, is it necessary to use atomic.LoadInt32 in the multiple readers?

As the title says.
basically what I'm wondering is that will the atomic.StoreInt32 also lock read operation while it's writing?
Another relative question:, is atomic.StoreUint64(&procRate, procCount) equivalent to atomic.StoreUint64(&procRate, atomic.LoadUint64(&procCount))?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you need to use atomic operations when you are both loading and storing the same value. The race detector should warn you about this.
As for the second question, if the procCount value is also being used concurrently, then you still need to load it using an atomic operation. These two are not equivalent:
atomic.StoreUint64(&procRate, procCount)
atomic.StoreUint64(&procRate, atomic.LoadUint64(&procCount))
The former reads procCount directly to pass to StoreUint64, while the latter passes a copy safely obtained via LoadUint64.

Golang io.Reader usage with net.Pipe

The problem I'm trying to solve is using io.Reader and io.Writer in a net application without using bufio and strings as per the examples I've been able to find online. For efficiency I'm trying to avoid the memcopys those imply.
I've created a test application using net.Pipe on the play area (https://play.golang.org/p/-7YDs1uEc5). There is a data source and sink which talk through a net.Pipe pair of connections (to model a network connection) and a loopback on the far end to reflect the data right back at us.
The program gets as far as the loopback agent reading the sent data, but as far as I can see the write back to the connection locks; it certainly never completes. Additionally the receiver in the Sink never receives any data whatsoever.
I can't figure out why the write cannot proceed as it's wholly symmetrical with the path that does work. I've written other test systems that use bi-directional network connections but as soon as I stop using bufio and ReadString I encounter this problem. I've looked at the code of those and can't see what I've missed.
Thanks in advance for any help.
The issue is on line 68:
data_received := make([]byte, 0, count)
This line creates a slice with length 0 and capacity count. The call to Read does not read data because the length is 0. The call to Write blocks because the data is never read.
Fix the issue by changing the line to:
data_received := make([]byte, count)
playground example
Note that "Finished Writing" may not be printed because the program can exit before dataSrc finishes executing.

How do I go from io.ReadCloser to io.ReadSeeker?

I'm trying to download a file from S3 and upload that file to another bucket in S3. Copy API won't work here because I've been told not to use it.
Getting an object from S3 has a response.Body that's an io.ReadCloser and to upload that file, the payload takes a Body that's an io.ReadSeeker.
The only way I can figure this out is by saving the response.Body to a file then passing that file as a io.ReadSeeker. This would require writing the entire file to disk first then reading the entire file from disk which sounds pretty wrong.
What I would like to do is:
resp, _ := conn.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput{Key: "bla"})
conn.PutObject(&s3.PutObjectInput{Body: resp.Body}) // resp.Body is an io.ReadCloser and the field type expects an io.ReadSeeker
Question is, how do I go from an io.ReadCloser to an io.ReadSeeker in the most efficient way possible?
io.ReadSeeker is the interface that groups the basic Read() and Seek() methods. The definition of the Seek() method:
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
An implementation of the Seek() method requires to be able to seek anywhere in the source, which requires all the source to be available or reproducible. A file is a perfect example, the file is saved permanently to your disk and any part of it can be read at any time.
response.Body is implemented to read from the underlying TCP connection. Reading from the underlying TCP connection gives you the data that the client at the other side sends you. The data is not cached, and the client won't send you the data again upon request. That's why response.Body does not implement io.Seeker (and thus io.ReadSeeker either).
So in order to obtain an io.ReadSeeker from an io.Reader or io.ReadCloser, you need something that caches all the data, so that upon request it can seek to anywhere in that.
This caching mechanism may be writing it to a file as you mentioned, or you can read everything into memory, into a []byte using ioutil.ReadAll(), and then you can use bytes.NewReader() to obtain an io.ReadSeeker from a []byte. Of course this has its limitations: all the content must fit into memory, and also you might not want to reserve that amount of memory for this file copy operation.
All in all, an implementation of io.Seeker or io.ReadSeeker requires all the source data to be available, so your best bet is writing it to a file, or for small files reading all into a []byte and streaming the content of that byte slice.
As an alternative, use github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/s3/s3manager.Uploader, which takes an io.Reader as input.
I imagine the reason that PutObject takes an io.ReadSeeker instead of an io.Reader is that requests to s3 need to be signed (and have a content length), but you can't generate a signature until you have all the data. The stream-y way to do this would be to buffer the input into chunks as they come in and use the multipart uploading api to upload each chunk separately. This is (I think) what s3manager.Uploader does behind the scenes.

Saving information in the IO System

I need to write a kernel module that simulate a "multicaster" Using the /proc file system.
Basically it need to support the following scenarios:
1) allow one write access to the /proc file and many read accesses to the /proc file.
2) The module should have a buffer of the contents last successful write.
Each write should be matched by a read from all reader.
Consider scenario 2, a writer wrote something and there are two readers (A and B), A read the content of the buffer, and then A tried to read again, in this case it should go into a wait_queue and wait for the next message, it should not get the same buffer again.
I need to keep a map of all the pid's that already read the current buffer, and in case they try to read again and the buffer was not changed, they should be blocked until there is a new buffer. I'm trying to figure it there is a way i can save that info without a map.
I heard there are some redundant fields inside the I/O system the I can use to flag a process if it already read the current buffer.
Can someone give me a tip where should i look for that field ? how can i save info on the current process without keeping a "map" of pid's and buffers ?
Don't try and keep it based on the PID - that's simply the wrong level of abstraction.
Each time the file is opened there will be a new struct file created that references that instance of the open file. Store the information (the most recent buffer that was read by a given struct file) within the struct file itself.
You can use the private_data pointer within struct file to store the information you need. That's what it's there for.
