How can I get pipeline details instead of ID in spinnaker? - continuous-integration

I am triggering pipeline through webhook and I got the only event id like below
and I am trying to get pipeline details through eventId, I am not able get the details.
Is there any way to get details using eventId?
I am trying to get pipeline details using eventId like:

You need to use a different endpoint and query to retrieve the details of the pipeline execution.
Replace the TRIGGER_TYPE to webhook.


Snowflake check query status fail with no default role

I am trying to design an executeQuerySynchronously() method. I first execute the query by make a POST request to execute the query Asynchronously, which returns a response including the statementhandle of that execution. I then keeps checking the status of that query by making a GET request to that statementHandle.
I was able to make the POST request, a response was successfully returned. However, I couldn’t make the GET request. And I got this error: “No default role has been assigned to the user, contact a local system administrator to assign a default role and retry.”
My question is:
1.Does a GET request absolutely need the role specified? If so, there’s nothing documented on Snowflake SQL API about specifying a role. The POST request has documentation however on specifying the role in request body. Or is it automatically assumed to use the default role?
2.Or is this error caused by other reason?
3.How do I solve this?
The user executing the query on Snowflake must have a role, either implicitly as their default role or defined explicitl

Using EventHandler to warn a user that their session is ending

I have been trying to warn the user that their session is about to end using dialogflow CX. But I can't get it to respond to me, without the user making a request first.
Is there any way to do this without the user making a request first?
For your use case, if you’ve integrated your agent to your custom application, you can do your own implementation to create a timer that tracks the session time of the user and display a warning on your custom application that the user’s session is ending soon. This approach must be done on your custom application’s side and does not require the use of Dialogflow.
Alternatively, you can use the timer that tracks the session time of the user on your custom application to send a detectIntent request containing the current session ID of the user to your agent to trigger an event. This lets your agent send a response to the user within the same session without having the user to first send a request.
Inside your flow, select the page you want to add a custom event to. Then, click the “Add route type” button to add the Event handlers if not yet added.
Click on the + sign beside “event handlers” field and select any event.
Tick the check box beside “Use custom event”.
Add the name of the custom event you want to use.
Here’s a sample detectIntent request that triggers a custom event using REST API:
Sample URL for detect intent API:
Make the following replacements for the URL:
project-id: your GCP project ID
agent-id: your agent ID
session-id: your session ID
Sample JSON Request Body should look like this:
"queryInput": {
"event": {
"event": "custom-event-name" // custom event to be triggered
"languageCode": "en"
"queryParams": {
"timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles"
You can refer below for more information on:
Custom events
For more samples on detect intent calls, please refer to this link.
To integrate your agent with your own application, you can use Dialogflow CX’s Client Libraries, Rest API, or RPC API.

Classroom API Invitations.list does not return userId field

A short description of the issue: userId field is not present in the invitations.list and invitations.get response.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Create a course in google classroom
Authenticate in google OAuth2.0 playground
Send a request to list all sent invitations.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? If you see error messages, please provide them. I expected to get the userId as a part of the response. After authentication and sending the request to the "*my course id*" I get the following response:
"nextPageToken": "*next page token*",
"invitations": [
"courseId": "*course id*",
"role": "STUDENT",
"id": "*invitation id*"
However, the documentation states that there should also be a "userId" field, which I am not seeing here.
The same thing happens when I use the "Try this API" section in the documentation. The response code is 200 but there is no userId.
It appears that the only the users that have not accepted an invitation have their user IDs appear.
This could be a bug...
The documentation for the invitations resource doesn't make it clear as to whether this is intended behaviour or not. I used the Try this API feature of the invitations.list method and I was able to retrieve the userId for some users, not not others. I followed up my search and it appears you have already filed this issue with Google on Issue Tracker:
Invitations.list does not return userId field
Things to do:
To make sure that you're always receiving the userId when it is available, you can specify in the request to retrieve all response fields with a wildcard (*). You can test this on the Try this API feature by entering the courseId, expanding Show standard parameters and entering a * in the fields box.
Note: As this appears to be a bug, using the wildcard is not a solution; but something that may be helpful for users if attempting to retrieve a response key that isn't default.
REST Resource: invitations | Google Classroom API
Method invitations.list | Google Classroom API
Invitations.list does not return userId field | Google Issue Tracker

batchPath for Members insert api

We would like to insert group members via batch job.
URL for single request is following
Currently we are using following url for batch
But as per blog
Change the endpoint from to<api>/<version>
What is updated batchPatch for insert group members via batch request

Reading query strings from GET inside Spring web flow

Im continuing a spring web flow, using execution key. (an order paypal payment)
and would need to read query strings from get. &TokenID and &PayerID
this is how the URL looks like where Paypal redirects user after confirming payment:
if eventID is approved, my flow redirects to a payment confirmed state. This part is working.
I just need to get the query string parameters somehow.
Any way to do this?
I'm assuming you are trying to access the request parameters in the flow definition xml file. You can access the params using the EL variable requestParameters.
<evaluate expression="someService.doSomething(requestParameters.TokenID, requestParameters.PayerID)" />
The link above didn't work for me, but I was able to find the relevant page at this address:
4.4.6. requestParameters
