How can I deploy my MERN application on Heroku - heroku

I'm trying to deploy my MERN application on Heroku but it gives me an error: concurrently: not found
how can I fix the issue?enter image description here
I added "concurrently": "npm start" on script in package Jason, but it giving me the same error


Deploy Jhipster app with Heroku throws error

I have deployed this app to heroku but it shows me the next error (attached file)
also shows me "Application Error"
What else has to be done to deploy it on heroku?

Run Heroku Bash Command 7/24

I have to open the Heroku bash and type "node main.js" to run my app. But when I close my browser the script stops. How can I run the script 24/7?
You seem to be new to heroku, this should help
In your package.json file mention a start script:
"scripts": {
"start": "node main.js",
(If you don't have a package.json make sure to run npm init -y and commit this file)
And to scale(run) your app:
heroku ps:scale web=1
Your heroku app should automatically be detected as a node application and it would run the start script upon starting
To see the logs and debug, do:
heroku logs --tail --num=10
and then try visiting your app with the terminal open to see live logs
If you have further problems, make sure to include your logs without any credentials possibly leaked

application error when trying to Deploy static website with bootstrap template to heroku

I'm trying to deploy a single page html/css/js site that was built using a bootstrap template to Heroku and continue to get an application error. I've tried some of the hacks I've found online but continue to fail with
npm ERR! missing script: start
as well as, here is the most recent log. Can anyone help?
You need to add in the root of your files, file with name Procfile
and there add this line:
web: node [app.js]
or just add to your package.json file in the scripts this line:
"scripts": {
"start": "node [app.js]"
where app.js is the server start file.

Dokku cannot see log, "Application's container not found"

I am deploying my app on dokku. I have not yet deploy successfully because error in deployment step. I want to see log but Dokku said that "Application's container not found"
root#dokku-s-1vcpu-3gb-sgp1-01:~# dokku apps:list
=====> My Apps
root#dokku-s-1vcpu-3gb-sgp1-01:~# dokku logs world_cup_json
Application's container not found
We can see logs once the apps is deployed (deployed successfully). My apps is not deploy yet so I cannot see log.

How to debug an Heroku app, since logs don't help att all?

I'm trying to deploy a nodejs app on heroku for the first time, but I'm stuck at the command "heroku open" since it gives me an application error and no information as to where it crashed. The app runs locally without problem.
How would you proceed to debug this?
Thanks for your advice and time.
If running heroku local does not help, run a remote shell:
heroku run -a <your app name> /bin/bash, and there run npm start to see the logs and debug the issue on the Heroku server.
When running your app "locally", have you tried running heroku local? This runs the app through Heroku, but on local server.
