could not convert string to float: 'Urban' - azure-databricks

I have extracted the columns data from "Data.xls" file and have 1 column(Location_type) and the values contains.
And i am getting could not convert string to float: 'Urban' for the above column.
I have tried multiple way trying to convert :
Trying all the above-mentioned syntax for the particular column.After applying still i am getting error:
could not convert string to float: 'Urban'
Please advise.


ImageSegmentationAnnotation Class seems to not work while giving the path to the annotations BitMaps

I am not able to figure out correct Key, Value names to pass out bitmap labels to a Image Segmentation problem in vertex AI. My error message is below:
Error: Could not parse the line, json is invalid or the format does not match the input schema: Cannot find field: ImageSegmentationAnnotation.MaskAnnotation in message for: gs://starry-embassy-363916-image/Figaro1k_json.jsonl line 3
Error: Could not parse the line, json is invalid or the format does not match the input schema: Cannot find field: ImageSegmentationAnnotation.MaskAnnotation in message
And the format of the .jsonl file I am giving is :
{"imageGcsUri": "gs://starry-embassy-363916-image/Figaro1k/Original/Training/Frame00003-org.jpg", "ImageSegmentationAnnotation.MaskAnnotation" : [{"mask_gcs_uri": "gs://starry-embassy-363916-image/Figaro1k/GT/Training/Frame00003-gt.pbm"}], "dataItemResourceLabels": {"": "training"}}
I tried various combination of the ImageSegmentationAnnotation class as documented here:
And here:

How to take xpath to Get Text from class inside th

I have the following XPath :
And I'm trying to get the text from it with the following command :
String LabelName = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[#class='ui-jqgrid htable']/thead/tr/th//text()")).getText()
But it's not printing text, the result is blank. Could you help me please ?
The text() in your xpath does not qualify as an element. Your element ends at //table[#class='ui-jqgrid-htable']/thead/tr/th. Try using getText() for this XPath.
Also, a table would have many headers. Using findElement will only return the first one.
If you want to get all headers use
and loop through the list to getText of individual element.

worksheet.format("A2:A", { "numberFormat": { "type": "DATE_TIME" }}) doesn't work for text

I'm trying to log temperature and humidity to a google spreadsheet using gspread and python.
That works, however when I insert a row using the following code:
worksheet.append_row(("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"), temp, humidity))
now for example cell 'A2' has the value: '12-05-2020 00:11:50 (Note the single quotation mark)
I want the data to be represented in a chart. This cannot be done with the above value so I have to convert it to a date_time value.
worksheet.format("A2:A", { "numberFormat": { "type": "DATE_TIME" }})
I expect the entire column to be converted to Date Time. This doesn't convert the values with a single quotation mark.
I spend the whole day trying to get this to work but for some reason I can't seem to find a way to have a 'normal' date_time value added that Google Sheets recognizes as a date_time...
If I enter a (numeric) value manually in a cell in column A. The code to set the format works just fine.
Also if I manually select the column and select he formatting from the menu it works fine with the gspread added date time rows.
I really want it to be done programmatically and not by hand of course.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
In that case, please use value_input_option as follows. By this, the date is put as the date object.
worksheet.append_row(("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"), temp, humidity))
worksheet.append_row(("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"), temp, humidity), value_input_option="USER_ENTERED")
append_rows(values, value_input_option='RAW', insert_data_option=None, table_range=None)

metafor package, rma.uni, mods, Model matrix contains character variables

I'm trying to run a meta-regression with MD's as dependent variable. I want to add a numeric moderator (year published) to the rma.uni function.
Formula so far:
metafor::rma.uni(yi=MCID12, sei=SE12, method="FE", data=Pain, slab=paste(Pain$Author, Pain$Year), weighted=TRUE, subset=(Pain$outcomegruppe=="9"), mods =("Pain$Year") )
I always get the error message:
Error in metafor::rma.uni(yi = MCID12, sei = SE12, method = "FE", data = Pain, :
Model matrix contains character variables.
My "Year" veriable is definetly numeric. As soon as I don't use the "mods" argument, everything works normal.
Could anyone help me with this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Don't put Year in quotes. Also, you don't need the Pain$ parts and weighted=TRUE is the default. This should do it:
metafor::rma.uni(yi=MCID12, sei=SE12, method="FE", data=Pain, slab=paste(Author, Year),
subset=(outcomegruppe=="9"), mods=~Year)

Correct strptime format for Input Type Time on Rails 4

Want to use the
<input name=attendance[something] type="time">
For time input. However cant make it seem to match with a Datetime object; for manipulation before insertion to ActiveRecord
myTimeIn = Time.strptime(params[attendance][something],"%H:%M")
keeps getting
invalid strptime format - `%H:%M'
What is the correct format for a input type=time field?
Looks like the value of params[attendance][something] may be blank or not of the correct format. You could do something like below to avoid the error:
t = params[attendance][something]
myTimeIn = Time.strptime(t,"%H:%M") if t =~ /\d{1,2}:\d{2}/
As per this HTML example, the value produced by <input/> of type time is HH:MM
