Is had a way to pass time zone for the Outlook add event calendar links - outlook

In the Google Calendar event link, we can pass the timezone as below{{timeZone}}......
Is outlook had a way to do this?
I need to create an outlook calendar link to add events to the outlook calendar. In there I need to mention the timezone in the calendar link and display the timezone like this


Is there a iCal or meeting invite like generator?

I have a team that rotates support but needs to send out calendar invites with a non changing group of users it needs to be sent to and CC'ed to. Everything I find online is for personal appointments and not calendar events. I have a template for the subject and body of the email and would like a template that users can just click and open the event in outlook and change the dates only.
Maybe I misunderstood your question, but the iCalendar format is only intended to propagate an existing event. For what you want, you need to create an event.

Outlook Calendar: Add different calendar of same mailbox to an event

While creating an event in the outlook calendar, I want to add multiple calendars of the same mailbox in the event. I am not able to find any way of doing this.
I am using MS Graph for creating events on the calendar.
Please help me with this. Thanks in advance.
You can use Create event API to create a new event in a calendar. But you need to note that the calendar can be one for a user, or the default calendar of a Microsoft 365 group; it's not for the calendar group - so you can't add multiple calendars. Here's the doc.

Outlook - Copy group calendar events to user outlook calendar

We have a recurring event setup in Office 365 group calendar. If a new member is added to this group, that member can see the event in "Group" calendar and in order to see this event in main calendar, user have to click on "Copy to My calendar" in group event.
Is there any way to do this via code/script? Basically achieve "Copy to My calendar" for Office 365 group calendar to User's main calendar via code.
I'm not sure when you click "Copy to my calendar" if it has some smart link or if it is just a copy at a point in time.
You could subscribe to the calendar using a webhook. That webhook would call your API hosted somewhere (an Azure Function, a web api hosted on Azure App Service). Your API would recieve the event id, it could then fetch the full details of the event and then create a new event on the users calendar.
I'm assuming that you'd want this to create it on all users calendar and also to update it if there were changes on the source event.
Its complex for sure doing it this way.

How to set label for Hangouts Meeting via API

I'm trying to create an appointment calendar using GSuite and Google Calendar API. When a user (no Google account and outside the GSuite organization) creates an appointment, I'm trying to create a Calendar event on the Calendar of an organization member via the Google Calendar API and generate a Hangouts meeting link.
I can create the event and the Hangouts meeting link, but I cannot create a custom label for the video link. I was able to make it slightly unique by adding an attendee with a fake email to John Doe's calendar to get a label of doe-j-xcz, but I would like full control over the label if possible.
Attempted Solutions That Didn't Work
Create the event and provide a conferenceData.createRequest and an entryPoint with the desired label.
Create the event first and then send a patch with the information described in 1
Changing the conferenceId
After messing around with the API Explorer, a custom label can be made by:
Creating the Cal event and adding a meeting link using a createRequest
Send a Patch with conferenceData.conferenceId set to the unique label value

Google Calendar API on add event callback for sync

I am using google-api-php-clientfor fetching and inserting Google Calendar events. Now I want to synchronize events on my system with events on Google Calendar.
I am wondering, if I add Event in Google Calendar, can it be automatically added in my system (maybe with some callback url) so I don't need to use CRON jobs to recheck events in Google Calendar in some time interval?
Thank you!
Google provides both iCal and XML output for viewing from external applications. This URL can be found by clicking on the drop down from your calendar name while logged in, selecting settings, and the calendar name. The private address row gives you both iCal and XML URLs.
Here are instructions for Outlook and iCal.
