How to Access Silent Priority Messages in Android Logcat - shell

I am currently running the Android Logcat using adb shell in the command prompt. I have noticed that I cannot see any logcat messages with the S priority tag (silent). I know that they do exist but I don't know how to make them visible in the logcat. How would I filter the messages so that I can see all the silent messages? Any help is appreciated.
I am not sure how to filter the messages for the S tag specifically as it states that I can filter for the other priority tags.


Is there a way to disable IPVS message display from console prompt?

We installed k8s by kubespray and keep all settings by default parameter. Thus, the networking mode is ipvs. I noticed that there are some messages display on console prompt as below, sometimes it displays fast and annoying. The message is saved under kern.log already, so how can I stop it display on console prompt?
Message on console terminal

Appcelerator Titanium - how to view alert in logcat?

If i have an alert in my app
What do i have to do to view that alert using the adb logcat command? I've tried adb logcat *:v but nothing shows up - even though I can see the alert in the running app!
alert() shows a dialog in Android, doesn't do any console/adb.
However, if you want things to show up you should use logging tools
If you dive into documentation you need to use the debug, info and error methods to insert different levels of logging.
console.log(), console.warn() and console.error() work too.

Does google play services for Unity use the profiler?

I am trying to debug my game in logcat but when I add the script debugger in the build settings my logcat gets flooded with profiler is only supported in Unity Pro.. Since I'm not using the profiler and only use the Google Play Services as a 3th party script I suspect it of starting the profiler.
If so, how do I turn that off so I can debug properly? If not, what else could it be?
I have been trying to filter the text message profiler is only supported in Unity Pro. out of logcat but without success. I'm using the UI monitor.bat in the tools map that come with the Android-SDK. This should be a workaround.
According to the documentation: - the profiler is a Pro only feature.
The profiler is different from the debug log messages.
To get debug messages out of my app, I call Debug.Log("....") in my scripts, and just run adb logcat and the messages show up:
I/Unity (12241): Status Update: Starting sign-in...

Pebble.js WatchApp displays: "Disconnected - run the pebble phone app"

I can't find much documentation around this issue. All other running apps on my pebble have a connection to my phone, and work as expected. However, a Pebble.js application I'm currently working on simply displays Disconnected - run the pebble phone app.
I have noticed that in my Developer Settings that the Connection Manager is listed as Disconnected. Is this part of the problem? I see nothing in the logs.
For reference, the application is doing a simple ajax request and displaying the result.
This message is often caused by the JavaScript crashing on the phone (undefined reference, unknown function, etc) and so the watch thinks it is not running.
Some ideas to debug this:
Replace your code with one very simple console.log("hello world") statement and see if this works.
Look at the Logs (View Logs button in CloudPebble or pebble logs on the command line).
Very rarely, on Android, I have seen situation where the Pebble app is in a bad state where it cannot execute the JS for only one app. When this happens, you need to force-kill the Pebble app and relaunch it.
I have had the same experience.
I usually kill and restart the pebble app on my phone and then I also do refresh the browser. Sometimes you have to log out of and then log back into Cloudpebble.

Stop Android AVD showing location change toast

Whenever I change location on my AVD, whether it's via telnet or in DDMS I get a system toast message saying 'my current location is .....'
It's really annoying as it's covering up my app which is showing these details.
I can't find a way of removing it and searching didn't show much up. Any ideas?
Checked on my AVDs with Android 4.4 and I can safely say this toast is not part of Android system, and I can only assume this toast is being shown probably by a tool or an application you previously installed on the AVD.
My suggestion for you is to track LogCat whenever you send a mock location and see which events are being recorded to log when the toast is being displayed. If such an event is recorded, track it to the source package and remove that package by running adb uninstall <package_name>. If this fails, try creating a new AVD and send a mock location to it before making any changes to the machine, then incrementally install whatever tools and applications you need to identify the culprit.
Do you have any extra libraries or modules setup with your application? My first thoughts would be that some other library you added may have a toast built in and their code is calling it at some point. If you do try looking in those libraries and remove the toast code.
