Spring boot tests - run tests 2 time with different application-xxx.properties each time - spring

I have a spring boot app that has tests for database stuff and I'm supporting mysql and mssql.
I have src/text/resources/application-mysql.properties and src/text/resources/application-mssql.properties
What environment variable can I set when I run my tests to tell Spring which test properties file to use?

Property files in the format application-*.properties are activated using Spring Profiles. Same thing for YAML files, by the way! It is important to know that application.properties is still loaded first and any profile-specific properties will overwrite previously loaded properties (kind of the whole point of Spring Profiles).
There are multiple ways to enable profiles:
To answer your question, you can set the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable to enable profiles. For example, export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=mysql. You can also specify multiple profiles (and they are loaded in the same order) by separating them with a comma: export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=localdefaults,local.
You can also use the JVM parameter, spring.profiles.active. The value follows the same format as that of the environment variable. For example, -Dspring.profiles.active=mysql.
You can use the #ActiveProfiles annotation on your test class. For example:
// Other annotations...
public class MyTest {
If you want to enable profiles during a build, you can set the spring.profiles.active property in Maven. For example:
Here's a weird one I recently learned. You can also set active profiles with the spring.profiles.active in a properties file. I imagine this has its uses, but have never used this approach.
Read more about everything I have covered:


How to set logging.file.name through command line arguments in spring boot?

I am setting the logging.file.name in application.properties file which I want to pass as command line argument. Is it possible?
The reason is I am trying to run multiple jar files from a single application and I want to display logs of each application run at a single location.
Spring Boot provides several options to externalize configuration.
Spring Boot uses a very particular PropertySource order that is
designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties are
considered in the following order (with values from lower items
overriding earlier ones):
Default properties (specified by setting SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties).
#PropertySource annotations on your #Configuration classes. Please note that such property sources are not added to the
Environment until the application context is being refreshed. This is
too late to configure certain properties such as logging.* and
spring.main.* which are read before refresh begins.
Config data (such as application.properties files).
A RandomValuePropertySource that has properties only in random.*.
OS environment variables.
Java System properties (System.getProperties()).
JNDI attributes from java:comp/env.
ServletContext init parameters.
ServletConfig init parameters.
Properties from SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON (inline JSON embedded in an environment variable or system property).
Command line arguments.
properties attribute on your tests. Available on #SpringBootTest and the test annotations for testing a particular
slice of your application.
#TestPropertySource annotations on your tests.
Devtools global settings properties in the $HOME/.config/spring-boot directory when devtools is active.
So you should be possible to override the values defined in your application.properties by setting environment variables, Java system properties, or command line arguments:
Environmant variables: export LOGGING_FILE_NAME=yourfile.txt
Java system property: -Dlogging.file.name=yourfile.txt
Command line argument: --logging.file.name=yourfile.txt

Wrapping the application.name value with '#', what does it mean?

What does adding the '#' to name value of application.properties to the beginning and to the end mean?
I couldn't find usage of something like this. I checked the Spring docs as well, but I couldn't find it. Is this usage a generic thing for programming or specific to application.properties of Spring?
Please go through the documentation
Rather than hardcoding some properties that are also specified in your
project’s build configuration, you can automatically expand them by
instead using the existing build configuration. This is possible in
both Maven and Gradle.
The format you mentioned is for Maven
You can automatically expand properties from the Maven project by
using resource filtering. If you use the spring-boot-starter-parent,
you can then refer to your Maven ‘project properties’ with #..#
With Spring Boot Actuator dependency added to pom.xml
info endpoint exposed (for http : management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=info )
a quick verification of this can be done.
Add the following property to pom.xml
<app.info.test>Test Value</app.info.test>
and following entries in the application.properties file
info.app.name= Test App
Hitting http://localhost:8080/actuator/info will give the following response
{"app":{"name":"Test App","java":{"source":"1.8"},"test":"Test Value"}}
Straight Forward answer is the value which you store with #name# in application.properties are initialized when your project build start (based on same parameter name you pass with command).
It's used when you want to pass value of that variable at time of build
or value which are different based on environment.If you don't do that then it value becomes fixed.
when you're want to pass some parameter which are constant or repetitively use in your application like mail configuration or AWS configuration, version or etc. that things define in application.properties file.

Spring Profiles application properties order

We have many environments that have multiple active Spring profiles, but what is the precedence of the application-{profile}.yml files?
If I have spring.profiles.active=test-us-west-2-p1, test-us-west-2, test
In what order do the files application-test.yml, application-test-us-west-2.yml, application-test-us-west-2-p1.yml get loaded? If I have the same property in each file, which "wins"?
Also, has this changed from Spring-Boot 1.5.x to 2.x? It seems like it may have.
The profile's properties are loaded in the same order as you specify them, and if the same property is defined in different profiles the last one wins.
This behavior applies to both Spring Boot versions 1.5.x and 2.x, and if I recall correctly, it applies to all versions of Spring.
Spring always loads appication.yml. And afterwards, if some profile is specified, it will load that profile's property file. And if after that profile another profile is specified, it will load that profile's propperty file. Always overriding current properties's value with the new one.
So, let's say you have profile1 and profile2. And you have these property files:
property1: bob
property2: alice
property3: eve
property2: alice1
property3: eve1
property3: eve2
And you start your application with: spring.profiles.active=profile1, profile2
Your will get:
property1: bob
property2: alice1
property3: eve2
First of all, we need to find out the final set of all active profiles. There are ways of setting/replacing active profiles and adding active profiles on top of existing active ones. For instance, active profiles set with the spring.profiles.active property are replaced with the -Dspring.profiles.active command line option. (And this can get really complex.)
On the other hand, the SpringApplicationBuilder's profiles method adds to the existing active profiles. We can use the following code to figure out the final set of active profiles:
private Environment environment;
System.out.println("Active profiles: " +
Now we have to consider what Spring documentation calls last-wins strategy.
If several profiles are specified, a last-wins strategy applies.
So, if we have the following code and all other options excluded:
new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class)
.profiles("dev", "prod")
both application-dev.properties and application-prod.properties files are loaded and the keys with the same name in the latter one (the production) override the former one.
I posted important notice on profiles order handling. See how jar resources files are handled in this process here.

spring boot YAML default and environment variable override like HOCON files

Is there a way in spring-boot YAML file to do the same as in HOCON files where you can have a default and be able to override it with an environment variable like this:
basedir = "/whatever/whatever"
basedir = ${?FORCED_BASEDIR}
In this case in HOCON if you don't define a environment variable named FORCED_BASEDIR then basedir will be "/whatever/whatever" but if you do then the value of basedir will be whatever is defined in the environment variable.
So based on webdizz answer below I looked up a little bit and I found a pretty good description in book "Spring Boot in Action". Here is the hierarchy:
There are, in fact, several ways to set properties for a Spring Boot application. Spring
Boot will draw properties from several property sources, including the following:
Command-line arguments
JNDI attributes from java:comp/env
JVM system properties
Operating system environment variables
Randomly generated values for properties prefixed with random.* (referenced
when setting other properties, such as `${random.long})
An application.properties or application.yml file outside of the application
Licensed to Thomas Snead 58 CHAPTER 3 Customizing configuration
An application.properties or application.yml file packaged inside of the
Property sources specified by #PropertySource
Default properties
Spring Boot provides means to define variables at many levels and your case is supported, you just need to define variable in following way:
in application.yml:
basedir: "/whatever/whatever"
and in environment:
export BASEDIR = "/another/whatever"
Then in runtime application will use value from environment.
For more details check this out enter link description here.

Spring boot, use profiles to load files

I have used spring-boot profiles to change property values for different environments, now I want to use the same approach to load different resource files, ie example I have dev_queries and prod_queries.xml with sql queries.
How can I make spring-boot load dev_queries.xml if active profile is dev and prod_queries.xml otherwise. I know that I can check the active profile but my idea is to do not add specific logic for handle this situation.
Would it help to externalize the filename as a custom property (docs, especially 24.4)? So that in your properties you would use:
# application-dev.properties
# application-production.properties
In your application beans this setting can be accessed by using the #Value annotation:
private String querySource; // will be dev_queries.xml or prod_queries.xml
That way in the code where you are loading the xml file you don't have to conditionally check for the currently active profiles but can externalize that setting to the properties.
