Laravel 9 Calculate minute difference same_id - laravel

I have a column with id and a column with timestamp and a state column, every time the state changes it writes a time in the timestamp column, I want a calculation of the time difference between the various states, for example if it is less than 15 minutes it is ok, if more than 15 minutes is not ok, how can I do to automate it?
it works perfectly but now i need to specify the same same_id to not count all of the table but only the time referring to the same same_id
<td>2023-01-11 15:26:23</td>
<td>2023-01-11 15:26:55</td>
<td>2023-01-11 15:27:06</td>
<td>2023-01-11 15:27:19</td>
<td>2023-01-11 15:29:05</td>

If you use Carbon, you should take a look at diffInMinutes method (read more about that here)
echo (new Carbon\Carbon('2023-01-11 15:26:23'))->diffInMinutes((new Carbon\Carbon('2023-01-11 15:28:55'))); // 2
If you want to do it with plain PHP, please have a look at this answer:
With the data you provided, I think one way to get it is the following:
#foreach((array)$tickets_logs as $i => $ticket_log)
<td>{{ $ticket_log['id'] }}</td>
<td>{{ __($ticket_log['states']) }}</td>
<td>{{ $ticket_log['time_stamp'] }}</td>
{{ (new Carbon\Carbon($tickets_logs[$i - 1]['time_stamp']))->diffInMinutes((new Carbon\Carbon($ticket_log['time_stamp']))) }}
read more about loop variables here


sum in blade how to do it for the subtotal of two tables?

i found out a way by someone asking a question, of a way of producing subtotals, i now just wanted to sum values between two tables , in the code from the person i tested and it works perfectly, i just wanted to aggregate more one table to any of the querys , it's summing on the blade.
//resumed controller
public function index() {
$emphayas = DB::select('select * from emphayas');
$treasuries = DB::select('select * from treasuries');
return view('database',['emphayas'=>$emphayas,
//resumed blade
<table class=" ">
<th class="py-3 bg-cyan-400">Total</th>
<td class="py-3 bg-cyan-400">available_for_use_month</td>
#foreach ($emphayas as $emphaya)
<td>{{ $emphaya->available_for_use_month}}</td>
<td>{{ \App\Models\Emphaya::sum('available_for_use_month') }}
<table class=" ">
<th class="py-3 bg-cyan-400">Total</th>
<td class="py-3 bg-cyan-400">available_for_use_month</td>
#foreach ($treasuries as $treasury)
<td>{{ $treasury->available_for_use_month}}</td>
<td>{{ \App\Models\Treasury::sum('available_for_use_month') }}
in this case what i want to do is connect the total of treasury to emphyas
<td>{{ \App\Models\Emphaya::sum('available_for_use_month') + \App\Models\Treasury::sum('available_for_use_month') }}

Please assist i want to loop through two database tables and view them in a blade.I want records to appear according to dates with in different column

All i want is to show debit and credit according to dates. I want debit to show only if there's new record added and also credit to show only if there's changes in the accounts. I have used observer to check if column is dirty.
here is my blade
<table class="table table-striped">
<thead style="background-color: #0b8a83;color:rgb(0, 0, 0);">
#foreach ($monthlyInst as $keyy)
<td>{{ date('d/M/y', strtotime($keyy->updated_at)) }}</td>
<td>R {{ $keyy->Installment }}</td>
#foreach ($history as $account)
<td>{{ date('d/M/y', strtotime($account->updated_at)) }}</td>
<td>{{ $account->accountname }}</td>
<td>R {{ $account->newpaid }}</td>
<td>R {{ $account->newbal }}</td>
<td>Outstanding Balance</td>
<td><b>R {{ $totalbal }}</b></td>

Calculate difference in minutes between created_at and current time in Laravel

I want to show in a field the time someone is waiting, and I want to do that by subtracting created_at time by current time in minutes
this is my table
<th scope="col">Ordernummer</th>
<th scope="col">E-mail</th>
<th scope="col">Kenteken</th>
<th scope="col">Wachttijd</th>
<th scope="col">Status</th>
#foreach($orders as $order)
<th scope="row">{{ $order->ordernumber }}</th>
<td scope="row">{{ $order->email }}</td>
<th scope="row">{{ $order->numberplate }}</th>
<td scope="row">{{ $order->created_at }}</td>
<td scope="row">
#if( $order->status == 0)
And where this is written <td scope="row">{{ $order->created_at }}</td>
I want to show there the difference in minutes.
Thanks already
I assume your $order->created_at is Carbon instance, so you can use:
<td scope="row">{{ $order->created_at->diffInMinutes(\Carbon\Carbon::now()) }} minutes ago</td>
if $order->created_at is pure mysql format not Carbon instance just convert/create it:
\Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order->created_at)->diffInMinutes(\Carbon\Carbon::now())
You can use Carbon to calculate difference in minutes like so
<td scope="row">{{ now()->diffInMinutes($order->created_at) }}</td>
you can use Carbon::diffInMinutes to get the minutes differnt,
or you can use Carbon::diffForHumans to get more readable statement
// that would be: 5
and this would be: 5 minuets ago

Add numbering to the view that contain condition

I have a problem where I want to add index numbering at my table but the table content have #if($t1,t2,t3,..etc > 0) condition on it, if I hard code the number in view, if it meets $t1,t2,t3,..etc < 0, it will skip the index number
<th>Subject name</th>
<th>No. of students</th>
<tr class="gradeX">
<td><a href="{{url('/admin/technology-and-informationsystem')}}" target="_blank">Technology & Information System</td>
<td style="text-align:center">{{ $t1 }}</td>
<tr class="gradeX">
<td><a href="{{url('/admin/discrete-structure')}}" target="_blank">Discrete Structure</td>
<td style="text-align:center">{{ $t2 }}</td>
The output should show the numbering without skipping any number even it skip the condition.
You could move the #if-conditions to only surround the table data that you don't want to be visible unless the condition is met. If I understand your question correctly, you want to show every row with their number and only show the rest of the row if the condition is met. If this is what you want, you could do:
<tr class="gradeX">
<td><a href="{{url('/admin/technology-and-informationsystem')}}" target="_blank">Technology & Information System</td>
<td style="text-align:center">{{ $t1 }}</td>
<tr class="gradeX">
<td><a href="{{url('/admin/discrete-structure')}}" target="_blank">Discrete Structure</td>
<td style="text-align:center">{{ $t2 }}</td>

Laravel+vuejs, how to loop inside table td tag?

Below shows my data. I am trying to loop Item inside table <td> tag so that it forms two items in one column.
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr v-for="use in" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td v-for="a in use.item">
{{ }},
But when I do the codes above, it produce another column just like below picture. How do I put the Desk and Chair sits together in one column?
Hi just use a span tag in side td here is my solution, p or div tag are block tags, if you are using bootstrap 4 just set class to span inline-block or inline
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr v-for="use in" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<span v-for="a in use.item"> {{ }}, </span>
v-for crates another elemenrs for you in each iteration. Use join function to display together
<tr v-for="use in" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
{{ use.item.join(", ") }},
Output would be Desk, Chair
We can do this with using lodash
<tr v-for="use in" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
{{, 'name').join(", ") }}
