Get text of selected field code in Microsoft Word using AppleScript - macos

I'm making a Automator to jump from citation in Word to the reference software(Zotero). But I can't find a AppleScript to extract text of selected field code (the first step).
The field code in Word is
ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"AFUiwuqi","properties":{"formattedCitation":"[1]","plainCitation":"[1]","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":9752,"uris":[""],"itemData":{"id":9752,"type":"article-journal","container-title":"Nature","DOI":"10.1038/s41586-019-1737-7","ISSN":"0028-0836, 1476-4687","issue":"7782","page":"324-329","title":"Controlled flight of a microrobot powered by soft artificial muscles","volume":"575","author":[{"family":"Chen","given":"Yufeng"},{"family":"Zhao","given":"Huichan"},{"family":"Mao","given":"Jie"},{"family":"Chirarattananon","given":"Pakpong"},{"family":"Helbling","given":"E. Farrell"},{"family":"Hyun","given":"Nak-seung Patrick"},{"family":"Clarke","given":"David R."},{"family":"Wood","given":"Robert J."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2019",11,14]]}}}],"schema":""}
Here is the script process:
Extract text from selected field code in Word (This is the question)
Get the uris text(
Get the item-codes (YYTRWPHH).
Open url (zotero://select/library/items?itemKey=YYTRWPHH)
Now I use VBA to extract field code text, see below. But in this way, the file will be changed. So I want to do this via AppleScript.
Sub GetFiledsCodes()
Dim myRange As Range, myCodes As String
Set myRange = Selection.Range
With myRange
If .Fields.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Code!", vbInformation
Exit Sub
.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes = True
.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeHiddenText = True
myCodes = .Text
myCodes = VBA.Replace(myCodes, Chr(19), "{")
myCodes = VBA.Replace(myCodes, Chr(21), "}")
.SetRange .End, .End
.InsertAfter myCodes
.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
.Font.Size = 12
End If
End With
End Sub
Here is my process in Automator(it can work but using VBA):
Run AppleScript
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Microsoft Word" to activate
tell application "Microsoft Word"
run VB macro macro name "GetFiledsCodes"
delay 0.5
end tell
return input
end run
Get contents from clipboard
Extract URLs from Text
Filter Paragraphs begin with
Copy to Clipboard
Run AppleScript
set myStr to do shell script "pbpaste"
tell application "Zotero" to activate
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "
set myList to every text item of myStr
set zoterocode to ""
set codes to ""
repeat with j from 1 to the length of myList
set itemValue to item j of myList
set zoterocode to (do shell script "sed -E 's#[0-9]+/items/##g' <<< " & itemValue)
if j = 1 then
set codes to zoterocode
set codes to codes & "," & zoterocode
end if
end repeat
tell application "System Events"
key code 18 using {command down, control down, option down}
delay 0.5
set collectionKey to do shell script "pbpaste"
if collectionKey = myStr then
set theurl to "zotero://select/library/items?itemKey=" & codes
set theurl to collectionKey & "/items?itemKey=" & codes
end if
open location theurl
end tell

That helps a lot. Okay, so this isn't a turnkey solution for your question but I don't think you really need that as you'd probably end up having to tell me more about how this app works than is really necessary. So this script focuses on your initial question about getting the field codes/result ranges from a merge document.
I put together a simple mail merge consisting of labels and a data file with 8 records, each of which have 5 fields: {"«LastName»", "«JobTitle»", "«Company»", "«City»", "«Web»"}. The latter is the key field.
Basically, the script runs through the data merge document and cycles first through its fields, then the web field, and finally the web addresses.
Based on your script, I can't really determine what you are doing with each address so it finishes by collecting just the final part of each address in a list. The obscure parts for me are the pbpastes, the codes and the whole System Events block. This area would need tweaking.
Incidentally, it's quite likely that you can avoid some of the shell scripts but I can't say how yet. Obviously the script has some redundancies and could be further refined but I think it demonstrates how to extract the information you need. Take a look at it and let me know what issues there are that need addressing.
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set d1 to document "cardo_labels.docx"
set fContents to {} -- list of mergefield
set fResRange to {} -- list of result range, i.e. field merge data
repeat with x from 1 to (count of fields of d1)
set fcs to content of field code of field x of d1 --> " MERGEFIELD LastName "
set frr to content of result range of field x of d1 --> "Smith"
if fcs is not " NEXT " then -- ignore «Next Record»
set end of fContents to fcs
set end of fResRange to frr
end if
end repeat
--> single record example
fContents --> {" MERGEFIELD LastName ", " MERGEFIELD JobTitle ", " MERGEFIELD Company ", " MERGEFIELD City ", " MERGEFIELD Web "}
fResRange --> {"Smith", "President", "Acme Screw & Gear", "Metz", ""}
-- NB when not displaying 'merged data', fResRange will appear thusly: {"«LastName»", "«JobTitle»", "«Company»", "«City»", "«Web»"}
set webList to {}
repeat with y from 1 to (count of fResRange)
if item y of fResRange begins with "" then
set end of webList to (item y of fResRange)
end if
end repeat
--> {""}
--> {"", "", "", "", ""}
set urlPiece to {}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
repeat with z in webList
set end of urlPiece to last text item of z
end repeat
-- contents of z
--> ""
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
--> {"smith-metz"}
--> {"smith-metz", "jones-saopaolo", "branson-metz", "house-metz", "kurtz-london", "jones-london"}
end tell

Thanks to ideas from #Mockman.
Combining with the selection, here is the way to extract text from selected field code via AppleScript:
tell application "Microsoft Word"
tell selection
set fcs to content of field code of field of text object
end tell
end tell


Find text from a file and set it as a variable in applescript?

I am trying to build a script that sends me updates and notifications from Please keep on reading below, so I may guide you until the point I have trouble with.
The first simple script in this operation goes to's trading page for BTC/GHS. It records ands saves the text to a file every 4 seconds. It works great. It doesn't need to have safari refresh because the site pushes info to the browser live.
set the webpage_content to ""
tell application "Safari" to set the webpage_content to the text of document 1
set theText to webpage_content
set a to "Macintosh HD:Users:PRIVATE:Desktop:CEX:"
set theFile to (open for access file ((a) & "CEXRaw") with write permission)
write theText to theFile
close access theFile
delay 4
end repeat
And it returns this in a main file every 4 seconds: (note I cut off a chunk from the bottom and the top of the file, because they are unimportant)
0.02362958 LTC/BTC
0.02438131 NMC/BTC
0.00597565 GHS/NMC
3.96951800 BF1/BTC
1.67000000 Fund Account
Last price:
Daily change:
Today's open:
24h volume:
I now need an applescript to read that file, and return wanted values. But I'm lost on how to write it.
It needs to find the number under BTC, and set it as a variable.
It needs to find the number under GHS, and set it as a variable.
It needs to find the number under Last Price, and set it as a variable.
If anyone could script that really quick for me, or tell me how to do it, that would be amazing. Thank you so much!
Well, if those values will always be in the same paragraph counts, you could just pull them by line number.
set theCEXRaw to read file "Macintosh HD:Users:PRIVATE:Desktop:CEX:CEXRaw"
set theGHS to paragraph 2 of theCEXRaw
set theBTC to paragraph 4 of theCEXRaw
set thePRICE to paragraph 17 of theCEXRaw
You'd need to adjust the paragraph numbers. But, assuming that paragraph numbers aren't reliably consistent, in pure Applescript, you'd use Applescript's Text Item Delimiters.
set theCEXRaw to read file "Macintosh HD:Users:PRIVATE:Desktop:CEX:CEXRaw"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {("GHS:
"), ("BTC:
"), ("Last price:
set theCEXRaw to text items of theCEXRaw
set theGHS to paragraph 1 of item 2 of theCEXRaw
set theBTC to paragraph 1 of item 3 of theCEXRaw
set thePRICE to paragraph 1 of item 4 of theCEXRaw
Note that the three delims include a return character inside the quotes. You will want to capture the old delimiter first, so you can restore it, and hopefully you can do the setting of the delimiter outside your repeat loop to save juice.
You could also use do shell script with sed or grep to strip each value.
You could get those values using the offset which searches a string for a substring and returns it's character position.
eg, set pos to the offset of "world" in "hello world" -- returns 7
Here is a solution that uses this principal to find your values and convert them into the Applescript floating point type Number
property line_delimiter : linefeed -- OR return OR return & linefeed pending your data
set results to "GHS:
Last price:
on processCEX(in_text)
set btc_val to searchNumberValueLine("BTC:" & line_delimiter, in_text)
set ghs_val to searchNumberValueLine("GHS:" & line_delimiter, in_text)
set last_price_val to searchNumberValueLine("Last price:" & line_delimiter, in_text)
display dialog ("btc = " & btc_val & return & "ghs = " & ghs_val & return & " last price = " & last_price_val)
end processCEX
on searchNumberValueLine(key_name, input_str)
set start_index to the offset of key_name in input_str
if (start_index is not 0) then
set input_str to text (start_index + ((length of key_name))) thru -1 of input_str
set end_index to the offset of line_delimiter in input_str
if (end_index is 0) then
return input_str as number
return (text 1 thru (end_index - 1) of input_str) as number
end if
return -1
end if
end searchNumberValueLine
Also i'd recommend against writing to a text file if you don't need to, to avoid any file io issues when reading the same file from a different script, given you are modifying it every 4 seconds.
You could change your code to something like this:
set the webpage_content to ""
tell application "Safari" to set the webpage_content to the text of document 1
delay 4
end repeat

Applescript Returned Text not Splitting

Ive been playing with applescript for about 2 weeks now, but I have hit a problem
Im trying to create an applescript that reads all the names of the folders on our server.
Then displays them in a drop down menu so that I can select the client.
The problem I have is that it is displaying the result as one selection option as a big sentence and is not separating each client, so they can be selected individually.
so far I have:
set theFolder to alias "server:"
tell application "Finder"
set theText to name of theFolder & return
set k to 0
repeat with thisSubfolder in (get folders of theFolder)
set k to k + 1
set theText to theText & name of thisSubfolder & return
end repeat
end tell
set l to {theText}
set l2 to ""
repeat with i in l
set l2 to l2 & quoted form of i & " "
end repeat
do shell script "/Applications/ \\
standard-dropdown --title Title --text Text --items " & l2
set {button, answer} to paragraphs of result
if button is 1 then
return item {answer + 1} of l
end if
Many thanks
When you do this:
set l to {theText}
You're just creating a list of one item (your string), which means you end up with this:
You're then repeating in that "list," trying to add spaces between the items. But, you don't have a list really. You have a one item list, with return-delimited strings.
The best way to get a list of folder names would be to get them from System Events. Notice that in this case, you have to create a list with the name of the first folder as the only item. Otherwise, the & operation will join everything together as a string, instead of creating a list.
tell application "System Events"
set l to (name of theFolder as list) & name of folders of theFolder
end tell
There are also some syntactical issues that will hurt you later:
1 != "1"
CocoaDialog returns a string, with the button number: "1". You are using if button is 1. For equality, it should be if button is "1".
Parentheses are used for grouping, not brackets
If button is "1", you are returning item {answer + 1} of l. I blame Applescript for letting this work when it shouldn't. You're actually creating a list with a number, which then gets coerced by Applescript for the list index. Here are all the steps, assuming answer is 0:
item {answer + 1} of l gets turned into
item {1} of {folder1, folder2, folder3}
Applescript coerces to item 1 of {folder1, folder2, folder3}
Value returned: folder1
Here is a fully updated version of your script:
set theFolder to alias "server:"
tell application "System Events"
set l to {name of theFolder} & name of folders of theFolder
end tell
set args to ""
repeat with i from 1 to (count l)
set args to args & quoted form of item i of l
if i < (count l) then
set args to args & " "
end if
end repeat
do shell script "/Applications/ \\
standard-dropdown --title Title --text Text --items " & args
set {button, answer} to paragraphs of result
if button is "1" then
return item (answer + 1) of l
end if
Change the line:
set l to {theText}
set l to paragraphs of theText
and you should be good to go.

Find and replace in Excel 2011 using Applescript

I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm trying to find and replace blank spaces in an excel workbook. I want it to search the current sheet I'm on in a workbook, find all instances of "" and replace it with " ".
Does anyone happen to know how to do this?
With Applescript:
searchAndReplaceTextInCells("hello", "world")
on searchAndReplaceTextInCells(search_str, replace_str)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set search_range to range "A:Z"
set all_found_ranges to {} -- store for the ranges, to manipulate after searching
set found_range to ""
set counter to 0
set found_range to find search_range what search_str with match case
on error
log ("No matches found")
end try
if (found_range is not "") then
set first_cell_address to (get address of the cells of found_range) -- we use this to break our loop
repeat while true
set counter to counter + 1
copy found_range to end of all_found_ranges
-- Now look for next result
set found_range to find next search_range after found_range
set cell_address to (get address of the cells of found_range)
if (cell_address = first_cell_address) then
-- have looped around so we are finished!
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
-- walk all the ranges found and do the string replacing
repeat with r in all_found_ranges
set value of r to my replace_chars(the value of r, search_str, replace_str)
end repeat
log ("found and replaced " & counter & " items")
end tell
end searchAndReplaceTextInCells
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set my text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set my text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set my text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
How about Command + F, and hit the Replace button to give you this:
Have you tried the following:
replace range targetRange what searchStr replacement replaceStr
This should be rather straight forward replacement statement.

applescript transforming a list into a txt file

I'm trying to write all the song names my iTunes to a txt document. The first issue I had was that I can't seem to correctly loop the operation. Here is my test case with the first 15 songs in my iTunes:
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
set trNameID1 to name of track 1
set trNameID2 to name of track 2
set trNameID3 to name of track 3
set trNameID4 to name of track 4
set trNameID5 to name of track 5
set trNameID6 to name of track 6
set trNameID7 to name of track 7
set trNameID8 to name of track 8
set trNameID9 to name of track 9
set trNameID10 to name of track 10
set trNameID11 to name of track 11
set trNameID12 to name of track 12
set trNameID13 to name of track 13
set trNameID14 to name of track 14
set trNameID15 to name of track 15
tell application "TextEdit"
set text of document 1 to {trNameID1 & "
", trNameID2 & "
", trNameID3 & "
", trNameID4 & "
", trNameID5 & "
", trNameID6 & "
", trNameID7 & "
", trNameID8 & "
", trNameID9 & "
", trNameID10 & "
", trNameID11 & "
", trNameID12 & "
", trNameID13 & "
", trNameID14 & "
", trNameID15} as text
end tell
end tell
When I try to loop it, the txt document only contains the last song name, for instance:
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
set trNum to 1
repeat 15 times
set trNameID to name of track (trNum)
tell application "TextEdit"
set text of document 1 to trNameID & "
end tell
end repeat
end tell
This will only output the fifteenth song's name onto the txt document.
I realize that this may be very basic, but I have literally been using applescript for about 48 hours, and I can't seem to figure this out. I would like all of the song names to be in a txt document so I can read and analyze the strings in c++. Does anyone have any ideas?
Also, I'm not sure if there is a way, in AppleScript, to look at the entire iTunes library and see the last song, record that song's id in iTunes, and then make a repeat loop that goes through that id. This way the loop would work for exactly the number of songs that are in the library.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated!
You don't really need a repeat loop at all. You can get track names directly from iTunes. You get it in list format so we just convert that list into a string separating the list items with a return character. Then we write it to TextEdit. So this code optimizes #Michele Percich's code by eliminating the repeat loop and using applescript's text item delimiters to convert the list to a string for use in TextEdit.
tell application "iTunes"
set trackNames to name of every track in (first playlist whose special kind is Music)
end tell
set text item delimiters to return
set trackNames to trackNames as text
set text item delimiters to ""
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set text of document 1 to trackNames
end tell
You need to increment the value of trNum variable at the end of your repeat loop:
set trNum to trNum + 1
Or better use a different repeat syntax:
repeat with trNum from 1 to 15
And also to add (and not replace) the track name to the document:
set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & trNameID & return
However, this probably is a better way to do what you want:
tell application "iTunes"
set trackList to ""
set allTracks to every track in (first playlist whose special kind is Music)
repeat with currentTrack in allTracks
set trNameID to name of currentTrack
set trackList to trackList & trNameID & return
end repeat
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set text of document 1 to trackList
end tell
i see you all use the:
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set text of document 1 to trackNames
end tell
You can use a faster way:
set textlocation to "/users/yourusername/desktop/test.txt"
set Line_1 to "Hello this is line one, if you want more lines just copy > this script and change the variables."
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of Line_1 & " >> " & quoted form of textlocation
You can see in the script the 2 ">>" signs, this will add each textline in a new line in a txt file.
If there is only one ">" the text will replace the other text.
Here is an example:
First with 2 ">>" lines
do shell script "echo Hey this is one line. >> /Users/Yourusername/desktop/Add.txt"
do shell script "echo And this is the second one. >> /Users/Yourusername/desktop/Add.txt"
This script will make a txt file like this:
Hey this is one line.
And this is the second one.
Now with 2 ">" lines
do shell script "echo Hey this is one line > /Users/Zl109819/desktop/Add.txt"
do shell script "echo And this is the second one > /Users/Zl109819/desktop/Add.txt"
This script will make a txt file like this:
And this is the second one.

can i add several attachments from subfolders to Mail?

trying to send several mails with specific attachments for each address. every address has its own subfolder for attachments. the "grab attachments part" does not work and I am not sure if the handler is set up right: should I pass the subfolder to mail inside the handler or keep it as I have it. This is my first long script so please don't be too harsh ;-)
I'm thinking that i get closer to the working solution, I still don't get it to function. here is my script so far:
` with timeout of 600 seconds
-- Liste: Alle Empfänger
tell application "Contacts"
set emailList to {}
set testPersons to every person of group "Test"
repeat with thisTestPerson in testPersons
set end of emailList to (value of email of thisTestPerson) as string
end repeat
end tell
-- Liste fuer die Übergabe alphabetisch sortieren
set the_list to emailList
set otid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10} -- always a linefeed
set list_string to (the_list as string)
set new_string to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of list_string & " | sort -f"
set new_list to (paragraphs of new_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otid
-- Liste: Alle Subfolder
tell application "Finder"
set mainfolder to choose folder "select a folder"
set folderList to {}
set myFolders to every folder of mainfolder
repeat with attachFolder from 1 to (count of myFolders)
set end of folderList to attachFolder as string
end repeat
end tell
-- Sicherheits-Check
set count1 to count of myFolders
set count2 to count of new_list
if count1 is not equal to count2 then
display dialog "Houston, we have a problem:" & return & "Die beiden Listen sind nicht gleich lang..." buttons {"ok"} with icon 2
end if
end timeout
--handler processfolder(myFiles)
on processfolder(myFiles)
tell application "Mail"
set theAddress to (item i of emailList)
set theMex to (make new outgoing message at end of outgoing messages with properties {visible:true, subject:"Subjectheader", content:"email body"})
tell content of theMex
make new attachment with properties {file name:FileList} at after last paragraph
end tell
tell theMex
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theAddress}
end tell
send theMex
end tell
end processfolder
-- grab attachments and send mail
tell application "Finder"
repeat with myFolder from 1 to (count of folderList)
set FileList to {}
set myFiles to entire contents of myFolder
repeat with thisFile in myFiles
set end of FileList to thisFile as string
end repeat
my processfolder(myFiles)
end repeat
end tell
display dialog (count1 as string) & " Nachrichten verschickt."
i believe the handler should work alright. Matching the subfolder list with the address list still seems to be a problem, I am not sure if my repeat loop "grab attachment und send mail" does the trick. It is a tricky use of repeat loops and I am still struggling with it. any quick thoughts about what I am still doing wrong?
thanks for being helpful! i really appreciate this!
You must pass the variables as parameters in the handler :
1- (item i of emailList) : i and emailList is not defined in the handler.
2- {file name:FileList} : FileList is not defined in the handler, file name must be a path of type alias or string, not a list of path.
set myFiles to entire contents of myFolder : the myfolder variable is an integer, entire contents will contains the folders and files, if the folder doesn't contains subfolders, entire contents is useless, use files of xFolder.
The rest is okay, but contains unnecessary lines.
Here is the script:
with timeout of 600 seconds
-- Liste: Alle Empfänger
tell application "Contacts"
set emailList to value of email 1 of every person of group "Test"
end tell
-- Liste fuer die Übergabe alphabetisch sortieren
set otid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {linefeed}
do shell script "echo " & (quoted form of (emailList as string)) & " | sort -f"
set emailList to (paragraphs of the result)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otid
-- Liste: Alle Subfolder
set mainfolder to choose folder "select a folder"
tell application "Finder" to set folderList to folders of mainfolder
-- Sicherheits-Check
set count1 to count folderList
if count1 is not equal to (count emailList) then
display dialog "Houston, we have a problem:" & return & "Die beiden Listen sind nicht gleich lang..." buttons {"ok"} cancel button "ok" with icon 2
end if
end timeout
-- grab attachments and send mail
repeat with i from 1 to count1
tell application "Finder" to set myFiles to (files of entire contents of (item i of folderList)) as alias list
my processfolder(myFiles, item i of emailList)
end try -- no error on empty folder
end repeat
display dialog (count1 as string) & " Nachrichten verschickt."
on processfolder(tFiles, theAddress)
tell application "Mail"
tell (make new outgoing message at end of outgoing messages with properties {visible:true, subject:"Subjectheader", content:("email body" & linefeed & " ")})
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theAddress}
tell content to repeat with tFile in tFiles
make new attachment with properties {file name:tFile} at after last paragraph
make new character with data linefeed at after last paragraph
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end processfolder
it is done! Thanks to you and one or two other pros I now have a beautiful bulk mailing script routine using automator, a bash line and (mainly) applescript. I use it for job applications but you can use it for any case where you want individualised bulk emailing with Mail, MS Word and any given list of contacts in Excel (or Address Book for that matter). For the sake of being complete I will add all necessary steps. with any given list of x names, email addresses, personal addresses you can generate x subfolders, containing x personalized letters and not-personalized documents (thanks, Jack! adding the docs works perfectly). once you start the last script and select the folder you can watch mail sending them all out, addressing the person by name and attaching the right personalized letter! It corrects for foreign name spelling that is rendered differently in the email address. It works best for email addresses using the last name before the "#" and can now ignore the first name if it is set in front of the last name (i.e. Thank you all very much for the assistance! this was great team effort.
I shall post it as soon as I am home, should I post it up here and in the other related question or is there a sharing forum?
