Secure laravel api - laravel

I have implemented api with laravel
I use passport for authentication
I need to allow only my apk to request this api
Can any one help me with an idea
I use https but is there any other secure method

You need to create a passport client. Any other requests to your API other than from the approved client, will be rejected by the API.
You can find information to setup a client on this link


How to prevent exposing client secret when using laravel passport?

I'm trying to implement laravel's passport to protect my api routes and I have a case where the route should be inaccessible unless it is called by an authorized application. I am trying to use Client Credentials Grant Tokens and using postman I am able to generate an access token, which then I can use for access authorization.
The problem is - I don't understand how should I safely use this with Vue and axios. I have my component in which I need to call this api, I can of course set a form body including all the necessary fields (client_id, client_secret and grant_type) but that would mean that anyone could just open up chrome dev tools and search for client_secret in the source and they would get the hardcoded client secret, which would grant them access to the api. What is the right way to do this?
It depends on how you use your Vue frontend.
If it is a frontend mostly for your own site, but sometimes needs to access an external API, than you should have your backend make the API calls and store secrets there.
If you are developing a Vue frontend dedicated to the external API, but running on a different domain, you could go for the PKCE option:
If you have a frontend on the same domain as the API, use the CreateFreshApiToken option provided by Laravel passport.

API Security for a Laravel+Nuxt.js project

I have a website which is based on a Laravel backend api and a Nuxt.js frontend app.
The laravel app is served at Till now the api was open, meaning everyone can make a get request. There are almost no post requests.
I know need to implement a login mechanism for the users (Usual login+register and facebook login).
My question is about how would I go to make this process secure. Do I need Laravel Passport (or other similar mechanism)?
My thought is that, say I have an endpoint (POST), I do not want anyone to be able to just make a post request and create an account. I need to have some sort of security like a csrf token. I know I can use CORS but that doesn't really provide much of security in this case.
You can use jwt like this or laravel passport.

How can I create HTTP API Key based authentication in laravel passport

I'm new to Laravel. I learnt, Passport allows to authenticate API using OAuth2. But I needed solution to use API-Key in Passport to authenticate.
Can anyone provide any resource and information how could I achieve solution?

Laravel API Auth with Passport and React

I have a Laravel 5.5 Application that's using the session based auth out of the box. On some of these pages I have react components that need to get/post data from/to an API.
What is the best practice for handling this? Do I simply hide the API endpoints behind the auth? This would work but should I be using Laravel Passport for this instead?
I've had a play with Passport and it seems that this would work but I don't need users to be able to create clients and grant 3rd party applications permission etc. There is just the first party react app consuming the data from inside the laravel application (view).
From my initial experimenting with it, it seems I'd need to have the login call made first to receive an access token to then make further calls. As the user will already be authenticated in the session is there an easier way?
I'm not sure if Passport is intended to be used for this purpose or not. I'd rather take the time to get it right now as I'd like to get the foundations right now if the app scales.
You can proxy authentication with Passport. Using the password grant type users would still log in with their username/password, then behind the scenes make an internal request to Passport to obtain an access token.
Restrict what routes are available when registering in a service provider by passing in:
Passport::routes(function ($router) {
That limits access to personal tokens and refresh tokens only. A client will be created when you run php artisan passport:install.
Setup a middleware to merge the password grant client id and secret in with the request, then make a call to the authorization endpoint. Then it's just a matter of returning the encrypted token and observing the Authorization header for requests to your api.

How do I keep by backend secure from third party clients

I want to use Ionic to connect with a Laravel rest API. As far as I know I should use OAuth to authenticate the user. How does this stop other clients/requests from accessing my rest API?
For instance if someone created another Ionic app or anything and requested a OAuth token.
AFAIK there's still no way to perfectly protect your API source. As you mentioned, OAuth is one way to help protection.
I often use JWT, aka. JSON Web Token with token-refresh which expires right after one use. You can check out my short tutorial on using JWT with Laravel and AngularJS, which is absolutely same with Ionic.
