Why docker desktop is unable to start docker-backend? - windows

I started my system as usual but my docker-desktop doesn't work, WSL doesn't respond to commands and there is a process called "Vmmem" using 25% of my memory. I have tried a bunch of thing but nothing seems to work.
System Attributes:
Windows 10 Pro (10.0.19045.2486)
docker: 4.15
More context:
Recently I was having trouble with my docker set up. I have one particular container that was "crashing" the docker. It was not throwing any exception but after some event (that I couldn't find out) all the other container where unreachable any attempt to stop/start another container would result on "Error: 500 failed to respond...". When this happens I usually just restart the system and everything works fine, but today it wasn't the case. I restarted and I noticed that I had the "Vmmem" process already running at 25% (it usually just reaches this point at the end of the day), the docker desktop could not start the docker backend and when I tried running wsl -l -v I got no response. I can use some docker commands like docker -v but the docker compose up doesn't work at all.
What I've tried:
restart the system again (nothing changed, still starting with 25% mem usage)
deactivating Hyper-V (nothing happened)
stop/start docker service using net start/stop <service> (it gives a response but didn't solve the problem)
Uninstall docker-desktop (it crashes before even starting the uninstall process)
Terminate WSL wsl -t Ubuntu (got no response from wsl)
Overwrite installation with Docker 4.16 (it gets stuck on "Preparing for update... / Stopping VM and preparing for update")
Forcefully kill the "Vmmem" (I've got Access denied error)
Edit 1:
I managed to finally install the Docker desktop 4.16 but the problem continues, system starts with 25% Vmmem memory usage and docker desktop is not able to initiate backend.

the process Vmeem It represents the memory and CPU consumed by the combination of all the virtual machines running on your Windows PC, there is a possibility that processes are still running on your PC. I recommend you try to launch these commands from the console:
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
This will stop all containers and delete them.
If this doesn't work, I recommend you enter your bios settings and disable virtualization, that way those processes will stop, then you can enable it again and try. I wish you luck and I hope this resolves.

Steps that I did to be able to stop "Vmmem" process and install docker desktop again:
disable Hyper-V
disable virtualization (BIOS)
restart system
to this point the "Vmmem" problem was gone
uninstall docker desktop
rm all wsl instances
enable Hyper-V
enable hypervisorlaunchtype
restart system
enable virtualization (BIOS)
install wsl Ubuntu instance
install Docker Desktop
Maybe some steps listed here are redundant but that is what I did. hope it helps if other people is passing through the same problem


Fatal Error: Docker daemon failed to start with Docker Desktop

I'm on MacOS 12.1. I downloaded Docker Desktop from the Docker site, but when starting it, I always get the following error:
level=error msg="Handler for GET /v1.24/services returned error: This node is not a swarm manager. Use \"docker swarm init\" or \"docker swarm join\" to connect this node to swarm and try again."
How can I resolve this problem? All the results I can find for this error already have the daemon started and working. I can't even get the daemon started. I haven't ever touched docker swarm.
Running any of the suggested commands fails because there is no running docker daemon.
Reseting to factory defaults does not resolve the issue.
Reinstalling Docker Desktop does not resolve the issue.
Reinstalling the Docker cli does not resolve the issue.
Restarting the machine does not resolve the issue.
What do I do to fix this issue?
What I ended up doing was uninstalling Homebrew. Apparently something there was causing issues, even though I didn't install Docker Desktop through brew, and made sure to uninstall all formulas that had anything to do with Docker. Exactly what caused this problem is a mystery still.
I had the same problem.
And I found this log is catched from ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/log/vm/dockerd.log
I try to restart Docker Desktop, but this log doesn't append any content. The strange thing is error Dialog display the same content, even time! Which means Docker Desktop never try to start docker daemon.
I try to close Wi-Fi, then Docker Desktop will start normally.
Check dockerd.log again, this print the same error with new time, but Docker Desktop running normally.
So I think there is some error relate Docker Desktop network process rather than docker daemon.
Additionally, maybe docker daemon printed this error because of network driver is overlay which require a swarm node.

Cannot find the docker container running on port 80, tried everything usual

What happened:
I ran a container (vuejs-build website on a httpd:2.4) from shell (oh my zsh) on mac OS 11.2.2 using the previous docker release.
Then I updated the mac OS docker desktop.
Now the container is running but it's not showing on docker ps -a or docker container ls -a. I cannot find the process no matter what I try. Tried all the ps aux commands with grep, all lsof -wahtever, finding it in activity tool on mac. Even restarting the mac or stopping docker deamon does not stop it.
Has anybody a clue how to find it? I can open and refresh the webpage that is running in the container.
Docker version now says: Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88.
I solved it myself:
The container was stuck but restart seemed to have actually killed it.
I realized that assets such as images are not being loaded despite JS and CSS is.
So I tried starting another httpd instance with docker run -p 80:80 httpd and reloaded. Firstly the same site as before appeared. But being able to start another httpd got me thinking.
The I opened dev tools in my browser. That disables Cache (using Chrome). Another hit on refresh then showed the "It works" page from httpd.
Some researching gave me the following theory: Vuejs stores the compiled Markup, JS and CSS on your browsers persistence storage. Probably for performance.

Connecting Docker Windows WSL Ubuntu to VMware Ubuntu

I am trying to connect my Windows 10 Home system to be able to run full Linux OS Docker containers. I have installed Docker on both WSL Ubuntu 18.04 as well as a VMware Ubuntu 18.04.
I was trying to follow this guide.
However, I get stuck trying to configure the Daemon as per the instructions.
Can’t use Docker for Windows?
This is only necessary if you are NOT running Docker for Windows!
No problem, just configure your Docker daemon to use -H tcp:// and --tlsverify=false. Then you can follow along with the rest of this guide exactly.
If you go down this route, I highly recommend rolling your own VM with VMware Player instead of using the Docker Toolbox because VirtualBox has crazy edge case shared folder bugs that will ruin your life at some point. Don’t worry, VMware Player is free. Just Google how to set up Ubuntu 16 server on VMware Player.
When I try to change the Docker Daemon by making a daemon.json file I get errors. I've also tried editing the .profile files and the .bashrc as per other guides (another guide), with no luck.
I am unable to check the DOCKER_HOST variable on the VM Ubuntu.
Don't make things complicated. In your case, why WSL if you just want to connect to a remote daemon? Why not simply use the windows docker client?
Setup you favorite local VM with docker.
Example: I have installed a CentOS distro running on local VMWare Workstation. All Hyper-V of course deinstalled/deactivated.
In this VM, enable tcp access for the daemon.
If you have a systemd linux distro (like mine CentOS), execute this:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo echo '[Service]
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H unix:// -H tcp://' >> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/options.conf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker`
Test if the port is open with docker info. You should get an API access warning at the bottom result.
Download the Windows docker cli zip from here: https://download.docker.com/win/static/stable/x86_64/
Move the docker.exe to any folder, for ex. your Documents folder.
Then put this folder path into your Windows PATH variable.
Set the docker host: Open PowerShell, execute setx DOCKER_HOST <VM-IP>:2375 and close it.
Open a new PowerShell and call docker info.
You should see the docker and daemon infos.
Do what ever you like now... :-)

Docker can not run on Windows 10 linux child system

I just install the Windows 10 Anniversary update which has a new feature that linux child system. So I try to run docker in Windows 10 ubuntu bash(linux child system). Why I want to install docker in linux child system is because:
Windows 10 native docker 1.12 need Hyper-V, but Vmware couldn't run if Hyper-V enable. I have a lot images created by Vmware, it isn't so easy to switch to Hyper-v
I don't want to use Docker Toolbox, it need install VirtualBox, just redunant.
apt-get is fine, docker install success, but fail to start.
$ sudo service docker start
initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
* Starting Docker: docker [ OK ]
$ docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
I have seen this post can-you-run-docker-natively-on-the-new-windows-10-ubuntu-bash-userspace, some people says that it is no posible to run docker in such linux child system, but there also some contrary opinions.
So, I want to ask is there any way to walk around this? Or I have to wait MS update this child system(since it is still beta now).
You have two Problems in there:
the linux child system does not provide the upstart service like e.g. ubuntu. You can work around this by running the docker deamon directly in foreground with docker daemon ...
This does nearly shure not work because docker requires features of the linux kernel like namespaces and capabilities. I don't think the NT-Kernel does implement such exotic features.

docker does not run on windows error

I've installed docker and followed the directions here: https://docs.docker.com/installation/windows/#installation but when I run boot2docker start this happens:
Trying to get IP one more time
exit status 255
Docker client does not run on Windows for now. Please use
"boot2docker" ssh
to SSH into the VM instead
Trying boot2docker ssh results in the same 255 error. I tried to get the VM IP with boot2docker IP but that also yielded nothing - I presume because boot2locker wasn't successful in the start process.
A couple of observations...I lloked at the vm settings and there wasn't any network or storage settings specified and the memory allocation in the vm settings didn't match the values in the config (boot2docker config). The boot2docker start/stop commands work.
I'm stumped.
I observed similar issue. Following steps helped me:
Open VirtualBox GUI.
Remove boot2docker-vm virtual machine.
Start Boot2Docker Start --- it will recreate boot2docker-vm virtual machine.
We had exactly this on someone's machine.
The solution for us was to find the
Run the VirtualBox UI (C:\program files\oracle....)
locate the VM (at the top)
select 'power off'
Once all that was done, boot2docker started correctly again.
In extremis, you could delete the boot2docker-vm image out of virtualbox, and it ought to re-install it.
go to the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, power off boot2docker-vm and start again. It worked for me.
just in case it helps. My problem was because boot2docker's default settings is beyond my laptop's capability (I know). I fixed the problem by changing the properties of boot2docker-vm through the VirtualBox GUI. Soon as I open thr properties I saw a few warnings at the bottom of the dialogue box, so I followed the hint and resolve those warnings, save the setttings and was able to start docker then.
I changed the CPU from 4->1, memory from 2G to 1.5G and video memory to 20M. Hope it helps.
Mostly you didn't enable the "Virtualization" in your BIOS. boot2docker needs to install 64bit OS in Virtualbox.
Its worth noting I had some huge problems trying to run docker on windows. Boot2docker would install OK with VritualBox 4.3.20. I could NOT run boot2docker or docker itself.
It took me ages to figure out that I had uninstall VirtualBox 4.3.20 and use 4.3.12 instead which worked first time like a treat!
So.. for Windows boot2docker only use VirtualBox 4.3.12.
