Scroll issue on display grid in flex container - scroll

I noticed a scroll issue when a display grid element is child of a flex one.
Here an example to explain the problem
As you can see in this screenshot, the scroll bar is at its maximum top position but the some of the grid content are hidden and there's no way to scroll them into view.
I have to use a flex box because my goal is to keep the grid centered horizontally and vertically
Any idea to solve?


Make Responsive Svg inside angular-gridster item

I want to make Gridster grid responsive according to grid resize as well as window resize. Currently I am using DC.js to render charts inside the gridster grid, but if the screen resolution changes from bigger to smaller , the value of the item stored previously for the width for svg remain too big for the screen.
Any tips how to make it responsive. How to set the width of gridster item , it looks to me it injected through java-script.
I found out the answer. Angular Gridster have a event "gridster-resized" , whenever this event happens try to resize the items in the gridster.

How to get rid of horizontal scrollbar in a Grid?

How to get rid of horizontal scrollbar in a Grid? Playing with column widths does not solve.
This will hide horizontal scroll bar:
$("#[yourGirdIDHere] .waf-dataGrid-body").css("overflow-x","hidden");
The side affect is that it also turns off horizontal scrolling. If the grid has columns out of bounds horizontally, it will not be able to scroll.
I was able to get working by entering the following in the css file for the Web Component.
#{id}dataGrid1 .waf-dataGrid-body {

While zooming out horizontal scroll bar appears in subgtid

I have a one subgrid for every row which contains 5 columns. When I set zoom to 100% in IE grid looks good. But if I zoom it out to 75%, horizontal scroll bar totally hides the subgrid. I tried manybpossible ways. Didnt work.Please anyone help me out.

How to code the ScrollView with images like this

I tried sample code in App Dev Center, but the code only can show images side by side and fill all scroll view, I want to realize like attached picture, who can give me some thoughts? Thanks~!
The width of a "page" when you use a paging scroll view is the width of the scroll view itself. So if you want to use that feature, the scroll view must be the width of the pix plus half the width of the borders on either side, so that the next picture will come into place correctly. Now, if you don't want to hide the picture at the right before it's been paged into the scroll view, just don't turn on clipsToBounds.

NSTableView with overlapping corner views has odd scrolling

I'm trying to implement an NSTableView with rounded corners. The approach I took was to put a container on top of the table view that has images only on the corners to produce the rounded effect. The problem I'm having is that when the table scrolls, the corner images scroll with the row they were drawn on. Does anyone have insights as to why this is occurring?
Edit: I tried putting a button in the center of the corner image container and it seems like the NSScrollView is going on top when it's scrolling. When it scrolls, the button is also disappearing from the view. Is the scroll view known to do this?
Solved. I took the approach of creating a child window overlay. An example of this:
