Are EXTENDED VARCHAR2 baned to become synchronized record fields? - oracle

My app is built on an Oracle Database.
Would it be possible to overcome the 4000 byte of Text limitation we have for Synchronized Record fields of appian?
I know the VARCHAR2(4000) limitation is considered to be a standard column type by Oracle, then choosing the EXTENDED for param. max_string_size in the DB would make it an "extended data type", as CLOB is. But since CLOB is forbidden to become a Snyc. RT field, would my large VARCHAR2 columns be also forbidden?
Asking for people who tried it. If no one did, I will ask the DBA, but could be easier to ask here ;)

My opinion is, don't bother with the extended string option. It provides no real benefit. A varchar2 greater than 4KB is a CLOB under a different name.


Can N function cause problems with existing queries?

We use Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g.
We also have a layer to automatically compose queries, from pseudo-SQL code written in .net (something like SqlAlchemy for Python).
Our layer currently wraps any string in single quotes ' and, if contains non-ANSI characters, it automatically compose the UNISTR with special characters written as unicode bytes (like \00E0).
Now we created a method for doing multiple inserts with the following construct:
INSERT INTO ... (...)
This algorithm could compose queries where the same string field is sometimes passed as 'my simple string' and sometimes wrapped as UNISTR('my string with special chars like \00E0').
The described condition causes a ORA-12704: character set mismatch.
One solution is to use the INSERT ALL construct but it is very slow compared to the one used now.
Another solution is to instruct our layer to put N in front of any string (except for the ones already wrapped with UNISTR). This is simple.
I just want to know if this could cause any side-effect on existing queries.
Note: all our fields on DB are either NCHAR or NVARCHAR2.
Oracle ref:
Basicly what you are asking is, is there a difference between how a string is stored with or without the N function.
You can just check for yourself consider:
SQL> create table test (val nvarchar2(20));
Table TEST created.
SQL> insert into test select n'test' from dual;
1 row inserted.
SQL> insert into test select 'test' from dual;
1 row inserted.
SQL> select dump(val) from test;
Typ=1 Len=8: 0,116,0,101,0,115,0,116
Typ=1 Len=8: 0,116,0,101,0,115,0,116
As you can see identical so no side effect.
The reason this works so beautifully is because of the elegance of unicode
If you are interested here is a nice video explaining it
I assume that you get an error "ORA-12704: character set mismatch" because your data inside quotes considered as char but your fields is nchar so char is collated using different charsets, one using NLS_CHARACTERSET, the other NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET.
When you use an UNISTR function, it converts data from char to nchar (in any case that also converts encoded values into characters) as the Oracle docs say:
"UNISTR takes as its argument a text literal or an expression that
resolves to character data and returns it in the national character
When you convert values explicitly using N or TO_NCHAR you only get values in NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET without decoding. If you have some values encoded like this "\00E0" they will not be decoded and will be considered unchanged.
So if you have an insert such as:
insert into select N'my string with special chars like \00E0',
UNISTR('my string with special chars like \00E0') from dual ....
your data in the first inserting field will be: 'my string with special chars like \00E0' not 'my string with special chars like à'. This is the only side effect I'm aware of. Other queries should already use NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET encoding, so it shouldn't be any problem using an explicit conversion.
And by the way, why not just insert all values as N'my string with special chars like à'? Just encode them into UTF-16 (I assume that you use UTF-16 for nchars) first if you use different encoding in 'upper level' software.
use of n function - you have answers already above.
If you have any chance to change the charset of the database, that would really make your life easier. I was working on huge production systems, and found the trend that because of storage space is cheap, simply everyone moves to AL32UTF8 and the hassle of internationalization slowly becomes the painful memories of the past.
I found the easiest thing is to use AL32UTF8 as the charset of the database instance, and simply use varchar2 everywhere. We're reading and writing standard Java unicode strings via JDBC as bind variables without any harm, and fiddle.
Your idea to construct a huge text of SQL inserts may not scale well for multiple reasons:
there is a fixed length of maximum allowed SQL statement - so it won't work with 10000 inserts
it is advised to use bind variables (and then you don't have the n'xxx' vs unistr mess either)
the idea to create a new SQL statement dynamically is very resource unfriedly. It does not allow Oracle to cache any execution plan for anything, and will make Oracle hard parse your looong statement at each call.
What you're trying to achieve is a mass insert. Use the JDBC batch mode of the Oracle driver to perform that at light-speed, see e.g.:
Note that insert speed is also affected by triggers (which has to be executed) and foreign key constraints (which has to be validated). So if you're about to insert more than a few thousands of rows, consider disabling the triggers and foreign key constraints, and enable them after the insert. (You'll lose the trigger calls, but the constraint validation after insert can make an impact.)
Also consider the rollback segment size. If you're inserting a million of records, that will need a huge rollback segment, which likely will cause serious swapping on the storage media. It is a good rule of thumb to commit after each 1000 records.
(Oracle uses versioning instead of shared locks, therefore a table with uncommitted changes are consistently available for reading. The 1000 records commit rate means roughly 1 commit per second - slow enough to benefit of write buffers, but quick enough to not interfer with other humans willing to update the same table.)

Oracle extended data types in combination with char semantics

There is one aspect of the extended data types introduced with Oracle 12 that I don't quite understand. The documentation ( says:
A VARCHAR2 or NVARCHAR2 data type with a declared size of greater than 4000 bytes, or a RAW data type with a declared size of greater than 2000 bytes, is an extended data type. Extended data type columns are stored out-of-line, leveraging Oracle's LOB technology.
According to this definition does "VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)" have "a declared size of greater than 4000 bytes" because with a multi-byte character set (e.g. ALS32UTF8) it could contain more that 4000 bytes?
Or more specific: What happens when I create a column of that type? I could think of the following possibilities:
It is created with an extended data type, so that the content of that column is always stored in a CLOB regardless of its size.
The values for that column are stored inline if they need not more than 4000 bytes, and as CLOB if they are longer.
It will refuse to store any values with more than 4000 bytes. To circumvent that I have to declare the column as VARCHAR2(4001 CHAR) or something similar.
Edit: The question had been marked as a duplicate of Enter large content to oracle database for a few weeks, but I don't think it is. The other question is generally about how you can enter more than 4000 characters in a VARCHAR2 column, but I am asking a very specific question about an edge case.

Migrating an oracle database from a non unicode server to a unicode server

I want to move an oracle database from a non-unicode server (EL8ISO8859P7 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set) to a unicode server. Specifically to an Oracle Express server with AL32UTF8 character set.
Simply exporting (exp) and importing (imp) the data fails. We have a lot of the varchar2 columns with their length specified in bytes. When their contents are mapped in unicode they take more bytes and are truncated.
I tried the following:
- doubling the length of all varchar2 columns of the original database with a script (varchar2(10) becomes varchar2(20))
- exporting
- importing to the new server
And it worked. Apparently doubling is arbitrary, I probably should have changed them to the same size with CHAR semantics.
I also tried the following:
- change all varchar2 columns to nvarchar2 (same size - varchar(10) becomes nvarchar(10))
- exporting
- importing to the new server
It also worked.
Somehow the latter (converting to nvarchar) seems "cleaner". Then again you have a unicode database with unicode data types which seems weird.
So the question is: is there a suggested way to go about moving the database between the two servers? Is there any serious problem with either of the two approaches I mentioned above?
Don't use NVARCHAR2 data types unless that is your only option. The national character set exists to deal with cases where you have an existing, legacy application that does not support Unicode and you want to add a handful of columns to the system that do support Unicode without touching those legacy applications. Using NVARCHAR2 columns is great for those cases but it creates all sorts of issues in application development. Plenty of tools, APIs, and applications either don't support NVARCHAR2 columns or require additional configuration to do so. And since NVARCHAR2 columns are relatively uncommon in the Oracle world, it's very easy to spend gobs of time trying to resolve the particular issues you encounter. Less critically, since AL16UTF16 requires at least 2 bytes per character, you're likely to require quite a bit more space since much of your data is likely to consist of English characters.
I would strongly prefer migrating to the new database with character-length semantics (i.e. VARCHAR2(10 BYTE) becomes VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)). That avoids doubling the allowed length. It also makes it much easier to explain to users what the length limits are (or to code those validations in front-ends). It's terribly confusing to most users to explain that a particular column can sometimes hold 20 characters (when only English characters are used), can sometimes hold 10 characters (when only non-English characters are used), and can sometimes hold something in the middle (when there is a mixture of characters). Character length semantics make all those issues drastically easier.
Migrating to unicode databases is a 4 step process.
Use exp[dp] to export the data and generate ddl for the tables.
Alter the ddl to change the byte length varchar2 fields to character length fields.
create the tables using the modified ddl script.
import the data using imp[dp]
skipping steps 2 and 3 leaves you with the byte length defined fields again and probably with a lot of errors during import because data doesn't fit in the defined columns. If there is only us characters in the source database it won't be a big problem but for example latin characters will give problems because a single character could need more bytes.
Following the listed procedure prevents the length problems. There are obviously more ways to do this but rule is to first have the ddl definition ok and insert the data later.

oracle: what is the oracle equivalent data type for COMMENT?

What is the datatype in oracle i should be using to store comment boxes? I was going to use LONG but it only allows one. Or should I just use VARCHAR2 and set it really large?
What is the longest comment you want to be able to support?
If your comments are less than 4000 bytes in length, you can use a VARCHAR2(4000). If your comments are longer than 4000 bytes in length, you can use a CLOB. A CLOB can store any character data supported by your database character set.

What is the difference between varchar and varchar2 in Oracle?

What is the difference between varchar and varchar2?
As for now, they are synonyms.
VARCHAR is reserved by Oracle to support distinction between NULL and empty string in future, as ANSI standard prescribes.
VARCHAR2 does not distinguish between a NULL and empty string, and never will.
If you rely on empty string and NULL being the same thing, you should use VARCHAR2.
Currently VARCHAR behaves exactly the same as VARCHAR2. However, the type VARCHAR should not be used as it is reserved for future usage.
Taken from: Difference Between CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2
Taken from the latest stable Oracle production version 12.2:
Data Types
The major difference is that VARCHAR2 is an internal data type and VARCHAR is an external data type. So we need to understand the difference between an internal and external data type...
Inside a database, values are stored in columns in tables. Internally, Oracle represents data in particular formats known as internal data types.
In general, OCI (Oracle Call Interface) applications do not work with internal data type representations of data, but with host language data types that are predefined by the language in which they are written. When data is transferred between an OCI client application and a database table, the OCI libraries convert the data between internal data types and external data types.
External types provide a convenience for the programmer by making it possible to work with host language types instead of proprietary data formats. OCI can perform a wide range of data type conversions when transferring data between an Oracle database and an OCI application. There are more OCI external data types than Oracle internal data types.
The VARCHAR2 data type is a variable-length string of characters with a maximum length of 4000 bytes. If the init.ora parameter max_string_size is default, the maximum length of a VARCHAR2 can be 4000 bytes. If the init.ora parameter max_string_size = extended, the maximum length of a VARCHAR2 can be 32767 bytes
The VARCHAR data type stores character strings of varying length. The first 2 bytes contain the length of the character string, and the remaining bytes contain the string. The specified length of the string in a bind or a define call must include the two length bytes, so the largest VARCHAR string that can be received or sent is 65533 bytes long, not 65535.
A quick test in a 12.2 database suggests that as an internal data type, Oracle still treats a VARCHAR as a pseudotype for VARCHAR2. It is NOT a SYNONYM which is an actual object type in Oracle.
SQL> select substr(banner,1,80) from v$version where rownum=1;
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
SQL> create table test (my_char varchar(20));
Table created.
SQL> desc test
Name Null? Type
There are also some implications of VARCHAR for ProC/C++ Precompiler options. For programmers who are interested, the link is at: Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide
After some experimentation (see below), I can confirm that as of September 2017, nothing has changed with regards to the functionality described in the accepted answer:-
Rextester demo for Oracle 11g:
Empty strings are inserted as NULLs for both VARCHAR
LiveSQL demo for Oracle 12c: Same results.
The historical reason for these two keywords is explained well in an answer to a different question.
VARCHAR can store up to 2000 bytes of characters while VARCHAR2 can store up to 4000 bytes of characters.
If we declare datatype as VARCHAR then it will occupy space for NULL values. In the case of VARCHAR2 datatype, it will not occupy any space for NULL values. e.g.,
name varchar(10)
will reserve 6 bytes of memory even if the name is 'Ravi__', whereas
name varchar2(10)
will reserve space according to the length of the input string. e.g., 4 bytes of memory for 'Ravi__'.
Here, _ represents NULL.
NOTE: varchar will reserve space for null values and varchar2 will not reserve any space for null values.
Currently, they are the same. but previously
Somewhere on the net, I read that,
VARCHAR is reserved by Oracle to support distinction between NULL and empty string in future, as ANSI standard prescribes.
VARCHAR2 does not distinguish between a NULL and empty string, and never will.
Emp_name varchar(10) - if you enter value less than 10 digits then remaining space cannot be deleted. it used total of 10 spaces.
Emp_name varchar2(10) - if you enter value less than 10 digits then remaining space is automatically deleted
