How does one disable the file menu animation in MacOS when selecting a command? - macos

When you open the file menu (or any other menu in the menu bar), it looks something like the attached image.
MacOS file menu
In Windows, when you select the command you want, the menu instantly disappears and the action is instantly performed. In MacOS, however, the command you chose blinks, the window fades out, and then the action is performed.
I know there are commands and settings to disable certain animations in MacOS, but I can't seem to find one relating to this yet.
This is one of my major pet peeves with MacOS and I'd appreciate any help. It might be the case that I'm making a huge deal out of this when it's not as such, but it does get annoying sometimes and slows down my workflow.


vscode on MacOS: getting navigation menu to show up in a full screen mode

Is there a way to get vscode show navigation menu i.e Code|File|Edit|... and the project name in a full screen mode on MAC. It's almost impossible to see the name of the project when having multiple instances of code open in full screen mode.
v1.42 has a new option that may help:
Controls if native full-screen should be used on macOS.
Disable this option to prevent macOS from creating a new space when going full-screen.
"window.nativeFullScreen": true,
I believe this is not what the full screen mode is made for. If you go full screen you are supposed to work almost exclusively in that application (only occasionally switching to other apps like mail, e.g. via command+tab). You can always have the menu bar (and the window title) appear when you move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen, however.
The name of the project is visible in the file explorer.
In this example, the project name (i.e. root folder) is testgit
You can always quickly show the file explorer using the keyboard shortcut Shift-Cmd-E.

Is there a way to use PyCharm on multiple monitors

I'm using PyCharm with multiple monitors on Mac OSX (10.10.5), normally you can drag windows off to a separate monitor. In PyCharm that works, but they (and in particular the Run window) snap back to the main monitor.
I've only seen this on the latest PyCharm 5 CE though its possible older versions also had the problem. I've searched all the settings and searched online, but can't find a setting that makes the window stay where it was placed.
Right click on the tab and select View Mode as Window.
Then you can move the window to another monitor.
It's crappy behaviour from the best python IDE out there.
There is a OSX solution but i'm not sure if you will like it:
You can enable old style multiple screen support again in OSX by going to System Preferences, Mission Control and uncheck "Displays have separate spaces". Now your floating windows will not snap back and you can even extend your PyCharm main window over the screens.
The downside of this solution is that you'll have the OSX dock and main menu only on your main monitor. I hope Jetbrains will fix this behaviour soon.
Another way to achieve what you want is to open multiple instances of the project. When you try to open the project for the second time you can choose "open project in new window". You can drag the new window to the second screen; it won't snap back to your primary monitor.
For Ubuntu and Windows users landing up here:
Press Shift + F4 or
Right-click and select 'Move Tab to New Window'
Drag the newly created window to the next screen
The best option is to detach an editor window and drag it to your second monitor.

Getting gui dialog pop-ups (from bash) to stay on top of other windows

I posted this on the yad list, apparently with invisibility enabled (nobody's even viewed it! - usually, the list is very responsive.), so I thought I'd see if any of you have some ideas. It probably applies to any bash script using any gui pop-up utility such as dialog, xdialog, or zenity with the KDE desktop.
In general, I love yad. It blows away zenity and the developer is usually right there to answer questions and fix/enhance things.
Essentially, I have a set of scripts that use pop-up gui dialogs for interaction with the user.
It works great until you click the mouse anywhere else on the KDE desktop while one of the pop-ups is displayed.
Once you do that, all subsequent dialogs "appear" behind everything else and are usually invisible except for in the taskbar and have to be manually selected from there to become visible/active/focused again.
Is there a way to fix this? I assume it's a desktop and not a yad problem.
kubuntu precise 64-bit (KDE 4.8.5)
My duplex printing system, written in bash, makes multiple calls to yad from within one (possibly nested) script. It works great, but has one major problem.
If the user clicks the mouse anywhere outside a yad dialog while the script is running and displaying something with yad, all subsequent yad dialogs appear behind everything else and are essentially invisible.
The script still shows up in the task manager, so these dialogs can be brought back to the foreground one by one, but it's really counter-intuitive and annoying.
I assume this is a "feature" of KDE and not a bug in yad.
Is there any way to fix/prevent this? I tried adding --on-top to the dialogs, but it didn't help.
When I'm running the script (which may take awhile, or I may want to do something else while a dialog is waiting for input), I can't do anything else for fear of having this problem occur. I can switch to another desktop, but that's dodgy because the next dialog (but only that one) may pop up there and throw the whole thing off.
I'm using the latest yad from the ppa on kubuntu precise.
The stacking order of windows is controlled by the KDE window manager. When a UI application, like yad, creates a window, it may communicate preferred attributes, like "always on top", to the WM. When this does not work for some reason, you may try to call command line utility, for example wmctrl that instructs the WM to raise an existing window:
wmctrl -a "Yad"
Thanks! I had the same issue with a zenity dialog poped up from a gedit custom External tool (sh script). Adding the wmctrl -a "CVS commit" cmd fixed it.

Xcode window organization tips?

I'm a fairly recent convert to Xcode and OS X. Even though I have two large monitors it feels likes I spend far to much time hunting for windows.
I typically have at least the following windows open:
The file I'm editing.
A matching header file.
Another source file.
API Documentation.
A browser window.
It seems like whatever I want next is always underneath something else. There are lots of ways to switch windows (e.g., Exposé, Spaces, OS X hotkeys, Xcode hotkeys), but that's part of the problem. There are so many different approaches, I can't blindly use one; I have to think about which is the right one for each situation.
How do you organize your Xcode windows so you aren't switching all the time?
Or, how do you effectively switch between windows?
I prefer all-in-one layout (Xcode's preferences->General). If I need to look at several files simultaneously, I split the editor view (the little button above the vertical scroller). I also constantly use Cmd-Option-UpArrow to switch between .h and .m files. The only other window I have is the documentation browser.
I have a dedicated Space for Xcode so that I can switch between Xcode and Safari with a shortcut.
Xcode is unbelievably customizable, though many options are well hidden.
I keep the main XCode window open and the documentation open slightly askew from each other horizontally so i can click one while the other is on top. I use the button (right next to the lock icon) which opens the associated file to toggle in-betweeen the h and m files.
I use expose and keep safari in another panel.

Xcode window positions when switching from dual to single monitor

When I'm working at home I plug my MacBook in to my 20" monitor as a second (right side) monitor. I do all my editing in Xcode on the larger monitor, and leave the menu bar, debugging and documentation on the laptop's monitor.
The problem is when I disconnect from the second monitor and want to work on code in "laptop" mode. Now, whenever I open a file for editing, it shows up almost entirely off the screen and I have to drag it over to edit it. I understand (sort of) why this is happening, since I last had it open in a different monitor. What I'd like to do is reset the window positions in Xcode so the edit windows show up completely on the laptop monitor. Any ideas on how to do this?
I'd even be willing to nuke entries out of the preferences (or set up an applescript to do it) but the xcode plist is inscrutable to me.
Right click the project in finder, select show package contents, and delete the two username.* files. Its not automated... but it works.
Additionally if your using some kind of version control system you probably want to add username.* to your ignore pattern.
