Run a Discord Bot on Replit -

I tried to run a simple discord bot on replit to make him online forever
I followed so many tutorials and installed all the libraries but i got this error on replit, and i couldn't fix it enter image description here
Can someone please help me to fix it ?
or suggest another way to make discord's bot alive
trying to make a discord bot alive

I think you are not using the correct library (could be from a different library that has the same import name) because your code looks good
Try pip uninstall and pip install


How to create an windows/phone application from a website like a Discord?

Alternative title: How does discord work?
While I was making my website, I noticed it looks more like an application that could be downloadable. So I thought, what if I do exactly that? However, I have no idea how.
For example, take something like a discord. This is (I at least think) a Web integrated into a client application.
So is there a way to take my website, and not as easy as possible make a windows application from it? And how does the discord client work (the PC one)?
EDIT: My website uses php
So yes, I found an answer if anyone ever asks the same question as me.
It is done via the Electron framework. I don't understand it that much to talk about it more.
So the answer is: Electron framework

How to run proactive dialogs with BotFramework Composer

Is it possible to proactively start a dialog from an external endpoint on the BotFramework Composer? It works fine with the SDK but I can't figure out how to do it with the Composer.
It is not possible at this time.
Please keep an eye on this issue to see any progress on that. Looks like it is aiming for the next release.

How to debug a Bot Framework BOT running on Microsoft Teams

I uploaded a BOT in Microsoft Teams, but for some reason, it behaves different than other channels. The bot wont understand my input, and LUIS would return none intent.
In other channels it works well, as well in the BOT Emulator.
This appear to be MS documentation about it, but it doesn't really explain what I need.
There's a way for me to debug the BOT running on Microsoft Teams??
Please! Thank you!
Ngrok is a good tool for setting up your bot on azure and debugging locally. This will help to find issues as you can walk through your code as described here to see where specifically your code is breaking.
The problem with LUIS using Microsoft Teams was that the activity receive the message in HTML. I found this SO question that helped me eliminate the HTML tags. On the other hand, Ngrok is the tool needed to accomplish remote debugging, and this blog describe the steps very well.
Please also look at Jmeter with
Which allows you to do some testing without Ngrok directly to your IIS Express instance while debugging.

How can I install apps with uiautomator?

My app to test depends on Facebook. On such devices which does not have Facebook installed, I needs to install Facebook first.
The first way I have tried is to install it from an APK file. However, I cannot find any APIs to achieve this from uiautomator developer docs. I guess this is determined by the design of uiautomator.
The second way I have tried is to install it from Google Play store. However, on the devices which has no Google account signed in, I need to sign in Google account first. I tried to sign in using uiautomator but unfortunately the sign-in page is NAF (not accessibility friendly).
Does anyone know if there is any other ways? Thanks in advance.
AndroidViewClient/culebra is a pure python tool that automates or simplifies test script creation. The scripts use UiAutomator as a backend.
Culebra GUI can generate tests that include the installation of an APK as a precondition.
culebra --install-apk=file.apk --unit-test-class --gui
culebra only generates python, so if you want to generate Java or Kotlin you may need CulebraTester.
However, due to the limited connectivity and capabilities when you run those tests in Firebase Test Lab it might be challenging to find a way of installing dependencies.

Ruby API for Google Voice

Is there a ruby API/Gem for Google Voice that anyone could recommend? I found this gem but it appears to be half-baked and I haven't had much success using it.
For Python there appears to be some viable options but would prefer a ruby option.
The reason I am interested in this is I would like to write some scripts to automate tasks that I can't do using the web application e.g. archive all read messages etc. If this is not possible in ruby right now I would like to know if anyone has had success with a different platform and Google Voice.
I cant say this satisfies your need completely.
I found this through googling
and this java based, may be u can use this if u go with jruby
I haven't tried any but that does not stop you from experimenting :)
