Oracle INSERT data from variables - oracle

I'm looking for some help with Oracle.
I have a query like this
SELECT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column2 = 'columndata';
in my query, this result returns multiple rows. I would like to use the results in multiple insert statements in the same query.
ps. my actually query for the SELECT statement is large and complex.
INSERT INTO table2 values (data from previous SELECT);
INSERT INTO table3 values (data from previous SELECT);
INSERT INTO table4 values (data from previous SELECT);
INSERT INTO table5 values (data from previous SELECT);
etc etc...
How can I accomplish this using variables? p.s. I can't use temp table due to permissions.
I've tried searching google but I'm not getting the results I need.

Sounds like you need an INSERT ALL statement, e.g.:
INTO table2 (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (source_col1, source_col2, ...)
INTO table3 (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (source_col1, source_col2, ...)
INTO table4 (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (source_col1, source_col2, ...)
INTO table5 (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (source_col1, source_col2, ...)
SELECT source_col1,
FROM ...;
You would need to amend the list of columns being inserted to and from accordingly, obviously.


Oracle Select unique on multiple column

How can I achieve this to Select to one row only dynamically since
the objective is to get the uniqueness even on multiple columns
select distinct
coalesce(least(ColA, ColB),cola,colb) A1, greatest(ColA, ColB) B1
from T
The best solution is to use UNION
select colA from your_table
select colB from your_table;
If you want to find the duplicate then use the EXISTS as follows:
If I correctly understand words: objective is to get the uniqueness even on multiple columns, number of columns may vary, table can contain 2, 3 or more columns.
In this case you have several options, for example you can unpivot values, sort, pivot and take unique values. The exact code depends on Oracle version.
Second option is listagg(), but it has limited length and you should use separators not appearing in values.
Another option is to compare data as collections. Here I used dbms_debug_vc2coll which is simple table of varchars. Multiset except does main job:
with t as (select rownum rn, col1, col2, col3,
sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(col1, col2, col3) as coll
from test )
select col1, col2, col3 from t a
where not exists (
select 1 from t b where b.rn < a.rn and a.coll multiset except b.coll is empty )
dbfiddle with 3-column table, nulls and different test cases

If oracle table1 is empty then output table2 else output table1 itself; No columns on both the tables are common

I have two different table:
Table1, Table2.
Two tables have different columns and nothing in common. What I am looking to get is
if Table1 is empty/null then
output Table2
output table1
Is it possible to get it done in Oracle? Any leads would be appreciated.
Accordingly to your phrase:
if Table1 is empty/null then output Table2 else output table1
I think the solution is (I briefed Table1, Table2 by A, B respectively ):
--I created this tables to test the solution
create table A( id number, val varchar2(5));
create table B( code varchar2(5), event_dt date);
insert into b(code, event_dt)
values ('test', sysdate);
select b.code, to_char(b.event_dt,'yyyy-mm-dd')
from b
where not exists (select 1 from a)
select to_char(id), to_char(val)
from a
--now insert data on the other table (to test purposes)
insert into A(id, val)
values(1, 'TestA');
--run the query(1) again
The key is "union", kind of repeat your query when the first portion deals to no data
Please remember to CAST your columns to achieve the same DATA-TYPES required by UNION
Best regards.

Oracle - Deleting or inserting rows via cursor

Apologies in advance, I am occasional Oracle user. I have put together a lookup table used by various functions/procedures and need to keep refresh this once a day with rows that either need removing or inserting. I have put together the following simply queries that return the columns against which I can determine the required action. Once I have returned my deletion data, I then need to delete from table A all records where the site_id and zone_ids match. I cant figure out the best way to achieve this, I have thought about running the select statements as cursors, but am not sure how I then delete the rows from table A using the site_id and zone_id from each record returned.
Query That returns records to be deleted from Table_A
SELECT site_id,zone_id,upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_A
(SELECT site_id,zone_id, upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_B#remote_db
SELECT site_id,zone_id,upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_C);
Query That returns records to be Inserted into Table_A
SELECT cluster_id, site_id,zone_id, upper(trigram),upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_B#remote_db
WHERE site_id is NOT NULL
SELECT cluster_name,site_id,zone_id,upper(trigram),upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_A
You can use your statements directly in the manner shown below:
(SELECT site_id, zone_id, upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_A
(SELECT site_id, zone_id, upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_B#remote_db
SELECT site_id, zone_id, upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_C));
SELECT cluster_id, site_id, zone_id, upper(trigram), upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_B#remote_db
WHERE site_id is NOT NULL
SELECT cluster_name, site_id, zone_id, upper(trigram), upper(ebts_switch_name)
FROM Table_A;
Best of luck.
I can't understand what do you mean by first query, cause it's almost same as
FROM table_a
FROM table_a
means empty record set.
But generally, use DELETE syntax
FROM table_a
WHERE (col1, col2) IN (SELECT col1, col2
FROM table_b);
And INSERT syntax
INSERT INTO table_a (col1, col2)
SELECT col1, col2
FROM table_b;

subquery returning row in HQL

I want to do following:
INSERT INTO Table0(value1, value2)
(SELECT t1.something1 FROM Table1 t1 WHERE = :t1id),
(SELECT max(t2.something2) FROM Table2 t2 WHERE t2.some = :t2Some)
FROM Table1, Table2
But hibernate complains that I want to insert entity (Table1) as string (value1). It looks like subqueries in HQL returns entities instead of column values. Can I force it not to do so?
I know, that I can do like:
INSERT INTO Table0(value1, value2)
SELECT t1.something1, max(t2.something2) FROM Table1 t1, Table2 t2 WHERE ...
but it generates bad SQL for Oracle, because there is HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL in SELECT and Oracle does not allow to do so.
It looks like first query works now, maybe it was about Hibernate version.

Getting Error in query

update tablename set (col1,col2,col3) = (select col1,col2,col3 from tableName2 order by tablenmae2.col4) return error
Missing ). The query works fine if I remove the order by clause
ORDER BY is not allowed in a subquery within an UPDATE. So you get the error "Missing )" because the parser expects the subquery to end at the point that you have ORDER BY.
What is the ORDER BY intended to do?
What you probably have in mind is something like:
UPDATE TableName
SET (Col1, Col2, Col3) = (SELECT T2.Col1, T2.Col2, T2.Col3
FROM TableName2 AS T2
WHERE TableName.Col4 = T2.Col4
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TableName2 AS T2 WHERE TableName.Col4 = T2.Col4);
This clumsy looking operation:
Grabs rows from TableName2 that match TableName on the value in Col4 and updates TableName with the values from the corresponding columns.
Ensures that only rows in TableName with a corresponding row in TableName2 are altered; if you drop the WHERE clause from the UPDATE, you replace the values in Col1, Col2, and Col3 with nulls if there are rows in TableName without a matching entry in TableName2.
Some DBMS also support an update-join notation to reduce the ghastliness of this notation.
