BSD make & GNU make - makefile

I have Makefile. This runs on FreeBSD with gmake and make. In BSD Make command not output log same with gmake.
$ gmake
compile main.cpp
linking myout
$ make
c++ -O2 -pipe -c main.cpp -o main.o
linking myout
$ cat Makefile
TARGET = myout
default: $(TARGET)
SRCS = main.cpp
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o)
default: $(BIN)
%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
#$(CXX) -c $< -o $#
#echo linking $#
#$(CXX) $(OBJS) -o $#
#rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)

According to the FreeBSD make documentation, it doesn't support pattern rules. So your rule here:
%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
#$(CXX) -c $< -o $#
in FreeBSD make is just an explicit rule telling make how to build the literal file %.o from the literal file %.cpp. Since you don't try to build a file named %.o (you're trying to build main.o), this rule is ignored / never used.
It looks like if you want something that will work the same way between both versions of make you'll have to restrict yourself to the POSIX standard suffix rules format, like this:
.SUFFIXES: .cpp .o
#echo compile $<
#$(CXX) -c $< -o $#

The default build utilities are different. FreeBSD uses a different implementation of make than GNU/Linux. The respective man pages outline differences.


makefile: No rule to make target '%.o'

I have 3 files: Source.cpp 2ndfile.cpp 2ndfile.hpp
And I'm trying to compile them with mingw32-make
makefile that doesn't work:
all: launch.exe
launch.exe: %.o
g++ -o $# $^
%.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $< -std=gnu++11
makefile that works:
all: launch.exe
launch.exe: source.o 2ndfile.o
g++ -o $# $^
source.o: source.cpp
g++ -c source.cpp -std=gnu++11
2ndfile.o: 2ndfile.cpp
g++ -c 2ndfile.cpp -std=gnu++11
My question is: why the first one doesn't work? What's my problem with '%' patterns?
The error I get: mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target '%.o', needed by 'launch.exe'. Stop.
My question is: why the first one doesn't work? What's my problem with '%' patterns?
A pattern rule matches targets to prerequisites via a common element in their names, represented by the % wildcard. You present your own example in the form of this rule:
%.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $< -std=gnu++11
On the other hand, this rule ...
launch.exe: %.o
g++ -o $# $^
... is not a pattern rule, because the target name does not contain a %. There, you seem to be trying to use % in an entirely different sense, analogous to * in a glob pattern. It does not serve that purpose, even in pattern rules. That would give pattern rules a very different (and much less useful) meaning. Instead, in your non-pattern rule, the % is treated as an ordinary character.
There are many ways to write makefiles, but a good, simple model to start from for exploring pattern rules would be a combination of your first and second examples:
all: launch.exe
launch.exe: source.o 2ndfile.o
g++ -o $# $^
%.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $< -std=gnu++11
Substitute % with *.
all: launch.exe
launch.exe: *.o
g++ -o $# $^
*.o: *.cpp
g++ -c $^ -std=gnu++11
EDIT: there's an answer below why this is a bad idea. Here's what works:
all: launch.exe
launch.exe: Source.o 2ndfile.o
g++ -o $# $^
%.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $^ -std=gnu++11

Makefile with different source types doesn't notice make.depend

I want my Makefile to accept different source file types. It does, but it does not recompile when I alter an include file. Here's the Makefile:
C_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c)
CPP_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cpp)
CC_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cc)
all: a.out
a.out: $(ALL_OBJECTS)
g++ -o $# -g $^
%.o: %.cpp
g++ -c $# -g $^
g++ -c $# -g $^
%.o: %.c
g++ -c $# -g $^
rm -f a.out
rm -f *.o
make.depend: $(ALL_SOURCES)
g++ -MM $^ > $#
-include make.depend
The lines starting with *.o: are a recent addition -- I wondered if it might help. No effect.
make.depend is doing its job: I checked it out, and its dependencies are correct. (For my MCVE I have one source file main.cpp which includes date.h.)
main.o: main.cpp date.h
The output of $(info $(ALL_OBJECTS)) is main.o.
So: how can I get it to recognize changes to includes?
It would be helpful, when asking questions, to show an example of running the commands and what is printed. Given the makefile you provide I'd be surprised of make actually ran any commands at all, other than generating the depend file.
That's because this:
C_OBJECTS := ${C_SOURCES: .c =.o}
is invalid syntax. Or more precisely, it doesn't do what you want to do. It replaces the literal string _____.c__ (where the _ are whitespace... SO won't let me just use spaces) at the end of each word in C_SOURCES with .o. Of course you don't have any of those, so basically your ALL_OBJECTS variable contains just your source files (since no changes are made by the substitution).
You can use:
$(info $(ALL_OBJECTS))
to see what happens here.
This needs to be written:
Whitespace in makefiles is very tricky. You definitely have to be careful where you put it and you can't add it anywhere you like.
Also I have no idea why you're using notdir since all your files are in the current directory.
And technically it's incorrect to compile .c files with the g++ compiler front-end.
ETA also your pattern rules are incorrect: you're missing the -o option to the compiler; they should all be the equivalent of:
%.o: %.c
g++ -c -o $# -g $^
Better is to use the standard make variables, then you can customize the behavior without rewriting all the rules:
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
Update Just use the comprehensively enginerred automatic dependency file generation #MadScientist describes at This works with both GCC and clang (due to clang's explicit goal to be commandline compatible to GCC).
For completeness' sake, my original answer:
The generated dependency rules must depend on the sources determined by the dependeny rule generating rule. This requires the -MT parameter to gcc.
I have included this as an example in a slightly cleaned up version of your GNUmakefile:
.PHONY: all
all: all-local
bin_PROGRAMS += test-cxx
test_cxx_OBJECTS += main.o
test_cxx_OBJECTS += main-c.o
test-cxx: $(test_cxx_OBJECTS)
$( $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -o $# $^
ALL_OBJECTS += $(test_cxx_OBJECTS)
%.o: %.cpp
$(COMPILE.cpp) $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
$( $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
%.o: %.c
$(COMPILE.c) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
%.dep: %.cpp
$(COMPILE.cpp) -MM -MT "$*.o $# " $< > $#.tmp
mv -f $#.tmp $#
$( -MM -MT "$*.o $# " $< > $#.tmp
mv -f $#.tmp $#
%.dep: %.c
$(COMPILE.c) -MM -MT "$*.o $# " $< > $#.tmp
mv -f $#.tmp $#
-include $(ALL_DEPS)
.PHONY: all-local
all-local: $(bin_PROGRAMS)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(bin_PROGRAMS)
rm -f *.dep
rm -f *.o
The *.dep generating rules will recursively examine all included source files, and list them all in the generated *.dep file.
Using a separate *.dep file for each object file means that if you change only one source file, only the *.dep files needing regeneration will actually be regenerated.
The *.dep generating rule creates a *.dep.tmp file first, and only moves that to *.dep if generating the *.dep.tmp file has been successful. So if for some reason generating the *.dep.tmp file fails (e.g. you might be including a non-existing header file), you will not have a newly generated (and thus considered up to date) empty *.dep file being included by make.

How to save modules in a separate directory using a makefile

I am compiling some of my own FORTRAN code using a simple makefile but dislike having my code directory cluttered up with *.mod and *.o files.
Is there a simple way I can edit my makefile so that these compiled files are placed in a separate directory (something like ./obj/ )? I've searched through here and google to find a few examples but I can't get any of them working. Probably as I have very little experience of makefiles and fortran (have only coded C until now).
Below is my current makefile:
LIBS=-L$(HDF5LIB) -lhdf5 -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5hl_fortran \
-L$(MYLIB_LIB) -lmylib
# Compiler
F90 = ifort
CC = ifort
FLAGS = -g -O2 -openmp
# ------ No machine-specific paths/variables after this -----
FSOURCE = my_structures my_constants my_utils my_prog MainMOD
OBJECTS = my_structures.o my_constants.o my_utils.o my_prog.o
all: $(FSOURCE)
MainMOD: MainMOD.F90
$(F90) $(FLAGS) -o $# $(INC) MainMOD.F90 $(LIBS) $(OBJECTS)
my_structures: my_structures.F90
$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c $(INC) imager_structures.F90 $(LIBS)
my_prog: my_prog.F90
$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c $(INC) my_prog.F90 $(LIBS)
my_constants: my_constants.F90
$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c $(INC) preproc_constants.F90 $(LIBS)
utils: my_utils.F90
$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c $(INC) my_utils.F90 $(LIBS)
# Compilation rules
$(OBJ_DIR)\\%.o: %.F90
$(F90) $(FLAGS) -c $# $<
# Rule to prevent make from identifying Fortran .mod files as Modula2 source
# files
%.o : %.mod
First, the way Makefile works is based on that targets and sources are in the same directory. For sure, you can do the opposite, but Makefile wasn't designed with that option in mind so you'll have to make your recipes a bit ugly.
Now, if I really wanted to have object files in a separate directory and wasn't bounded by using make only, I'd use cmake which in contrast to make assumes that sources are separated from the build files.
If you still want to go with make, then I think you need to fix one thing.
$(OBJ_DIR)\\%.o: %.F90
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.F90
%.o : %.mod
is not required if you put
on the very first line of the file. This will turn off all implicit rules since you don't use them anyway.

Compiling for Multiple Targets

I want to compile my program both to linux and windows using g++ and mingw respectively. The only difference between the compilations is the compiler to use and output file name.
A single make command should produce both output files. What is the best way to achieve this with as little duplications in the makefile as possible?
How about this:
linux-name: CC:=g++
windows-name: CC:=mingw
linux-name windows-name:
$(CC) whatever -o $#
What I wrote above is only the new part of the makefile; I assumed that the rest of the makefile was implied. To be more explicit:
all: linux-name windows-name
linux-name: CC:=g++
windows-name: CC:=mingw
linux-name windows-name: foo.o bar.o baz.o SomethingElse
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) whatever $^ -o $#
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(INC_DIR) whatever -c $< -o $#
build somehow

VPATH not working with Makefile Rule

I have added another rule to a Makefile to attempt to build a C shared library that uses SWIG to wrap the functions for Java using JNI
The additional rule looks like this (basically lifted from one of the SWIG java examples)
java: $(program_C_SRCS)
javac *.java
problem I have is that my VPATH doesn't seem to work with the *.c files anymore
I noticed that this rule causes all the .c files to compiled as one call to gcc rather than a separate call to gcc for the compilation of each .o file
my previous rules for compilation without any JNI stuff look like this:
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(program_DEBUG_NAME) $(program_RELEASE_NAME)
# original rule to build library in src dir (no longer inc. in all)
$(program_NAME): $(program_C_OBJS)
$(LINK.c) -shared -Wl,-soname,$# $^ -o $#
# new rules to build debug/release libraries and place them in relevant build
# dirs
$(program_DEBUG_NAME): $(DEBUG_OBJS)
$(DEBUG_LINK.c) -shared -Wl,-soname,$# $^ -o $(BUILD_DIR)/debug/$#
$(RELEASE_LINK.c) -shared -Wl,-soname,$# $^ -o $(BUILD_DIR)/release/$#
# rule to build object files (replaces implicit rule)
$(BUILD_DIR)/debug/%.o: %.c
$(DEBUG_LINK.c) $< -c -o $#
$(BUILD_DIR)/release/%.o: %.c
$(RELEASE_LINK.c) $< -c -o $#
and these work with VPATH no problem
my VPATH statement looks like this:
VPATH = ../../pulse_IO/src ../../../g2/src
Look at your rule:
java: $(program_C_SRCS)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS) $(program_C_SRCS) ...
Suppose program_C_SRCS is foo.c, and the path is somewhere/foo.c. Without VPATH, this rule doesn't run at all because Make can't find foo.c. With VPATH, Make finds it, and knows that the real prereq is somewhere/foo.c. But you have $(program_C_SRCS) in your rule:
java: somewhere/foo.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS) foo.c ...
This fails because there is no foo.c (locally).
Try this:
java: $(program_C_SRCS)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(JAVACFLAGS) $^ ...
(The use of automatic variables like $^ is the reason your previous rules worked.)
