Too many arguments with poetry install - python-poetry

I am facing some issues with Poetry.
I am getting the following error while trying to execute pytest:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'coverage'
But when I try to install with poetry like this: poetry install coverage I get the following error message:
Too many arguments.
Anyone knows how to solve it?
I tried to execute poetry install coverage but got only the message Too many arguments.

poetry install doesn't accept any arguments. It only installs the dependencies described in pyproject.toml.
Instead you need to use poetry add to add a new dependency. Check out the documentation for more details. In fact, you should always refer to the official documentation for guidance in situations like this.


Trying to Avoid Using Two Package Managers (pip and Poetry) for the Same Project

After a fair bit of thrashing, I successfully installed the Python Camelot PDF table extraction tool ( and it works for the intended purpose. But in order to get it to work, aside from having to correct a deprecated dependency (by editing pyproject.toml and setting PyPDF2 =”2.12.1”) I used pip to install Camelot from within a Poetry (my preferred package manager) environment- because I haven’t yet figured out any other way.
Since I’m very new to Python and package management (but not to programming) I have some holes in my basic understanding that I need to patch up. I thought that using two package managers on the same project in principle defeats the purpose of using package managers, so I feel like I’m lucky that it works. Would love some input on what I’m missing.
The documentation for Camelot provides instructions for installing via pip and conda (, but not Poetry. As I understand (or misunderstand) it, packages are added to Poetry environments via the pyproject.toml file and then calling "poetry install."
I updated pyrpoject.toml as follows, having identified the current Camelot version as 0.10.1 (camelot --version):
python = "^3.8"
PyPDF2 = "2.12.1"
camelot = "^0.9.0"
This led to the error:
Because camelot3 depends on camelot (^0.9.0) which doesn't match any versions, version solving failed.
Same problem if I set (camelot = "0.10.1"). So I took the Camelot reference out of pyproject.toml, and ran the following command from within my Poetry virtual environment:
pip install “camelot-py[base]”
I was able to successfully proceed from here, but that doesn’t feel right. Is it wrong to try to force this project into Poetry, and should I instead consider using different package managers for different projects? Am I misunderstanding how Poetry works? What else am I missing here?
Whenever you see pip install 'Something[extra]' you can replace it with poetry add 'Something[extra]'.
Alternatively you can write it directly in the pyproject.toml and then run poetry install instead:
# ...
Something = { extras = ["extra"] }
Note that in your question you wrote camelot in the pyproject.toml but it is camelot-py that you should have written.

go install - shows error

I am trying to Provision VMs on KVM with Terraform.
one of the steps in installations is to download and install the provider buy the command:
go install
but it errors:
The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or
more replace directives. It must not contain directives that would cause it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module.
I didn't find a solution, is someone has faced it?
thank you
As JimB notice in comments:
If there are replace or exclude directives in the module, the correct
installation method is to clone the source and install it,
git clone
cd terraform-provider-libvirt
go install

Django Rest Framework Swagger stopped working

Just tried to rebuild a container with DRF and drf-yasg. The exact same commit was passing all tests fine but is now falling over with the following exception:
ImportError: Could not import 'rest_framework.schemas.coreapi.AutoSchema' for API setting 'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS'. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rest_framework.schemas.coreapi'.
Nothing else has changed, but it seems a newer package may have been included that broke the Swagger generator.
Anyone else experience similar?
So it seems pip was pulling DRF V3.10, which has some switch from CoreAPI to OpenAPI: . Adding the line from the release documentation:
'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework.schemas.coreapi.AutoSchema'
did not seem to make any difference.
I would presume your dependencies in requirements.txt are not specific enough, and rebuilding the container has installed a later version of djangorestframework.
Check for a line in your pipfile like djangorestframework>=3.9, and this should be changed to either pin a specific version djangorestframework==3.9, or pin it to a specific minor release so you will still receive bug fixes and security updates djangorestframework>=3.9,<3.10.
These lines can also be used directly with pip, incase your container build uses pip directly, e.g. pip install "djangorestframework>=3.9,<3.10"
It seems that installing coreapi seperately may help: pip install coreapi
pip3 install packaging
solve it!

Yarn can't add dependency via git+ssh because package doesn't have a "_uid"

We have a dependency that lives on private GitLab instance, but we can't get yarn to add it.
Installing the package like this:
yarn add git+ssh://
results in this error:
error Package "package-name#0.9.2" doesn't have a "_uid".
I'm thinking this is yarn-specific because using npm does work ... e.g. this command successfully installs the package:
npm install --save git+ssh://
I've looked through yarn's documentation and gone through pages of google results, but can't really find any information the _uid. Anyone have any ideas what's going on here?
Think we have it figured out. It appears that in our case, we have to supply a hash ... either a partial SHA or tag.
So this works:
yarn add git+ssh://
and so does this:
yarn add git+ssh://

Problems installing Python Protocol Buffers

I am a beginning programmer trying to install the Python Protocol Buffers from this package:
The readme states:
1) Make sure you have Python 2.4 or newer. If in doubt, run:
$ python -V
2) If you do not have setuptools installed, note that it will be
downloaded and installed automatically as soon as you run
If you would rather install it manually, you may do so by following
the instructions on this page:
3) Build the C++ code, or install a binary distribution of protoc. If
you install a binary distribution, make sure that it is the same
version as this package. If in doubt, run:
$ protoc --version
4) Run the tests:
$ python test
If some tests fail, this library may not work correctly on your
system. Continue at your own risk.
Please note that there is a known problem with some versions of
Python on Cygwin which causes the tests to fail after printing the
error: "sem_init: Resource temporarily unavailable". This appears
to be a bug either in Cygwin or in Python:
We do not know if or when it might me fixed. We also do not know
how likely it is that this bug will affect users in practice.
5) Install:
$ python install
This step may require superuser privileges.
NOTE: To use C++ implementation, you need to install C++ protobuf runtime
library of the same version and export the environment variable before this
step. See the "C++ Implementation" section below for more details.
I have added both python and version 2.4.1 of protoc.exe into my PATH. However, when I try to run the test, I get an error message that says there's invalid syntax on line 38:
print "Can't find required file " + source
Okay, so it's missing parenthesis. I add them, and it encounters two more print statement syntax error messages. I fix those, and it encounters a syntax error message on an 'except' statement. What am I doing wrong?
Perhaps you are using Python 3?
The code you refer to will only work in Python 2.X
I have followed same steps , but I didn't get any errors.
Please make sure that you are getting correct Python and protoc version.
Export the environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
